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I've played a LOAD of mods and seen some great custom weapons, but I've seen some really ****ty ones too. I just want to see if you're going to be making any progress on weapons in the game soon... Such as skins, sprite developement, or maybe some information on where you are. Also, I want the fist to work! SERIOUSLY, WITHOUT A DAMAGE FIST THIS MOD WILL SUCK! But, considering how far you've come I must say I'm impressed. NICE SNOWTROOPER MODEL!!! I do want to suggest some better textures on the Pig, but other than that I'm glad you've made your own models instead of using ones off JediKnightII.net

I'm enthusiastic paticularly about this mod becuase you are using the JediKnightII engine which is a VERY AWSOME ONE! I wanted to see it's modability in use. Please update me on the following questions and suggestions. THANKS!


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thanks Temujin


skin progress on the weapons is coming along. We've only got a couple of guys doing weapon skins and one of them is really busy with college right now, so progress is slow. As soon as we get one finished you can be assured there will be an update.


Weapon EFX (sprites as you called them) have made some progress, but until we get the weapon code a little more done it isn't worth spending too much time adjusting the EFX just yet. I have done some preliminary work but I'm waiting for the code team to finish up some real life projects before they make some more progress on the weapon code.


We are totally redoing the whole FIST weapon piece (replacing the stun baton) and it will definately do damage. How much isn't decided upon yet, but rest assured it's under way.


That's about all I can offer at this point. College is taking most of the teams time unfortunetly, so hang in there, spring break is coming soon!





Originally posted by Temujin


I've played a LOAD of mods and seen some great custom weapons, but I've seen some really ****ty ones too. I just want to see if you're going to be making any progress on weapons in the game soon... Such as skins, sprite developement, or maybe some information on where you are. Also, I want the fist to work! SERIOUSLY, WITHOUT A DAMAGE FIST THIS MOD WILL SUCK! But, considering how far you've come I must say I'm impressed. NICE SNOWTROOPER MODEL!!! I do want to suggest some better textures on the Pig, but other than that I'm glad you've made your own models instead of using ones off JediKnightII.net

I'm enthusiastic paticularly about this mod becuase you are using the JediKnightII engine which is a VERY AWSOME ONE! I wanted to see it's modability in use. Please update me on the following questions and suggestions. THANKS!


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I love the way you guys have so much response time. Anyway, I think that it's great how you guys have assured fist damage. Thank God... What colleges are you going to? How the hell do you find time to do this ****?:blast9::fire2:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hate to complain, but looking at the weapon models, I do have a few sugestions. The big one is the concusion rifle. In DF, that is a slim sexy beast, but it looks like a cannon from the picture of it. That, the the repeaters stock seems a tad too bent and short.


Those are just my opinions, but I liked how they looked in the original DF. There are some nice renders of most of the weapons in the hint manuel.


However, you are making the mod, not me, and the shape of a weapon won't matter, it will still be the best mod there is!

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Katarn07 wrote:

Will you make the repeater in the mod shoot as fast as

in JK?


I don't remember the repeater in JK, but compared the one from DF: Yes, even a tick faster ;-)

We took the weapon logic of the JO Heavy Repeater and just changed the color of the primary weapon. The secondary weapon fire needed a modification of the code, but it's still firing too slowly, we have to make it twice faster.


EnforcerSG wrote:

Do the shells(?) move? Or would it happen so fast you dont see it?


You mean the shell charges loading mechanism? You're right, I can't see them moving ;-)

To be honest, we already have been thinking of it, but it's not yet implemented.

The movement could be seen on secondary fire, but I doubt it would be slow enough to be noticed on primary fire.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, pretty nice of you to give us some screenshots... Perhaps you'd post some more for us? Anyway, I hope you can work on the secondary fire ****, and I hope you can get rid of the darn pistol to stop that gay charge up that is supposed to be disabled.:headbump

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What? No, don't get rid of the charge-up on the Bryar. Considering the vastly improved enemy A.I. and the vastly more inaccurate stormtrooper rifle in JO, taking away the ability to charge up Bryar shots would make things very difficult before you get more powerful weapons.

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How to modify weapons...


Like with any other weapon, the first step is to find a weapon in JO that has a similar logic.

The lightsabre does not exist in DF and therefore has to be replaced. Since it has similar movements, cuts through material and also has no firing function (that emits projectiles like most of the other weapons), it is indeed a good candidate.


The next step is to create a 3D model (a pair of MD3 and GLM for first person and "external" view) of the Axe.


Then a texture artists will paint the corresponding skin textures and perhaps (s)he or someone else will create a shader to have the blade look like reflecting metal with some spots and scratches.


In parallel a coder will modify the MP source code functions to replace the lightsabre by the axe.

That means to modify the sounds, the damage point settings, the movements, enable/disable, remove the glow effect on walls, etc.


Finally all the files will be put together, tested and fixed before appearing in the MOD you'll get for download later.




P.S. The Imperial Repeater is finished I think, it is my still favorite weapon although the plasma charges of the JO Heay Repeater have a nice effect ;-)

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Really,... I thought magical fairies were going to sprinkle pixie dust on an old copy of Dark Forces and instantly Zap them into the Mod! :rolleyes:


What I was really asking was if you're planning on making the axe, and if so, would you make it a usable weapon?

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The current model of the Gammorean has no axe, so we most probably will do one for it.

But I don't think we will make it available to Kyle in the DF MOD since he has to carry already dozens of blasters and ammo packs ;-) and the axe would only handicap him.



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Uh... That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard! I think if you have a weapon script and an AXE MODEL you gotta make it into a useable weapon even if you made a cheat to access it. HOLY SHEET FRACMAN, what the hell were you thinking? I mean, handicap? I wanna cut those fuqas up! Anyway, I'd LOVE to see more screenshots like I had said, and I also wanna know if you'll fix the charge up problem considering it only appears to charge in the demo & actually increases no damage. THANKS


Edit: Please try not to double post, and if you do so, delete one of them. Also please do not be so rude, especially to members of the team. Thankyou.

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I think he meant handicap as in:


You have several ranged weapons... many with rapid fire, some extremely hazardous to use. If you're stuck in an area being shot at with blasters, cannons, and anything else that goes *BANG*...


Hmmmm.... Imperial Repeater.... or an Axe.


I myself would take the Repeater. Now if it was a Lightsaber.... well, that's a different story. :D

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