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Star Wars movie mistakes...wow


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When Luke arrives at Leah's holding cell at the Death Star to rescue her, Leah remarks, "Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?" Well, apparently Luke was about the same size as the Stormtrooper whose armor he was borrowing, since the armor appears to fit him just fine.


Just after the Falcon takes off from Mos Eisley, there's a shot of the Falcon with Star Destroyers chasing. The next shot is of Han Solo alone in the cockpit. Watch carefully behind him in the doorway, and you'll see the shoulder of a man in a green shirt quickly move out of shot.


In the beginning of the movie, when Leia is uploading a message into R2, we can see C3PO looking for R2. When they show C3PO, there are rebel soldiers behind him, running through the corridor, being shot at and falling down. If you look closely, you can see a black stripe vertically running down in the middle of the doorway.


When the stormtroopers break into the control room, watch very carefully and you will be able to see a storm trooper nearly render himself unconscious by smacking his head off a door frame.


After Darth Vader kills Ben, there's a shot from the docking bay towards him. They forgot to colour in his lightsabre.


When Darth Vader and Ben are fighting, Darth's chestplate is on backwards.


When C-3PO is on the Conveyor belt in the Jawas transport vehicle, if you look in the reflection in his head you can see the camera crew.


In the scene where Luke and Leia are about to swing across the canyon inside the Death Star, Leia shots one last time. She hits the stormtrooper on the left square in the chest. But it's the stormtrooper on the right that drops.


In the original widescreen version, during a long shot of a loading bay in the Death Star, you can see a crew member walk just into shot on one side of the screen, stop, look up, and back out again.


Just before Lord Vader appears the first time (on the boarded consular ship, through the breached door), there is a Stormtrooper checking another trooper lying dead on the floor (he's lifting the dead one's head). Then Vader enters, and the Stormtrooper quickly straightens up, dropping the head. The "dead" Stormtrooper, however, doesn't want to hurt himself any further, so he carefully lowers his head to the floor.


During the scene when Obi Wan is sneaking around the imperial ship, a group of stormtroopers march by in a close group. One of the troopers is losing his armour and is attempting to hold it on.


When the Tuskan Raiders are seen raiding Luke's speeder, you can actually see the wheels or at least whatever is holding it up off the ground.


When an Imperial Officer is running down the tunnel in the Detention Block towards Han, Luke and Chewbacca, Han clearly shoots the top-left hand corner of the tunnel and the Imperial Officer falls down the stairs as if he shot him.


The first interior shot of the Millenium Falcon's cockpit shows small hanging dice. In every other shot, however, the dice are gone.


On the Jawa's transporter, when R2 looks around in one of the shots, you can very clearly see the person who is inside R2 through his little eye hole.


[special Edition] In the scene where Luke and Leia swings across the missing bridge, a number of the shots fired by Leia are "bangs" instead of the laser "zap" sound. The bang is probably from the prop gun used (it shot blanks) and was never dubbed over.


After Luke gets pulled underwater in the trash compactor, he is shown with a piece of garbage on his forehead in one scene. In the next scene his forehead is clean, but in the following scene, the piece of garbage is back again.


On the Death Star, Han Solo screams and starts chasing some Storm Troopers. If you watch closely when he rounds the corner and runs into the large group of Troopers, he jumps and drops his gun. In the next shot he's running away with the gun in his hand.


Sand people are up on a hill overlooking a valley below where Luke is passing by in his speeder. One of the sand people takes aim at Luke, but his companion stops him. Right before the end of the shot, as the speeder is traveling towards the lower right corner of the screen, it becomes transparent. This is a multiple exposure shot, and the path of the speeder wasn't quite lined-up right.


When Obi-wan and Luke are watching the hologram of Princess Leia projected onto a small table, the objects on the table change position and number in each shot.


After Darth Vader had killed Obi-Wan and walks tward the group running onto the Millenium Falcon, Luke shoots the dock door control, successfully closing it, fully blocking Vader's path. In the shot immediately following the door is closing once again.


In the scene after Carrie Fisher inputs the Death Star plans into R2-D2 the droid moves towards C3-PO along a corridor. As you watch you can follow R2's movements until the camera cuts away. If the shot were to continue it seems clear that R2 would have banged into a piece of set protruding from the side of the corridor.


Towards the end of the film, the death stars rounds the planet towards the moon in order to destroy it. The movie continually reverts back to the death star where a commander informs us of the time until the death star is in range of the rebel base. It will then show the panel with the death star's co-ordinates and how long until contact. However, it does not count down in minutes, it counts down in seconds. E.g the commander will say "40 minutes till contact" yet the screen will start at 40 seconds and count down, 39, 38, 37. Regardless of whether or not they use the same time system as us, the time would have run out far too quickly.


The Death Star "big wig" has fourteen little blocks of color that perhaps indicate rank, seven in two rows. The onees on the top are consistently lue, but at least once the ones on the bottom alternate from orange and red to just orange.


You can see the arm of the crane used to lower the torture device through the door when it is going into Leia's room.


When Luke and Obi-wan walk into the bar in Mos Eisley, there is an alien without a brain. As the scenes jump around showing different creatures you see a small creature squealing to the bartender for a drink. For a few seconds, you can look into his left eye and see out of his right eye.


In the scene where the "torture" robot goes to get information from the princess, if you look carefully on the side of the syringe you will read monoject, which is an American hypodermic syringe manufacturer.


In the Death Star scenes (yes, all of them), whenever the Imperials walk, you can hear their footsteps. But when Tarkin walks, you can't hear him. This is because Peter Cushing (Tarkin) found his Imperial boots so uncomfortable, he didn't wear them. He wore carpet slippers, so you can't hear him.


When Leia shoots a hole in the detention area wall for their escape, the hole is not big enough to jump through, but when they all jump in, the hole is much bigger.


During the final battle at the Death Star, nearly every time Darth Vader is shown in his ship's cockpit, the actor's (presumably David Prowse's) eyes are visible through his helmet's lenses. It seems that in this movie, but not the two following it, red lenses were used on the helmet, and the red light of his cockpit causes a transparent effect, showing an unscarred actor instead of the deformed Anakin.


When the heros reach Yavin (the Rebel Base) there is a shot of them getting off a cart. Han's holster is on the wrong leg, and Artoo's small lens is on the wrong side. The film was obviously flipped to keep the visual flow of the scenes.


In the Detention Block, Han and Luke are in their stormtrooper outfits and are firing at the enemy. They go to a shot of Han then to Luke. Luke's white shoulder pads of his stormtrooper outfit are clearly missing, and you can see a black undergarment. They then go back to Han and then back to Luke again, where the shoulder pads are now back.


When Luke is eating with his uncle and aunt, the cup he's drinking from keeps switching hands.


When Luke and Obi-Wan are stopped by the Storm Troopers and Obi-Wan uses his mind tick on one Trooper, there are a couple of other Troopers standing at Obi-Wan's side at first, but when they are cleared to pass, they disappear.


When Luke and Obi Wan are going to the Falcon after selling Luke's speeder, they walk past a few aliens and robots. If you look at the head of a white robot at the right of the screen you can see wires which are controlling it.


When you first see the Millennium Falcon, it is in the hangar. If you look close enough, you can see that only half of the ship is there. This is because it was too expensive to build a full scaled model.


In one closeup external shot of the Death Star, where groups of Tie fighters are flying around the Death Star from right to left, one group of four joins the fleet then disappears midshot.


When everyone is getting in fighters for the final battle, they all have white helmets with blue insignias. However, they aren't wearing them when they're flying.


For this one, you will need a LETTERBOX copy that is NOT the special edition. In the final award scene, there is a long shot of Luke, Han, and Chewie walking through rows and rows of Rebel Troopers. If you look quickly, the troopers on both ends of the screen are cardboard cutouts. They are cropped off in the Pan and Scan version, and digitised in the special edition, so its got to be the right copy to see this mistake.


If you watch in slow-mo right before Han Solo shoots the bounty hunter named Greedo, you can see that Greedo has been replaced with a faker looking goofy dummy just before he explodes.


The reason why C3-P0 lets R2-D2 go in front of him as they enter the Skywalker's residence right after being purchased from the Jawas, is because the set guy operating R2-D2 by radio control kept on hitting C3-P0 from behind and pushing him down the stairs, so in the final shot, C3-P0 suddenly steps to the side, waves R2-D2 past, and the shot cuts out right before R2-D2 goes flying down the stairs.


In the wide screen version, after Luke, Han, Chewy, Obi-Wan and the droids come out of the hidden cargo bins in the Falcon, Obi-Wan says "Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool that follows him." Then he tries to lift himself out of the bin...it looks as if he doesn't quite have the strength to do it - he puts his arms on the side, exerts a bit of pressure, and waits for the cut.


Just after the scene where R2-D2 is riding shotgun on Luke's X-Wing fighter and is hit by a shot from Darth Vader, there's a shot of C3-PO standing beside Leia in the rebel HQ, and the dent on C3-PO's head is on the right side (it's on the left side throughout the rest of the movie).


When the rebel leaders are studying the tactical illustration of the Death Star, it shows a large, round indentation positioned at the Death Stars equator. The Death Star actually has a smaller, round indentation in its northern hemisphere.


After the droids land in the desert C3-PO has a streak of oil running down his left shoulder. A couple of scenes later when he is walking after he splits up from R2-D2 there is a long shot of him and he still has the streak on his left shoulder. There is an immediate close up and the streak switches to the right shoulder.


When Vader and Tarkin learn that Leia has lied about the location of the Rebel base, we hear Darth say "I told you she would never consciously betray the rebellion." There is a pause and Vader continues to move. An obvious dubbing error.


The first time that Luke plays Leia's message from R2-D2, he jumps back (which looks fine), but C3PO flinches and slips off the little 4" or 5" ledge between him and R2.


If you watch Leia while they're in the garbage compactor, her belt, at various points, has fallen down around her thigh. It moves from her thigh to her waist (depending on the camera angle) during the whole scene.


In the scene when Luke, Han, and Chewie are in the Detention level, one of the guards walks toward Chewie. Chewie screams and punches the guard. In slo mo however, it becomes obvious that the guard starts to jump backward before Chewie's hand comes in contact with his body, look even closer and you'll see that Chewie completely misses the guard by about a foot.


When Luke and his uncle buy C3-P0 and a white-and-red R5-D4 robot from the Jawas, the R5 unit blows up after travelling a few feet. There's a quick shot of R2-D2 back at the Jawa's transporter, and behind it you can see the same white-and-red R5-D4 unit being set up by the Jawas.


When Luke and Han and Chewie and Ben and the droids are in the control room Luke says "but she's going to execute her," watch closely: his mouth doesn't move for half the sentence.


When Luke sees the holograph of Princess Leia for the first time, and says, "Who is she, she's beautiful," Mark Hamill's hair is rather tousled. In the next shot of him, it's neatly combed. Then, when he gets up and says, "Well I don't know anyone named Obi-Wan...," his hair is tousled again!


The microphone on Red Leader's helmet switches from one side of his face to the other, then back again as he pulls out of the Death Star trench (just before he crashes).


When R2D2 is captured by the Jawas, a Jawa welds a restraining bolt to the middle of a panel on R2. When the shot changes to a close up, it's being attached to the top of the panel. The shot changes again, and it's welded to the middle again.


In the garbage crushing facility, when the walls are coming in, you see them with about 15 feet space, then it zooms to the actors, they talk for about 5 seconds, and then it zooms out again with still 15 feet of space. The walls are coming in for about a minute. At the rate they were moving, they should have been crushed in around 20 seconds.


If you compare the battle between Darth Vader and Obi-Wan in this one to the battle in Episode 1, this fight seems very slow and careful. There's a couple of reasons for this - partly, while David Prowse got replaced by an expert sword fighter (Darth Vader was played by, in total, about 5 or 6 people for different things like stunts, voice, etc.), Alec Guinness had to stay himself, and he probably wasn't capable of leaping all over the place. However, more important is the fact that the lit up blades of the lightsabres in Episode 4 were made of wooden doweling (not unlike a broom handle) and if they hit them together, they snapped. These were replaced in the subsequent films with much stronger carbon fibre rods (similar to fishing rods) which explains the ferocity of the lightsabre duels in the later films. The motor within the handle spun the blade which was wrapped in reflective tape, creating the flickering effect. This only showed up when the lighting used was at the right angle. Thus during the Ben / Vader duel it explains why their lightsabres disappear at various points when they point the blade almost directly at the camera.


When they power-up the Death Star, the control panel is a Grass Valley switcher, production equipment which is still prevalent in television stations everywhere.


If you look carefully during the prison escape you can see a few pieces of brass shell casings falling from the "blaster" rifles. Depending on how well your tape heads work in your VCR, you may be able to hit the pause/slow button and see the breach open on Han's gun as well, but if it hasn't been cleaned the sides of the guns are too blurred to see the bolt coming back.


Right at the end of the film after Leia has given Luke and Han their metals they all turn to face the audience. A man appears behind Leia for one shot then disappears.


In the final battle, the leader of the fighters (not the group that was to blow up the Death Star, but the leader of Luke's group), got killed. Then it goes back to the home base where Leia, CP30, etc are watching the action and you hear a transmission from that leader.


When Han Solo, Luke, Obi Wan, C3PO and R2-D2 are on their way to The Milennium Falcon for the first time there is a scene were they have to walk down a few stairs. If you look carefully you can see that R2-D2 is struggling get down the stairs but in the next shot he's down with the others.


When Obi Wan de-activates the Death Star's force field, there's a electronic gauge going down and a sign in clear English with the word POWER - as we've seen in shuttles and other places, they don't use English...


Just after the creature lets Luke go, Leia says, "It could be worse." In the next shot (after the compactor makes its first sound), Luke can clearly be seen saying, "What's that?", but his question has been edited out.


When Han yells at Chewbacca to "Get in there, you big furry ape", Chewie steps in. It cuts away, then cuts back and Chewie steps in a second time.


In the scene just before Luke goes to eat dinner, C3PO has a towel or rag in his hand in some scenes, and it is missing in others. This continues as he admonishes R2 about replaying the message.


During the Battle of Yavin at the end, Jek Porkins is X-wing Red 6. Red 6 gets destroyed. Later, during the battle, over the communicators someone asks "Red 6, can you see Red 5?" Red 5 is of course Luke, but Red 6 is gone.


All the dialogue when Han is on the console talking to some of the commanders was all ad lib, Harrison thought it would sound more natural.


Special Edition: When Luke and Obi-Wan are arriving in Mos Eisley to find a pilot, the Ronto in the background throws the Jawa riding him to the floor. When the Jawa falls to the ground a puff of dust is seen and a thud is heard, but look closely - he never actually hits the ground.


When C3-P0 falls over after the Sand people attack Luke, his left arm is missing. They then pick up a right arm.


When in the Death star, there is a shot of 5 storm troopers standing next to the Millenium Falcon. Two of the storm troopers are right next to the boarding ramp. The camera instantly changes to a higher point of view and the two storm troopers have moved about four feet farther away from their original spots.


When Han, Leia, Luke, and Chewie are in the garbage compactor, as Han moves around among all the garbage, you can hear it squeaking like styrofoam.


When Luke and Obi Wan arrive at the Cantina, watch the Jawas sitting outside the Cantina. They go in and out of shadow.


Why does all the garbage in the trash compactor float? Does the Empire really need to get rid of all that styrofoam?


When Luke and R2 are doing the trench run, a tie shots at Luke and blows the top of R2's head off. But in the next scene R2's top is on again.


When Han, Luke, Chewy and Leia are in the garbage compactor, Leia reaches and grabs a metal pole to brace the walls before she or anyone else knows that the walls will begin to close in on them.


Obi-Wan goes out of his way to make disparaging comments about the marksmanship of Tatooine's Sand People, saying, "These blast marks are far too accurate for Sand People. Only imperial Stormtroopers are so precise." Apparently Sand People's shooting skills have deteriorated since the days of Episode I, when they would line the cliffs around the Boonta Classic Pod Race and pick off speeding pod racers on the valley floor below with single shots from their primitive projectile rifles....


When Luke has been knocked unconscious by the Sand People and Obi-Wan appears and scares them off, there's a shot of Luke lying there and one of his sleeves is in disarray, halfway up his arm. But when Obi-Wan checks his pulse, he does it right through a fully-covered-by-the-sleeve wrist.


Luke dives into the hole and then Han dives in right after him. Later, after Han fires his laser and it ricochets all over the place, Luke says "I already tried it it's magnetically sealed." There wasn't nearly enough time for Luke to have landed and made the decision to fire his laser. Even if he did, Han would have no doubt been hit by the laser when he came down.


When the four heroes are in the garbage compactor and Luke gets sucked under by the water creature there is only a foot to a foot and a half of water in there. Luke should have at least been able to stick his arm up for Han to grab. Even if he didn't Han should have been able to find Luke a lot quicker than he did.


In the cantina with Luke getting hassled by thugs, Obi Wan swipes his lightsabre horizontally but the bad guy's arm is cut off at an angle that could only have happened with a vertical chop.


When Luke and Obi-Wan are talking to Chewbacca in the cantina and Obi-Wan has to "protect" Luke, shouldn't the arm that is shown on the ground after Obi-Wan chops it off have no blood on it? If indeed light-sabres are some sort of laser, then it would cauterise as it cuts, thus leaving no trace of blood.


When C3-P0 is getting into the oil bath inside the garage and is talking to Luke, as Anthony Daniels had restricted vision from wearing C3-P0's helmet, you can see Luke walk across the room, and C3-P0 doesn't see this and continues talking in the opposite direction to where Luke is.


When the stormtroopers are on Tatooine, looking for C3P0 and R2D2 they cast no shadows on the sand (even though it's daytime). Neither they nor the Dewback cast shadows. Looks like someone forgot when doing the computer animation for this.


When Luke first sees the holomessage from Leia, she is bending down and states "Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope," before standing up. When the message is viewed for the second time, she stands up before saying the message.


The Stormtrooper guns are actually British Sterling submachine guns.


Han Solo's gun is a Mauser pistol (Schnellfeuer model), a copy of which was used in the Chinese Army.


Lightsabres are made out of a selection of camera parts - apparently you can get the schematics for them somewhere on the internet, and make your own. NO, I haven't got the faintest idea where to look. However, I have heard that the right camera parts are very hard to get hold of, because firstly they were around in the 70's/80's, and also because Star Wars fans keep buying them. [For more info, check out: http://members.aol.com/yodashous2/building.htm; http://members.aol.com/ctlaw74/galactic.htm; and to buy a lightsabre replica: http://larbel.amer.net/index.html] [A better bet might be http://www.edcstudios.com - apparently here you can get the plans and most of the parts]


When Luke sees the bodies of his aunt & uncle, the wind when you see his face is moving from his right to left. When the view changes to the bodies and the burning buildings (this I presume is what he is looking at) the wind moves from left to right.


Luke is on the Millennium Falcon practising with the floating orb. When he is done, he goes to shut off his light sabre and he moves to the right when it cuts out.


Luke says "Prisoner transfer from block 1138" on the Death Star. (1138 is used in several lucas films in rememberance of his first movie)

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Originally posted by RabidPanda

You think it's cool because you have enough money to buy the code. I DON'T! It's also a very poor way of establishing roots in your members.


Well, :p, of course I have the points, I've been here longer than you. You pretty much have just joined. All you have to do is post more and youll get it in time. OR Go to the Father Torque Foundation, they could help you out.

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When Luke arrives at Leah's holding cell at the Death Star to rescue her, Leah remarks, "Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?" Well, apparently Luke was about the same size as the Stormtrooper whose armor he was borrowing, since the armor appears to fit him just fine.

Well, so what? The stormie he grabbed the armor from was also a little short for a stormtrooper. That's not a "mistake"..


But sure, if you shot the same shot with the same equipment I'm sure it would work perfectly despite being 70's equipment.. just because you were using it :rolleyes:. Again, that's not a "mistake", but an equipment error.


When the stormtroopers break into the control room, watch very carefully and you will be able to see a storm trooper nearly render himself unconscious by smacking his head off a door frame.

Not a filming mistake. That was probably part of the script.


In the scene where Luke and Leia are about to swing across the canyon inside the Death Star, Leia shots one last time. She hits the stormtrooper on the left square in the chest. But it's the stormtrooper on the right that drops.

Probably he's already been shot, and just held up for a bit longer...


The first interior shot of the Millenium Falcon's cockpit shows small hanging dice. In every other shot, however, the dice are gone.

"Mistake"? Okay, someone explain the concept of "easter eggs" in movies and games to whoever wrote this.. :p


On the Death Star, Han Solo screams and starts chasing some Storm Troopers. If you watch closely when he rounds the corner and runs into the large group of Troopers, he jumps and drops his gun. In the next shot he's running away with the gun in his hand.

Uh.. he picked it back up;)??


After Darth Vader had killed Obi-Wan and walks tward the group running onto the Millenium Falcon, Luke shoots the dock door control, successfully closing it, fully blocking Vader's path. In the shot immediately following the door is closing once again.

Well, let's say they overrode it. There's a panel on both sides of the door, and pressing the other panel probably opened the door again. Geeeeez :D.


When Leia shoots a hole in the detention area wall for their escape, the hole is not big enough to jump through, but when they all jump in, the hole is much bigger.

Probably it looks bigger from a different angle, or they rip of some more of the hatch, so that it becomes bigger.


...and that's just 1/20 of the "mistakes".


The Stormtrooper guns are actually British Sterling submachine guns.

And surprise, surprise, the planet shots of Hoth aren't really Hoth but NORWAY! If you look into the movies, you'll see that all the sites are from locations in England, USA, and South America. They actually used equipment, props, and locations from EARTH instead of travelling to Hoth and Tatooine to shoot from those real locations. And if you look closely, you'll see that the X-Wings are just models. Another mistake. Geez, these people just can't make movies, the way they keep using stuff from their own planet to make them:rolleyes: /extreme sarcasm.


I conclude that


1. Someone has waaaay too much time on their hands


2. Someone's wasting forum space by posting a 20-page post on mistakes when he could have achieved the same level of convincing from saying that "the movie is old".


Sorry to be so grumpy, I just find it pretty eccentric/stupid of someone to tear apart a good movie like this. And as I put, 1/3 of these aren't really mistakes made by the casting crew. Look, SW is a good trilogy. Can't you go nitpick Titanic or Pearl Harbour or something?

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Forgot to add a mistake. Lando also hits his head in Jabba's palace (when you first see who he is in there)


Movie mistakes also mean movie making errors...like that verticle line. It wasn't supposed to be there, a mistake.


Also, all this stuff is the MOVIE mistake, not "what could have happened". The stormtrooper holding his armor up was not intended to happen in the movie. Remember, look at it as a movie, not a realistic enviroment of "well maybe they could have". It wasn't intended.

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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

Well, so what? The stormie he grabbed the armor from was also a little short for a stormtrooper. That's not a "mistake"..




-------- A movie mistake. Remember, look at it as a movie with scripts. It wasn't intended. It's a movie, not an enviroment where "maybe he was/if it was". Look at the script itself.



(The vertical line)

Oh, geez, that's not a mistake, it's just a movie glitch. The movie's from the 70's, for crying out loud.


But sure, if you shot the same shot with the same equipment I'm sure it would work perfectly despite being 70's equipment.. just because you were using it :rolleyes:. Again, that's not a "mistake", but an equipment error.


-------- A movie mistake. Wasn't intended.------





Not a filming mistake. That was probably part of the script.



Probably he's already been shot, and just held up for a bit longer...


-------- A movie mistake. Remember, look at it as a movie with scripts. It wasn't intended. It's a movie, not an enviroment where "maybe he was/if it was". Look at the script itself.





If your ship suddenly was boarded by rebel terrorists, would you


1. Take your time to put your armor on right and report too late, or


2. Rush to the scene.


Not a movie mistake. Okay, it might be, but to me, it looks cool.


-------- A movie mistake. Remember, look at it as a movie with scripts. It wasn't intended. It's a movie, not an enviroment where "maybe he was/if it was". Look at the script itself.




Ever heard of "ducking"?


-------- A movie mistake. Remember, look at it as a movie with scripts. It wasn't intended. It's a movie, not an enviroment where "maybe he was/if it was". Look at the script itself.





"Mistake"? Okay, someone explain the concept of "easter eggs" in movies and games to whoever wrote this.. :p


-----Easter Egg, probably ;) ------



Uh.. he picked it back up;)??

-------- A movie mistake. Remember, look at it as a movie with scripts. It wasn't intended. It's a movie, not an enviroment where "maybe he was/if it was". Look at the script itself.





Well, let's say they overrode it. There's a panel on both sides of the door, and pressing the other panel probably opened the door again. Geeeeez :D.


-----so luke closes it, vader opens it, then vader closes it...mmmkay ;) ------



Not necessarily. The Death star could be slowing down from hyperspace, and the numbers measure distance. Off-screen, they count down slower.


-----DeathStar didnt have hyperspace...did it?-----




Probably it looks bigger from a different angle, or they rip of some more of the hatch, so that it becomes bigger.


-------- A movie mistake. Remember, look at it as a movie with scripts. It wasn't intended. It's a movie, not an enviroment where "maybe he was/if it was". Look at the script itself.





...and that's just 1/20 of the "mistakes".



And surprise, surprise, the planet shots of Hoth aren't really Hoth but NORWAY! If you look into the movies, you'll see that all the sites are from locations in England, USA, and South America. They actually used equipment, props, and locations from EARTH instead of travelling to Hoth and Tatooine to shoot from those real locations. And if you look closely, you'll see that the X-Wings are just models. Another mistake. Geez, these people just can't make movies, the way they keep using stuff from their own planet to make them:rolleyes: /extreme sarcasm.



-----That was just an FYI-----


I conclude that


1. Someone has waaaay too much time on their hands




2. Someone's wasting forum space by posting a 20-page post on mistakes when he could have achieved the same level of convincing from saying that "the movie is old".


-----This stuff interests some people. All because it didnt interest you, doesn't mean the whole world isnt interested-----


Sorry to be so grumpy, I just find it pretty eccentric/stupid of someone to tear apart a good movie like this. Talk about nitpicking :).


-----I didnt tear it up, I found this info----




This isnt an exact quote....I answered all of your opinions for each one. Look up.


Remember...in movies, you see what you get. Whatever the director wanted you to see and know...you saw it. It's like going around and saying Luke visited Mars on the way to Yoda's. It wasn't in the script, so it didn't exactly happen ;)

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Dagobahn Eagle,


Any self respecting SW fan would know that there were shots also done in Africa, do you forget all that sand in Tunisia?!!


For a largely unfunded 1970's film made by a man who had one decent movie to his credit at the time, the mistakes made in editing, filming etc are expected. It was back in the time when movie studios actually used to take risks and make films that weren't made by the "formula", which so much of today's tripe come from.

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

begs the question, why not just post it instead of giving a link no one will probably visit for more than a few seconds ;)

Because some will see your massive post and not read it all anyway... it just means it's more work for you, although copying and pasting isn't that much work. *shrugs* Personal preference, I guess.

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