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I have a question about Jedi Master Syfodias (or however you spell his name)...

Darth NeoVenom

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i don't think sifo-dyas was ever a member of the jedi council. the person who took his identity, assuming thats what happened, probably told the kaminoans that they were on the council to be able to give an order for an army.

and i do also agree that this question will be answered in EP.III., hopefully.:)

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Originally posted by Katarn07

Anyhow, Shadow Hunter takes place days before the Phantom Menace. I doubt he would get mention in there anyhow. And don't pull out Cloak of Deception, because that took place no more than a year before TPM.


How about "The Approaching Storm"? I just bought that and I'm wondering if that gives any info...

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The fact is that Sifo Dyas existed at some point, the only thing is that there's not that much information on this Jedi. Who knows when he died. I know that Obi-Wan Kenobi said something about Sifo Dyas death. Maybe it'z 10 years ago sometime before The Phantom Menace, maybe right after. I'm not so sure now. I gotta watch Episode II again to see what exactly Obi-Wan said, haha. :D:saberr::dmaul3::sprobe::sithm::holosid:

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To me, it sounds more likely that Count Dooku did that. We already know it was he who hired Jango Fett, and we know that it would have to be him that erased the Kamino datas from the Jedi archives. So basically, it seems Sidious lets Tyranus do all the dirty work, while Sid is "the man with the plan".

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True, Count Dooku was a Jedi Master. He was able to get into the Jedi Academy system files and erased Kamino's data. Count Dooku probably knew who was Sifo Dyas and told Darth Sidious about him. Then, most likely, him or Count Dooku went to Kamino and took up the identity of Sifo Dyas. :saberr::dmaul3::sprobe::sithm::holosid:

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It is all what we are lead to believe. So right at the moment, we can put together that Dooku deleted the data, since he was formerly a Jedi, therefore would have the access to delete it, but don't be surprised if that isn't the case...


As for Sifo Dyas, it is more likely than not that he wasn't a leading member of the Jedi Council, but that is what he told them at Kamino. Still the general opinion is that he died after TPM finished, not before.


Don't take too much of what has been revealed in the two prequel movies so far, we may have everything turned upside down in Episode 3...

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Originally posted by Sivy B





That took place days before AotC, I'm sure. That's the mission Windu was talking about. I have yet to read that one. Maybe my library has it. It's only been a year since it was released, so I don't know...



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