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My new marker


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Yep. And she's running me $1500 CAN after everything.


$725 for the marker itself, and the rest is going into the hopper, huge $400 N2 tank, remote air system, carrying case, and shipping from the west coast to the east coast.


It's hard to get much further east from Vancouver than I am without hopping on a boat.

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Why stop there?


I can see a burgeoning market for total paint-ball escalation:


Paint land-mines

Paint bazookas

Paint throwers

Paint howizers

Paint cruise-missles

Laser-guided paint cluster bombs


Oh, the possibilities are endless as the imagination of the marketing folks.


Oh, by the way... here's MY new marker!


Clearly not as glam or hi-tech... but come in awful handy when labeling channels on a mixing board, or ID'ing a cassette, DAT, or CD-R of the board-mix after a show and small and light enough to put in your pocket, wear behind your ear, or hang off a backstage-pass lanyard. I'd sure like to see your marker do that! :p



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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

Do they sell paint grenades?



Originally posted by edlib

Paint land-mines

Paint bazookas

Paint howitzers

Been done too.


There's like 7 different types of land mines. From wire trip to pressure to manual to laser set to (my personal fave) claymore.


And the howitzer (I've only ever seen one), runs about $50-Large USD.

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I guess I shooda known.


My biggest problem is I continue to expect more from our civilization. I'll learn someday.


You left out "Paint throwers," the only one of these products I have actually used. These are available at any Home Depot under a variety of brand names, under the guise of a home-improvement product. :D

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Originally posted by edlib



I have a bingo dabber I use for silent kills. It's stowed in a hand-made web-belt sheath, on my left side. Most fields I play at consider them paintball's version of a knife.


The bottom one from ed's pic in my arsenal too: It's my dagger. Stays in yet another hand-made sheath, this time on my left arm. Quicker to get at than the dabber, but it's a smaller tip (therefore smaller mark). I've only used it in a match twice.




I've also got two sidearms, both Zeus RIS (Rail Interface System), seen above. The RIS lets me add all sorts of cool stuff, like that flashlight in the pic. I've got a laser sight on one. The other's currently naked since it's only a backup if the other jams in a pinch. They're in leg holsters, btw (and no, I didn't hand-make those... Got 'em from Armotech). One on each side. I'll probably add the flashlight to the backup.

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Originally posted by TK-421

*walks into XWA for the first time in over a year*

hey, its the originals! I thought you were dead!

LOL, paintball swords. like a giant marker blade, stored in a plastic, air-tight sheath.:D


Between the CIA, noobs, inter-fighting and various other enemies we've had our hands full.

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