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How to stop the idiotic RPG elements that will be forced upon you in JK3


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Excellent post Solo4114. I completely agree with everything you said, and it re-inforces my original post about leaving a server if it isn't to your liking. I don't understand why people constantly complain about the way people play, when all they have to do is find another server more suitable to their needs.

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I didn't know the back stab and strafe jump were glitches. But if you can do them, why not. They arn't cheap if evryone can do them and they don't give too much of an advantage to one player.


But servers that don't specify, I think means that they allow anything. The only rules, are the ones that the game itself enforces, like not being allowed to walk on air.


So don't wine when people RP, but don't wine when people kill you when your sabers down. If you don't want to die with your saber down, go to a specified surver. It's that simple.


Sometimes I play casual, and sometimes competative. But usually casual with a little competativeness in there.

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Originally posted by Prime

Good points. And "Honour" also applies to us above the 49th parallel :)


Damn! Forgot about you "commonwealth" folks. Oh well. 54-40 or fight, I always say. :D (P.S. Is Canada -- where I'm assuming you're from -- actually a commonwealth now or what?)


Anyway, one of the main reasons why I posted that little Hono(u)r code there, along with the suggestions to find a group of folks to play with who dig your style of play is so that we can actually have a feeling of community, even with disparate opinions. I've been able to find that in RTCW and BF1942 and it just makes the game SO much more enjoyable, especially if your server is admined well. It's even more fun to open it up to the public and bring in new people who happen to stumble across the server. Unfortunately, finding someone with the infrastructure to host a real server can be tricky (as opposed to using your own PC as a server, which really isn't viable for good gaming). Regardless, it can still be fun to get a group of folks together and go find a pub to play on. It's like being part of a clan, but without the structure of a clan (IE: no practices, no required competitions, etc.). It leaves you feeling like there really IS a community, even if it doesn't extend much beyond the group of guys you're playing with. (and as long as you've got a full server, who the hell cares what the rest of the world is doing. :) )

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Originally posted by Matariel:


Its bastards like you guys that i dont like to play this game online, if you want a fragfest, play quake okay?

I tell you what, if you don't like being fragged, go play... whatever it is thin-skinned whiner fanboys like to play.


Originally posted by Matariel:


If you want to play like that, play quake or something, jk2 is not that kind of game.

Who says? You? How arrogant. You'll forgive me if I choose to ignore you. I shouldn't even be replying to this drivel this once.


Originally posted by Solo4114:


Do not vote people off of the server unless they are actually cheating in order to win.

This is an invitation to fanboys to kick people off. They ALWAYS think those that win are cheating. Other than that your code of honour seems fine.
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Originally posted by Spider AL

This is an invitation to fanboys to kick people off. They ALWAYS think those that win are cheating. Other than that your code of honour seems fine.


Well, true. I can remember one guy who, after 1.03 came out, was CONVINCED I had a script that turned on absorb when he attacked me. He hadn't read the readme and learned that it was just the blue glow that turned on, not absorb itself.


That said, I'm talking about someone who, say, runs around at like 50 times normal speed, someone who you shoot 5 rockets into and they don't die, etc. Obvious stuff like that. Not "Hey this guy kicked my ass four times, he must be cheating." It's not just if you THINK he's cheating. You should have other people confirm it as well.


By the same token, I should add


Don't blindly vote someone off just because someone SAYS they're cheating or what have you. Ask them to explain it, let the other person defend themselves. IF they say, "HA HA HA!! N00b!! I PwNz0R J00!!! PH34R M3!!!!" well, that's probably a good sign that they are cheating. :) If they say "What the hell? I executed the DFA twice on this guy and he was dumb enough to get hit by it. That's not cheating," then you should think twice about vote kicking. Basically, don't abuse the votekick.

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Public cheats for JK2:


1.02 server crash application.


2 open gl wall hacks (all versions).


A cvar crack to remove cheat protected console cvars for 1.04 (this is actually used heavily on Omni mod servers by some people, but fairly useless in base jk2).


*Supposedly there is a second rate aimbot floating around now but I have yet to actually see it (the file or it in use).


That's it, nothing else and I'm willing to bet 99% of the people reading this didn't even know those I mentioned even existed.



The problem with "kicking people for cheating" in JK2/3 is the way the game play tends to favor "out of the ordinary" looking combos and moves.


Sure every player knows how to kick, but go by a CTF server and ask the vets to show you quad kicking or stop by our FF duel server and I guarantee I could show you combos you have never even seen before.


How this translates into a problem is when these people go to public servers and play.


Trust me when I say we hear a lot of WTF? and YOU'RE HACKING! comments.

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Sure didn't know about those cheats (except for the server crash).


I was playing a few days ago and it seemed this one guy could pull my weapon despite me having absorb on. I wasn't 100% sure about that though... so I called him a LamerH@xor and tried to kickvote him off the server for the rest of the game.


Just kidding. :D But seriously, has anyone experienced this? It was probably my absorb that happened to switch off all those times..or I just ran out of ammo. I dunno. I was drunk. :(

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base jk2 or a mod?

Reason I ask is Vulcan's and Jedi Academy mod have very weird push/pull physics at times.


There are times when I am dead locked on and lit up red (crosshair) and I can literally pull 5 times in a row with no result (at point blank range).


Other times I push and I'm not even remotely aiming in the direction of my target and he gets a full push effect.


I've noticed the "silent absorb" bug is pretty common in Jedi Academy mod too.


If it was base jk2 I'd say it was probably the booze.

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did someone call me a fanboy?

meh, i dont care, the term was made up by some 1337 H4><0r anyways...


All im saying is that i like the saber action in the movies, and i wanna play that in the games, thats why i bought the game, thats why i still play the game, thats why i'll buy and play JA

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Question - did the Jedi and the Sith *BOW* before they started fighting?!


HELL NO, they flew at each other and started hackin.


All of this bowing, saber off crap is a bunch of fabricated goosh! In the movies, if a jedi was sitting there with his saber off, he wouldn't scream out "OMG WTF LAMERZZZ!!!!!" if somebody shot him/sliced him.


Stop sayin that you're "recreating the movies" for god's sake!!!

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Originally posted by Rad Blackrose

Flash back to ye olde days of medieval warfare. Dueling existed back then. And guess what? Anything went. If you could coup de Jarnac your foe, then you won. Fairness in a duel is an oxymoron, at best.

What history books have you been reading? Or havent you gotten up to that stuff in primary(elementary) school?

Duels were the most honerable ways to settle disputes at the time. There were no courts, so they challenged each other to a duel. Same weapons, same distance apart(for guns) with many people watching so no-one cheated. If someone did cheat, they were ususally finished off by the people around.

Try looking up 'Duel' or 'Duelling' in the dictionary or encyclopaedia, you'll find a lot more useful information.


Originally posted by Rad Blackrose

And this didn't start with the Yoda model, get your facts straight.

Im not talking about this current dispute or RPGers vs. 'Killers', im talking about the state of these forums, that little incident got a lot of people pissed off, and made many of the good people on the forums, that contributed much to the community, leave. Thats what im talking about, so get your facts straight.

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Incoming rant, if you have not purchased a shock-resistant helmet courtesy of LucasForums, please do so now.


What history books have you been reading? Or havent you gotten up to that stuff in primary(elementary) school?

Duels were the most honerable ways to settle disputes at the time. There were no courts, so they challenged each other to a duel. Same weapons, same distance apart(for guns) with many people watching so no-one cheated. If someone did cheat, they were ususally finished off by the people around.

Try looking up 'Duel' or 'Duelling' in the dictionary or encyclopaedia, you'll find a lot more useful information.


I stated medieval period, not renaissance period. This is the period with longswords, not the rapier (the best choice of weaponry of fencers, back in the day). The code of Gentlemen did not come until the renaissance.


Duels back in those days were started over the pettiest things, and most of the time the accusations were false.


Thank you for reading, kthxbai.


By the way, nice subtile flame, but don't make me pull out the flamethrower.


Now, for the real rant.




Today, I came on the server I administrate after a bit of mapping to see what was going on, and to get in a few duels before I went back to mapping.


Two players were on the server by the name of Godiva and mtllcARMS, besides the regulars that usually hang around. mtllcARMS challenged me to a duel (please note that I was under my alias, KOS-MOS*ASC*, at the time), and I hammered his butt fair and square.


A few minutes later, Godiva challenged me to a duel, and he was one of the usual idiots. I'm talking attempted yellow undercut spamming and such. Read him like an open book. I ended to the duel by kicking him to the ground, and giving him a red slice right down the middle of him.


After the duel, I get the following words:


"You have no honor."

"I'm never dueling you again, honorless fool."


So, I responded how I read him like an open book, and that anything and everything goes in dueling on our server. He kept throwing around the honor thing, and I just /amsilenced him, and explained that I wouldn't tolerate other's people whining and coming to other servers just to force their "code" on other people. I don't force *ASC* rules on anyone when it comes to the server I administrate.


After the silence, mtllcARMS started whining up a storm, claiming admin abuse and things and that Godiva should be unsilenced. I kicked both of them.


They both came back.


Godiva started whining about honor again and claimed admin abuse.


I banned him.


mtllcARMS saw he had no avenue left to pursue, called us a bunch of fags and honorless pricks, and left before I could ban him too.




It has now gotten to the point that I no longer appreciate the "honor whining" crowd. These are the people who in 1.02 didn't have a clue on how to fight effectively, and instead hid behind a code thinking they were safe. Wrong boat.


I think these code boys pissed off the wrong person now.


Oh, and Solo, that code would be a godsend if followed, but unfortunately people would spinjob that worst then a "hellfire and brimstone" preacher when taking something out of context from the Bible.

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Sigh... the 'honourz' code strikes again.


Having honor is good and swell, but I think one of the attributes of an 'honorable' players is his/her humility. In other words, they do not go around talking to people about honor. Honor is almost an unsaid thing. You talk about it when someone needs it to be explained to them, but then you've got a huge crowd on JO that simply throws the word around. "I say the word honor, therefore I have it and know it". In reality, they are the most dishonorable players. The most dishonorable players are the ones who speak about their honor, join some clan that preaches about it, then accepts a dueling challenge, but 'conveniently' isn't ready to fight. Ever. Pomp and circumstance. People say that the players threatening "fragfest wars" on others are rude or ruthless, but truly the most dishonorable players are the ones who do not respect skills when they see them, regardless if they think the game is of good structure or fun. If you can't win against them, even if they are using something as simple and annoying as backstab, then indeed it is YOU who should be paying respects and honor, not the other way around. And please, no replies about 'well, that's true except when they use this exploit... etc'. Yes yes, we should all know that, thanks, didn't need that explained.


Renaissaince dueling: yeah, sure, it was an honorable contest, and people were there to ensure no cheating, but at the same time, the duel was a 'serious' affair, where as the 'honourz' and bowing in JO dueling is far from it. JO is a game, Renaissaince dueling was real. Forcing people to bow to you is not honorable. That sounds more like someone is trying to glorify themselves. "I won't fight you unless you bow/pay respects" Who are you to expect that kind of treatment? Earn it first, then receive. I'm sure if we saw a renaissaince duel, it would not be plagued with 5 minutes of smiling and encouragment, followed by periodic breaks to say something. The men were ANGRY with each other. They HATED each other. The only respect they paid each other was a fair fight, and that was just to ensure that when they won, the result would be even MORE glorious. I guarentee that if they could murder each other without having to impress others or themselves, formal dueling wouldn't exist. But that ends my say on things.

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Originally posted by Rad Blackrose

After the duel, I get the following words:

"You have no honor."

"I'm never dueling you again, honorless fool."


Godiva started whining about honor again and claimed admin abuse.

I banned him.

mtllcARMS saw he had no avenue left to pursue, called us a bunch of fags and honorless pricks, and left before I could ban him too.


Where are these people hiding? Seriously? I'd love for hear what they have to say. Not just a random "Ur cheap. Lamer!!" -insult right before they disconnect, but a real well thought-out post explaining what the hell they are doing and why.


Do these people only hang out on their clan forums or what?




If any "honourable" Jedi's are out there, please post something! Please enlighten us on how this game obviously is meant to be played. Preach your Code! Save us from our dishonourzable cheap-ass selves! :)

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If it's a duel, I can understand honor. But if the other person doesn't bow, why do you put your saber down and let yourself die. You just wan't an excuse to call someone a cheater and wine. If your fighting your friends, it's one thing. If your fighting complete strangers, it's another thing.


In real life, dueling is an organized method of disputing problems. But if your in a room full of people running around shooting evrywhere, and the object is to get the most points. Then hack away. That's the point.


The only time I would bow in a free for all, is if we were both waiting for the other person to make the first move, which has happened plenty.


In that case, often one will lower thier sabre and try to decieve his opponent into thinking your off guard, then pulling a move or somthing.


And somtimes both people will lower thier sabres and bow or whatever. But theres no Honor involed in a free for all with complete strangers. In real life if you walked into a blazing room would you expect evryone to stop fighting and bow to you like your some friken king?!? NO!


So for heavens sake, stop wining. It's not like by other people not bowing your rights are being taken away.


P.S. I'm not sure exactly what comon weath means.


And I think the lame RPers arn't showing cuz their too buisy playing the game, that's probably the only thing they do all day long. Friken nerds have no lives. (Not saying theyre all nerds, just some.) No seriously I know some prety cool people who RP, but they sure don't wine, or put their sabers down as an act of T.O.


Theirs no T.O. in JK! If there was, it would be called pause.

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solo gave a pretty decent 'code' to follow, and i agree with it.

If you guys dont like the code of conduct on a server, quit first, then u wont complain about being kicked.


and Blackrose, yeah youre right about the medievil things, but back then it wasnt exactly a 'duel' im talking about "you have offended my honour sir! i challenge you to a duel! Rapiers at dawn!" that kinda stuff

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