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Nobody knows what species will be release. Most likely they will be released in the Space Expansion. A while ago the devs said that they would release 2 new species (10 character slots- 10 total species). There was a thread with the devs asking what people wanted to see. I think Jawa, Ewok, and Gungan were the most popular answers, but I doubt any of them would be included.

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Well, the mon calamari are in the game, so enjoy! Also, the officers you mention are human, and you can start a career in both the rebel ranks and the imperial ranks, so that is available too. And yes, the devs has hinted that they'd like to add at least 2 new species in the space expansion.


Me... I'd like... OK! I admit it! I'd like jawa to be playable, even though I know it would be useless since they have their own language, never leave tatooine and are basically only merchants. But dammit! I wanna be a rogue jawa!


Ok, a more serious suggestion then. I want playable droids. Yup, droids. After all, who doesn't regard R2-D2 as as much a character as say, Lando? They could have an entirely different skill tree, a skill tree you upgraded by changing chips etc in your computer, and you could buy or have some droid engineer make additional tools for you, like bunsene burners and hacking tooks (like R2), you could help pilots navigate in the space expansion, you could work as a translator, a droid bartender, a droid gladiator who's broken free... I mean, come on! The possibilities are endless!

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How many times must I say this. I can almost guarantee that Duros will be in the space expansion. Other possibilities include those mentioned in the above posts as well as Ithorians, Devaronians and Sullustans, it is the space expansion after all.


What I really want to see though are Squibs and Ugor. What is a universe without garbage collectors? Well, not a pretty place I can assure you. ;P

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But what SWG is missing is a race that is compeletely stealth. Sure, Bothan comes close being a spy, but it's still not inherant stealth. That is one race that would be a great addition since it is different from others in that main aspect (I'm thinking in particular, Defel, which is playable on quite a few MUD's ect). Also, I'm not too fond of Gungan; that race pretty much surfaced in the new movies and I haven't read anything about them up until then, and there are so much richer races out there that someone who hasn't delved far into the SW Universe don't know about and would find enjoyable to play.....

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The reason you never read anything about 'em till the new prequels surfaced was because they weren't ever part of the Star Wars Universe till then. I don't think it's fair to judge the whole Gungan race based on the sole characterization of Jar Jar binks, who most people wouldn't shed a tear if he ended up lying face down in a puddle of his own blood :D


They won't include Ewoks, because Ewoks are only on Endor. I doubt they'd include Jawas for the same reason. I agree, they'll likely have Sullusts in the next expansion. I for one would like to see Noghri- or maybe Thrawns race, which I don't quite recall what it is.

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I'd actually like to see mandalorians make an appearance [admittedly more for the armor than actual playability]. And whomever said the problem with Jawas was the language issue, rest assured that isn't a barrier. The Wookies that are planned now aren't gonna be able to speak basic.

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Are you sure wookies still have a language barrier? That post by one of the devs(can't remember which) made it sound like they were still deciding. There was also a NY Times article that talked about hacking. They interviewed Shug_Nix, and he sounded like they might not have it in because people could hack the translation code.


On another note, this is my first post ever in these forums! Yay! A bit off topic, but it's still important. :):newbie:

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geez, thats never going to happen is it, rofl. You don't even have 900 credit unless you used them or something. A strange system this forum has...:p I guess it prevents spam. Another noob related question. Is there a limit to the size of the picture? I noticed that everyone... in the topics I have bothered to look at has a picture no greater than 80 x 500.

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Actually, Set, you've spent atleast 1200 credits so far. :)

900 for the sig-image, and another 300 for the glowie around your name. ;)


Oh, and didn't you give away some credits?

plus some credits for the answers in the trivia thread, which by the way, GET IN THERE AND ANSWER ALREADY, WILL YA!?! :D


As for the credits system, click the Read This First link in the welcomming I'm about to post to Dragon-1, Abaddon, to learn all about the credit system, plus other things:



Welcome to the SWGalaxies.Net Forums!!! :)


I'm Jan Gaarni, XO of the Official Welcomming Committee and Moderator of this place.


Be sure to check out the Read This First thread at the top of this forum, as it contains some guidelines on how to behave, if you haven't all ready. :)


Most here are friendly and the aggression level is far from what you will find in the Official SWG Boards, so I'm sure you will like it here.


Please feel free to stay as long as you want. :)


And have some chocolate covered gnorts. :D Complementary Juztyn. :p


Also be sure to check out the SWGalaxies.Net site which is connected to these forums. :)


We hope you enjoy your stay here on the SWGalaxies.Net Forums. :)

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