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What's your best score for FFA?


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On a clan duel server with 13 people, I once won over two full rounds (frag limit 15) using yellow stance.


I kinda miss playing.


Then again, I don't miss all the online dicks who shouldn't be allowed to own a keyboard.


EDIT: Forgot to tell that I didn't die a single time. Should make it sound more awesome.

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I usually used to get under 100 in FFAs which were sabre only.

I used to play CTF more, and I usually for 2nd or 3rd place from defending. :)

I sometimes used to cap the flag, but I prefered defending and protecting flag carriers. ;)

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Where's everyone play? I wanna get back into the game, but a bunch of the servers I go to are full of jerks. (went to a clan server last night and got beat a few times, and they stopped fighting me. "You lost three times, get lost!"


I need good people to play!

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