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10 reasons why USA will bomb Iraq *Humor*


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1. Where else could you drive Humvees on sand dunes and pay 5 cents per gallon?


2. Because daddy said: "I'll be back, and since he couldn't, I did..."


3. "Heck we just bombed Afghanistan, since we're on the neighborhood, why not ...?"


4. US and its allies will now try to break they're own one week invasion record.


5. Because it's darn funny to hear Saddam saying he is going kick a$s...


6. "We're too far from Disneyland now, let's go to Iraq!"


7. Because Bush's mom said: "Georgie! Take your feet out of the table! Why aren't you like your dad? Go invade Iraq or something!"


Ok I told you it would be 10 reasons, but I can't think any others, so I'm sure you guys can write some really funny ones... :)

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Originally posted by Elessar-Eärfalas

sorry man, but i just dont think this whole war thing is a very funny topic...:(


Look, I didn't want to be in any way offensive, I am totally against it, some people are favorable to it, others are not. Wars in general IMHO are all simply put: Stupid.


That and the fact I am sick tired of hearing about it on the news and endlessly being debated everywhere you go.


I just wanted to lower the stress level a little bit, sorry if that was taken the wrong way, and even more sorry it'll gonna happen. :(

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