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Monkey Island 5 will be a EGO SHOOTER?


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Hi! My first post here.


I have heard that Monkey Island 5 will be something like an EGO SHOOTER!

Do you guys think thats true?

Have you heard that too?


I think it should be like Mi1 and Mi2 with the .... damn i've got "black out". I mean the old iventary system and to speak with people etc. .

Lost the name.....



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No, I don't think that Monkey 5 will be a shooter. Monkey 5 will be an adventure, sure ;) Maybe Monkey 5 will have a modern touch like FT2 or Sam&Max 2, but will be an adventure. LucasArts will not change the genere of the game because the fans will duel with they in an insult duel and will win them :D :D

¡Grog, grog, grog!

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Monkey Island 5 may have been (kind of) confirmed, but no details have been given out from LucasArts at all. Any rumours that you have heard are NOT true - not unless you heard it from the mouths of LEC, anyway.

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as far as we know, all MI5 is at the moment is a project to tackle in the future and nothing more. no story, no graphics, no genre desicion, at least that is what i and all of the other people here know. they have sort of stated that there will be an MI5, but apart from that, there is nothing.

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*Sob sob* Looks like there are no signs of an MI5 then.....




*Thinks back to Escape from Monkey Island...*


Say, didn't the Voodoo Priestess state that she had a 5-GAME UNBREAKABLE CONTRACT WITH LUCAS ARTS???!!!!???? :D:):D:):D:)


And y'all KNOW it's unbreakable... ;)


Things aren't so bad after all!!!!

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Originally posted by Wubbel

we have a game show here in germany i have heard it from there.

So Wubbel... How reliable are gameshows nowadays? Especially ones from Germany. (No offense, OK?). I think that they were purely promoting a rumour so they can have more cash in their pockets, but as this is going off-topic I'm gonna shut up now...

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also if production on monkey island started or if there was any idea on it from the people working at MI5, being the official website, we'd be the first to know about it (or at least mixnmojo would and then it would leak into here in a matter of hours).

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Originally posted by Neil Joshi

also if production on monkey island started or if there was any idea on it from the people working at MI5, being the official website, we'd be the first to know about it (or at least mixnmojo would and then it would leak into here in a matter of hours).

Somehow, I think that if mixnmojo heard about any ideas for our Promised Monkey Island 5, it would be in here in a matter of minutes. Or at least it will if people are as excited as I am.... :xp:

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well, you haev to remember that not everyones online all of the time. when mixnmojo gets news of mi5, chances are, it'll go to all of the major mi websites before even getting here (i'm talking about worldofmi, milegend, the scumm bar and BSBC). it would probably take a few hours for someone from here to go on mixnmojo and then post about it here.

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