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Bush...... My President


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What happened to that chemical weapon factory? Some anonymous Pentagon employee said that there was as huge camouflaged WOMD-factory somewhere in the desert.


I'd really like to see some footage of that. Why aren't they showing any?


And where are all the happy liberated Iraq citizens? So much talk, so little proof.


I'm confused. Are they all out of film? Did everyone accidentally drop and brake their cameras or what? :confused:

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Well...most goverments, the people and the UN do not agree with you on that.


Not liking Saddam is not reason enough to bomb a country.


There are probably a dozen other countries with mad, fanatic leaders and starving, oppressed people.


If the US is not a hypocrit with ulterior motives, they will continue and drop their bombs in all these countries too, right?


Or perhaps this "bad leader who must be removed"-thingie is spiced with some other motives? Personal vendetta? WOMD's? Oil? Evil Sionist Plot? (LOL!) Opening a new huge market to US companies? etc.etc.


The thing is... before you attack, you should have enough proof. Clearly the US did not come through with that.

The UN said "no", Bush said "whatever, we'll attack anyways". THAT is the problem.

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Since this thread is entitled "Bush...... My President," I thought I'd offer further evidence of the corrupt nature of the Bush administration.


Richard Perle, head of the Defense Policy Board and appointed by D. Rumsfeld, has been exposed as lining his pockets with kickbacks from potential/actual government contractors. Apparently he was to receive a $725, 000 fee for securing a government contract with Global Crossing (the recently bankrupted), $600, 000 of which would be paid once the contract was approved by the Pentagon. I'd call that a serious incentive to influence approval.


This is the same guy that was the foreign policy advisor for Bush during his Presidential campaign.


It should also be noted that this potential contract with Global Crossing is about setting up Homeland Security. Do we really want to trust a company on the same fiscal level as Worldcom and Enron to security of our homeland?


Perle is also a managing partner in Trireme Partners L. P., which invests in businesses that deal with technology, goods and services that have to do with Homeland Security.


This creates a very clear conflict of interest in between his Governmental position as head of the Defense Policy Board and Trireme. He is considered a special government employeed and subject to the federal codes of conduct, which prohibit using position to take make personal profit beyond the governmental pay scale.


These links give more detailed descriptions.


Richard Perle in the Wall Street Journal


Richard Perle in the New Yorker


There is a bit in the New Yorker article about his influence over the whole Iraq War thing as well. But this goes to show that the primary motivations of the members of the Bush Administration (as well as Bush himself) is to make the rich richer.

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