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Good Tunes. Kids!


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Radio Free Saturn is up! Randomly pulling tracks from my 80+ gigs of MP3's, it's the biggest mix of everything on the planet!


Point your Winamp (or WMP... Winamp gives better quality) to http://radiofreesaturn.mine.nu:8000 to tune in! Running 24/7 (assuming neither of my boxes goes down).


Easy Instructions!

1) Open Winamp.

2) Hit CTRL + L

3) Type http://radiofreesaturn.mine.nu:8000 in the box and hit OK.

4) Wait for it to buffer, kick back, and enjoy the good tunes!


Reqest shows will be done from time to time, but by no means on a schedule... And feel free to "call in" (email me) and leave a (preferably short) voice message in MP3 of WAV format! I'll put it on the air, or maybe even into a commercial!

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Nothing gets a party started like classic Loverboy. I can feel the mulletude.


But seriously. I've got almost a hundred gigs of MP3's... There's stuff in there I've probably never heard. This is randomly drawing from a pool of every MP3 file on two different computers.


*wonders who'll be listening when his collection of porn groove stuff comes on*

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