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First Names!


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last time i was caught up on these posts there was some talk about how the naming system would work. i remember something to the effect that only one person would be able to have a certain FIRST name, so that people could rp with family names. has that changed, because if it hasnt that means the chances of me getting the name i want have decreased significantly...

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Yeah thats what i'm worried about. but i have 3 first names thought out. and they're all good. and since i'm getting the game when it first comes out i doubt ALL 3 will be taken. i wouldn't be supprised if the names aren't taken for a few weeks if not months. I do know Greek :) so i can pick Greek names too. so unless some other Greek SOB thinks of the names i'm thinking of then i should be fine. :)

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I always have names, so if anyone has problems coming up with one, I can throw a couple out there for you. I will admit though, my last names are not nearly as good as the first names I come up with. I have a few names set aside for myslf though. Considering that I will be starting day one, on the east coast......all you Pacific people will have to find your own names, cause us east coasters get first dibs. ;P


Gotta love the time zones.:D

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Yeah i did read that games were banned in Greece. i dont know if that was final and they really can't play or if they were thinking about it. But i haven't been to Greece since 96. And when my family calls family that live in Greece i'm not gonna waste there time and ask them if games are banned.


I remember i talked to one of my cousins from Greece. and in 96 he bought a playstation when i was there in greece and like 2-3yrs ago when i talked to him on the phone the first think i asked him was if he still had the playstation. hahah he was like "what? you haven't talk to me in years and thats the first thing u say to me?"


haha what can i say i didn't know what to ask him.


ummmmm ok anyways i'm getting off topic. Yeah my name will be unique....ummmmmm so ..... i should be fine.. yeeeeah i'll be just fine.

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GreekJedi: yes, there was a proposal to outlaw certain games with a too much violence in Greece, but the proposal got too much critique, and was abandoned, as far as I know. I'm not entirely up to date with Greek national politics, though. There are limits to my power. ;)

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werent computer games band a while back in greece or was that somewhere else

Almost correct.


There was a proposal to remove all games really. Even playing on a GameBoy publically could result in $15-17,000 (or was it $70.000) in fine and/or up to 4 years in prison ... even if you were a tourist. :eek:


If you search the Off-Topic forum waaaay back, you can find a thread about this which will give you much more detailed and accurate info than I just gave you. :D

But essentially , the law was gonna be really strict.


It was passed down however, cause of the outrage among the people, International gaming community, and even other countries I do believe, that it created.

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

Ah yes, that was it. lol :p


But the trouble was, the ones that sat and decided what was gambling and what wasn't, couldn't see what was and what wasn't, so they wanted to ban everything. :p:D



i bet the people who decided that must be the stuupidest people in the world if they dont know the difference between games and gambling
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You would be suprised at the stupidity of people sometimes.


Not just in greece, but everywhere in the world a coalition of biased concerned moms and dads is rising up. They want to ban television, gaming and .....other evil stuff that does so called "bad things" to their children. ;)


Well, thats not entirely true....:joy: , but it looks that way sometimes.

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