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Is KOTOR your most anticipated game ever?


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Wondering if there was ever a game that really got you going. For me it easily is KOTOR. I mean I get goose bumps when I talk about it. My friends and I have just been clamoring for a SW RPG for sometime now and its almost here. It literally gets us all salivating:eek:


If KOTOR is not it please do discuss which game is it and why?

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You can count me on the list for "Yes, KOTOR is my most anticipated game ever". An RPG for the Star Wars universe, one which is set up in such a way that the freedom is immensive when compared to the other games is really something I'd been hoping to see.


Heck, amongst the things that I am really anticipating is the fact that we'll be creating our very own character in the SW myth. Luke Skywalker is a farmboy because its creator made him that way. Kyle Katarn was gruff, because the script writers wanted it that to be. Keyan Farlander(X-Wing games) is one of the best pilots in the fleet, because the designers wouldn't have it any other way. This time, we will actually be creating a character according to our very own standards. You want a rather naive character? It is a possibility. You want a character who would rather talk things out than immediatley go for his blaster rifle? Done. How about a character who really only cares about himself? Just roleplay it well, and you'll come along just fine.

Yes, the other NPCs will more than likely have their very own personalities(Bastilla Shan, the cocky Jedi apprentice, Jolee Bindo, the eccentric Jedi Master, Carth Onassi, the smuggler with a dark past), but I'm really looking forward to see how they'll react to the character that we'll be creating.

But in the end, it's the thought of creating a character in the Star Wars story, a main character at that, a hero... THAT is really going to be one of the pros for me.


So Character Creation is something I'm very much looking forward to. Furthermore, the ability to wield many weapons the way we want it, is also something I'm anticipating. Guns, Blasters, Rifles, Vibroblades, Thermal Detonators, and of course, the Lightsabers! And even then, we have more options, like dual wielding blasters or customising our very own saber. In my opinion, this game has a damn lot potential.


The game looks sweet, the combat mechanics seem to be well thought out, the story is of epic proportions, the replayability is there... hell, how can I NOT anticipate this game?

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Burrie, you've stated exactly how I feel about this game. Like I said ,SW fans has been asking for a video RPG for years. Frankly I'm surprised it took them this long to achieve the goal. Now that its here all the years of hoping and waiting has created such a big wave of anticipation within me that no game in the past or on the horizon has got me all worked up. I'm not too excited about Galaxies, although I am interested, its just not the same. I like the fact that its centered on a single character in a pivotal moment in the SW universe. Even the mighty Fable isn't getting me all worked up like KOTOR is doing. And frankly that is saying a lot!!

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Yes it is, definitely.


When I first got on these forums(waiting for JPB) there was a forum describe the SW game you'd like them to make. I described something like KOTOR. Then like a month or two later they had the press release. I was so excited.


What really makes me even more excited is the possibility of a sequel. If this game does well imagine the improvements that they'll put in the game. They would have learned so much from the production of the first game, they'd have the time to implement aspects that they might not have had for KOTOR.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. :wipes drool away:

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This game has definitely got me the most excited out of any game ever. The reasons are first of all, it's Star Wars, then it will also have tons of freedom and options. If they execute this game right it will definitely be the best Star Wars game ever and has a good chance to rank up there with the top games ever.


The only other games I've really ever watch before was other SW games and the newest Lord of The Ring games. :)

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Yes without a doubt. Honestly, I never thought I'd see myself in a place like this. Here on the forums talking about a game that's not out yet. I can never recall being more excited about a game before ever. This game has everything I've ever wanted in a SW game....the story, the sabers and the great graphics. :D


Because of the game I work on the site and I mod the forums. This game is the reason why all of this stuff has happened in the first place. I feel extremely lucky to do what I do! :D

It's been a great thing....there's no question about that! :D

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Originally posted by Eets

I wholeheartedly concur with everything that has been said by Leemu and Hannibal thus far. ^_^


Waitaminute.. there's a bikini contest?! :eek:


You aren't getting the pop-ups. I had 2 pop up at one time.

This must mean that I'm really suppose to help judge this thing.

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yeah, i too agree completely with Hannibal and Leemu. i am anticipating this game more than Halo2! mostly because its star wars, but also because it just looks awesome! a really good design and flow to it!


i allready reserved my tent to wait out in front of my local game store!:D j/k, but i will get it the day it comes out!

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Yes. KotoR is the best-looking game I've been looking forward to since Starship Titanic.


Not even JO, definitely not MOO 3 can measure up to the anticipation I've got for this game. I normally haven't payed any attention to RPG's, but maybe this one will get me hooked. Or maybe I'll be so busy playing it, I won't look for any others for quite some time.

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My 3 most antisipated games are:


Jedi Knight Jedi Academy


Starcraft Ghost


I have to say I'm antisipating JKJA the most atm, simply because FPS in my favourite genre. I'm still very much looking forward to KOTOR and Starcraft Ghost is gonna be one hell of a sweet game.

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All this talk about Jedi Academy hasn't persuaded me one bit as of yet. KotOR is still my most anticipated game of all time. I was rather excited about Jedi Outcast when it came close to its release date, but KotOR grabbed my interest from its humble beginnings, and still has. So far, I have a feeling that the character that I'll play will make decisions that have bigger reprecussions than the padawan in Jedi Academy, and well... the character in KotOR will have more character, methinks.

Aye, Jedi Academy is great news, but I'm not hopping around, waiting for it to arrive. That single plight is reserved for KotOR.

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