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Tame The Krayt Dragon?? U Must Be Mad!

RocketPack Jack

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Well, Krayt Dragons are officially "non-tameable". They are just too damn big! (the one in that gameplay movie was the size of a jawa crawler!). Though, we have been told that there's a wild discussion amongs both the devs and the beta players whether or not the mighty rancors will be tameable or not...


You won't enjoy housetraining it, though.

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Size should not matter. Krayts should be tameable. Perhaps only by someone that has put every last skill point into the profesasion though. I would love to walk through Mos Eisley riding my pet Krayt. BTW, they'd be nuts not to make Rancors tameable.


As far as Rockets posting spree. I didn't think it was that bad. At least he didn't flip out on everyone and start throwing out four letter words. I'm still quite annoyed by the several incidents we had last month. Grrrr! Their evil ploy is working!

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As long as the posts are more or less on topic , and isn't jibberish, it's not spamming. However, it is not entirely kosher to bring up old threads, for instance, the Jedi threads. These discussions have been brought up time and again, been discussed to their death, and noone is really that interested in bringing them up again. Just a tip for the future.


And well, no Krayt Dragons, due to their nature, should not be tameable. And they would severely block the roads and avenues of all towns, when you go shopping! :)

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Well, at least he didn't post a new thread altogether. Hey I welcome the kid. He hasn't flamed anybody and his posts, generally are on topic. Not that it matters what i say anyway, he's a smart kid, he'll stay around awhile with or without our approval. ;P


Well darn it, I at least want a Rancor. :)

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Originally posted by Thew Rydur

Right.... well just to comment on your posting spree.... you don't have to post on every topic you see, especially ones that are a few months old, they're considered "dead".


Sorry about that. I was really bored last nite, and i have only been looking at the boards until now, so i wanted to give every1 my 2 credits on topics i have sumthing to say about. Thank u 2 4 the warm reception.


If the witches on Dathomir can tame rancors, then creature handlers should be able 2 too.



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On another note...can you tame Ewoks? I would definitely turn to that professsion if you would be able to. Just think how fun it would be to have LIVING teddy bears to...do all your evil deeds. :angel:


If, under the creature taming profession, you can't actually..'tame' them, I guess I'll just go brawler and use a big stick..:devsmoke:

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In what Books are there any info on Krayts? I would like to look into the Jewels, and other info on these creaters.


I will be making a Bothan Tamer, and would love to have some "hardcopy" info so when I go to sell my beast, I can have my RP facts down.


:deathii: Dradle

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