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French and Indian War


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Just curious who really knows this...it's quite interesting, I guess....and I don't even like history that much.






Who actually started the French and Indian War? I'm not talking who declared, who signed, but who and what event with that person actually lead to the starting of the war?

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Well im french canadian and i know the settlers were at war with natives, british and US if i recall.


I know that Iroquois attacked the french settlers in 1641, that war lasted 25 years.


Dunno how it started...im sure they wanted their land back or they got screwed over some deal ;).

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I know that the French and the Indians joined forces to wipe out the Brittish. I don't know why it wasn't called the French and Indian versus the Brittish war. Makes no sense. It also either took place up north or had to do with territories up north.


I know George Washington was charged to settle the dispute or something like that. Washington did something but it has been 5 years since I learned about that.



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Correct :) George Washington. The British/English (or whoever he was with) was wanting a war with the other, but needed an excuse. Washington attacked a French patrol, and killed an officer. Washington was then captured. Three things could happen, they would all die, slavery, or they go home. The French guy said he'd let Washington and his men go home if he signed a surrender sheet that said they were no longer allowed to fight. Washingston agreed...but couldn't read French. At the bottom of the sheet, a paragraph stating a confession that Washingston assissinated a French Officer (which was the brother of whoever captured him) was found. Washingston signed, the sheet was sent back to wherever...and France then went to the British/English.


The French was saying "See? You're men are assassinating officers! Give us more [whatever they wanted]!"


The British/English saw this as the perfect excuse to go to war, and the French and Indian War began.




George Washingston later become the first President of the USA.



Here is the story more detailed.



With the tensions already riding high, the French began to build litle Fort Le Boeuf downriver from Fort Duquesne, near Lake Erie. The English at this time claimed this land as their own. After some debate, the English decided to send a certain Major George Washington to the region of Fort Duquesne and evict the French. Washington, then 22 years old, headed a small party through the woods. While advancing, he came upon a party of French who were probably scouts. Washington gave the order to fire, and in the battle that ensued 10 French were killed, and some 22 captured. This, of course, was at a time of official peace. Washington was accused by the French of coldly leading an assasination of those men who were killed, and in fact even tricked Washington into signing a document that was translated into saying that he had attacked the party. In fact, the document he signed stated that he had Assasinated, rather than Attacked the party.

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Originally posted by BigTeddyPaul

I know that the French and the Indians joined forces to wipe out the Brittish. I don't know why it wasn't called the French and Indian versus the Brittish war. Makes no sense. It also either took place up north or had to do with territories up north.


I know George Washington was charged to settle the dispute or something like that. Washington did something but it has been 5 years since I learned about that.



its called the french and indian war here in america. over in europe its the 7 year war and Queen Anne's war.
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Originally posted by AcrylicGuitar

Who cares. I'm white...and i dont mind people calling me a cracker. :)


White people get called cracker? Never had that happen to me. :D


And the French made him admit to assassination and he didn't even know it. Hehhehheh. That's pretty good.

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