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Tantive III

Zoom Rabbit

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

Oh. :assult: says that the Iraqi chemical and biological weapons stashes hidden in the desert were delicious, and wonders if Iran and Syria have their own tasty morsels that he could munch on. [/b]


Wally also ate all my biochemical weapons during the brief period I held him prisoner all those years ago.

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Kylilin=wiseass, trooly. Yeah, I know...it says 'Rebel blockade runner' on the side of the box my toy one came in, too. Nevertheless, if you tractored one out of the sky and asked the pilot what he was flying, he'd say it was a corvette. :rolleyes:


Furthermore, corvettes aren't cars. The car 'Corvette' is named after a small military boat that patrolled the Atlantic for submarines during WWII...


Edlib: carpets? The sutra has nothing to do with carpets, mon... ;) I, too, question whether the world is ready for this book. It will probably go unnoticed in the noisy babble of new age type 'find God' books that are coming out these days. But if people actually read it, we could wind up with a bunch of zen cowboys running around over here in America. :D Scarey.


On a serious note, I have realized lately exactly what a treasure the 'golden and impressionable youth' of this country are. My generation (I'm 35) tend to be pessimistic, and sometimes a little jaded. The younger kids coming into adulthood now, though, look at things a little differently than we did. On the large, they are more environmentally conscious, less likely to buy into bipartisanship in their politics...and more spiritually curious than my generation. The baby boomer generation in America is getting us into this war, my generation will have to fight it, and the new generation...will put into practice the lessons we all will learn because of it. God bless the kids, then.


Not that any of this applies to you guys. ;)


Nutiferous, you should never leave a space dolphin alone with chemical and biological weapons! You think Wally gets weird on whiskey, you should see him on sarin nerve gas: sixty feet long, red and quivering, wanting to see the manager in a serious tone of voice. It isn't something I care to see twice... :D


:assult: Wally the space dolphin says that the American invasion of Iraq was actually a high-level operation coordinated by the trilateral commission to get their hands on ancient space portal technology buried for centuries under the sands of ancient Sumer and recently discovered by Iraqi military scientists in desperate search of offworld technology to help them defend against regular incursions by American retroengineered flying saucers. He also finds it amusing that we keep bombing Saddam's doubles.

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

(I'm 35)


Yay! Another person who posts here who's older than I am! While you and Gunner were away I couldn't help but feel like the 'Old Man of the Forums.' Just call me Grandpa.


I can see what you mean, however. Working at a institution of higher learning I am exposed to hundereds of fresh faced teens every year. Some of thier attitudes occasionally surprise me. If I remember correctly about the only things that concerned me at 18 were the ubiquitous trio of sex, drugs, and rock & roll. ;) Not really... I was a big-time nerd. But it didn't keep me from thinking about 2 of those things, one of which almost continually.



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Is it possible to be both a hippy and a nerd at the same time?


...Provided the results are nothing like that Jared virtual reality human cybermorph I've seen on teevee! Good lord, that man is never getting laid in a million years. :rolleyes:


On a side note, I've decided not to call my 1976 dreamliner a motorcorvette, but rather a land yacht...anything but a 'trailer' or 'RV.' Unlike the aforementioned hippy/nerd, I plan on getting laid again some day.


*(Hillbilly voice)*"Y'wanna come back with me to the trailer? We can shoot us some squirrels fer dinner..."*(/Hillbilly voice)* :D See? Just doesn't work.

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One way might be to download Bugs Bunny cartoons, Earthworm Jim videogames and the collected writings of Tom Robbins into an AI program, tell it that electricity is consciousness, and turn it loose on an unsuspecting internet.


I would live forever! Sorta. :D

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I once attempted to use the MegaHAL AI core to construct a nutebot by feeding it all my message board postings, rants, and political papers from school and unleash it upon the world. I had trouble feeding it text in more than just single lines at a time, so it was getting boring and lengthy. Plus i was clearly making myself obselete and the thing was clearly intending to exterminate mankind after it acheived sentience.

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(Nute: you mean 'Alice,' the psychopathic messager who thought I was a cartoon character and tried to siphon all the porn off my hard drive...?) ;)


New plan. Instead of sending a warhead back through time into the Santa Maria, I'll just go back in time myself a thousand years earlier and innoculate the bison of North America with cow pox.


:D That oughta do it.

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

you mean 'Alice,' the psychopathic messager who thought I was a cartoon character and tried to siphon all the porn off my hard drive...


Alice was a 21 year old lesbian from Prague. Her AI was much different.


She called herself Alice despite being named Shannon :confused:

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