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From http://www.snopes2.com/


In the 1981 film Raiders of the Lost Ark, one particular scene consistently brings the house down -- Indiana Jones, having survived an elaborate chase through the casbah, is confronted by a swordsman whipping through a flashy routine with a scimitar. With a look of infinite fatigue and disgust, Indy simply pulls out his gun and blows the bad guy away.


That bit flowed not from the pen of a screenwriter but from the desperation of Harrison Ford. His desire to spend less time on this scene and more in a washroom led to an actor-inspired script change that was ultimately worked into the film.



Thats just brilliant! I love Harrison Ford for doing that!!

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Originally posted by Elessar-Eärfalas

i heard this rumor around school, its kind of gross so...ill post it as a spoiler lol


i heard that you cannot go #2 [take a crap] without going #1 [take a piss]....is this true? ive tried to go without #1 but it seems impossible!! anyone else ever heard of this or....tried it? :p

i can do that but it hurts alot.
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