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Moving this weekend.

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Anyway folks, I am moving this weekend. So I won't be here for a couple of days. I just thought I'd let you all know. As far as my RP scenes go, you guys can pose for me in the Mad Zabrak, but please put a hold on Enter the Dark One until I return on Monday. Thanks guys.

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I just moved into my new house (first time home-owner!) in December, so I can definately relate. It's going to be sooo worth it once you get your computer area set up in your new space, lol (everything else can wait). Good luck with it, and if you need any extra boxes, I'll leave my garage open ;)



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Well, anyway, we survived the move, though barely. Now we have to unpack everything for the next ten weeks. :D


Besides that, the PCs back up, but I haven't had time to touch it yet. Grrr!


...and I was getting sooo good at America's Army Online too!

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