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Too Cartoony?


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Okay, did anyone else find the bubble chat way too cartoony? I know it's a toggle but I don't think I'll be playing with the bubble chat- it just looks like a cartoon. Other than that, those were awesome graphics! Did you see the way the grass moved in the wind? That was just amazing, and right in the beginning the night looked perfect. I sure can't wait to play this game!

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I swear I made a post about this somewhere else. Yes though, I agree fully. I thought they should have made the colors different, say white text on black. That might have solved it. Also they should get rid of the shaped bubbles (The jagged one and the other one they used in the clip). I think that NWN looked better, with the floating text.


I am not being negative here, like I'm sure you all think. I just felt it killed the SW feel a bit. I think floating text would have worked fine. The cartoon bubbles definetely made me feel like I was watching something on FOX saturday morning.

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I totally agree. According to Q-3P0 he filmed that video on a computer using a 64meg GeForce 4 and I must say they are amazing, especially for a 64 meg video card. It only makes me wonder what the 128mb GeForce 4 Ti can do.


However the bubbles.... I think perhaps if maybe they could somehow make the background of the bubbles almost transparent, so that you can see behind them, get rid of the boundaries, and switch the font up a bit, then it would make it seem a little less like something on SNICK. Or maybe just scroll the speech at the bottom of the screen like most current games do. I'm not saying that that is the best way to go about it, but hey, at least you aren't covering up some of the most beautiful graphics that have ever graced a lowly monitor.

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I haven't seen the bubble chat yet. Is there a pic of it? They just need to get the chat bubbles like The Sims Online. Those were fine other than a few bugs. they were transparent to some degree, and they didn't look cartoony... to me. Show me a pic of the SWG chat bubble and I'll judge for myself

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oh i have a 128mb Geforce 4 Ti 64meg video card, i can set recent games to all-max graphics too and no lag!


also, [texan accent on]i think bubble chat is perdy dern taccy[texan accent on/] for a star wars game, floating text or a pop up box or sumthing!

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I know i may regret saying this, but i kinda liked the bubbles. I really liked the way they change shape with mood, that adds something to the blane text.

If you think about it, if the text was above the characters without a backgound, then lets say you r outside at night, you would not be able to see the text in the dark. With the backgrounds you can see the text clearly in any place.

Also, if their was nothing behind the text, then other text might interfer with eachother. But for those of you who don't want the boxes, the devs said there was a way to change them or turn them off.

Anyway, i can't wait for SWG. The game is looking better and better everytime i see it.

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Well, like i said earlier- I think there is a toggle for the chat bubble or have it in the chat box like most mmo's.


I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking this, and yeah, it's okay to be different DarkNightmare. I do agree, if a conversation was going fast it would be hard to read.

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I think the purpose of making bubble chat like that is so it's easy to find on the screen and read. If it was any smaller it would probably difficult to read on the movie. That aside, I believe they said that chat font and size could be changed by the user, so you can change it so it's less cartoony, no?

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The 128MB graphics card will probably work better with this game, expecially when there are multiple NPCs on the screen simultaneously. For example: A 128MB graphics card will out-perform a 64MB in Battlefield 1942 when the The Bots are set to 400% and amount of CPU set for AI is 25% (Maximum Settings for Battlefield 1942). On the 128MB card the game with run well with no lag. The 64MB will lag excessively, and the game will be unplayable.


The graphics card I am specifically referring to are:


128MB Graphics Card (Geforce 4 4600 Ti 128MB)


64MB Graphics Card (Geforce 4 4200 Ti 64MB)



But the 64MB will perform well on most games even to the point where you cannot tell the difference. For example on Half-Life, Medal of Honor, Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, Deus Ex, etc. Though the 128MB card ran Morrowind better than the 64MB (On both cards the game was playable but the computer with the 128MB experienced less lag and faster loading times)


My Computer Specs.


Processor: Pentium 4 1.6GHz

RAM: 1024MB

Graphics Card: Geforce 4 Ti 4200 64MB


My Brother's Computer Specs.


Processor: Athlon XP 1800 (runs like 1.8GHz P4, actual: 1.53GHz)

RAM: 1024MB

Graphics Card: Geforce 4 Ti 4600 128MB.

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I thought they were way too cartoony. I laughed the first time somebody said something because I thought they were fake. I mean, it looks like something made in Word with big letters…nothing fancy and theme-ish about it. I hope you can change the font, font color, background color, and maybe the border of the text bubble. If so, I’m going to make it look more Star Wars, and shrink it down a little bit.

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Hrm, what's the difference between the bandwith numbers on the ATI's compared to nvida? I have a 128 MB ATI Radeon 9700 TX.....That better or worse than nvidias? I was going to go with a all in wonder, but I didn't feel like paying the extra 300 dollars for 60 mHz more.


Comp specs:

P4 2.54 Ghz

512 MB RDRAM 1066

128 MB ATI Radeon 9700 TX

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Originally posted by cheeta

Hrm, what's the difference between the bandwith numbers on the ATI's compared to nvida? I have a 128 MB ATI Radeon 9700 TX.....That better or worse than nvidias? I was going to go with a all in wonder, but I didn't feel like paying the extra 300 dollars for 60 mHz more.


Comp specs:

P4 2.54 Ghz

512 MB RDRAM 1066

128 MB ATI Radeon 9700 TX


Cheeta, buddy, your killin' me. ;P

Either way, look at it like this. There are currently only two Cards available to purchase that support DX9. Those would be the Radeon 9500 and the Radeon 9700. Soon the 9800 will be out and that will also support it. The 9300 might, but I'll have to double check. Radeon is gradually going to blow away Nvidia entirely. Currently, I think the only reason people use the Nvidia's is because of their patriotism. I will not buy out of date products to support my countries welfare, that's what my tax dollars are supposed to do. :D

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ok, so that ATI is currently better than the Gf4 ti4600. But the thing is ATI waits too long, once Nvidia puts out a stelar card like the geforce 4s, ATi comes along and makes one just a little bit better. But thats after everyone has purchased and install thier G4 and they dont want to spend $300 on a new card for 100mhz give or take.

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Well, it's the same reason why people still buy AMD: between 1997 and 2001 it wasn't even a question. But now, you're way better off with a pentium, both in prestanda and cost efficiency. But most persons, especially persons who bought processors at that time, still believe that AMD (who once was the 'underdog with the better product at the better price) now, well, suck. Same thing in 1998, some people still bought Intel. A lot of persons are always bound to get trends months, or even years, after they change the entire scene. That's why you still see people wearing Fila sneakers. ;)

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Here is an idea...


Instead of cartoony looking bubble script they could use a large bubble with a black background and scroll yellow letters from the bottom to the top of the bubble screen. And while they are at it they might add a bit of perspective so that the words closer to you appear larger than the words far away.


I don't know where I got this idea, it just seems like it would fit in nicely...


What do you think?

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don't be dis'ing the AMD, i am very happy with my AMD XP 1800+ tons cheaper than any p4 of the same GHz value at the time i bought it ;). Its not like its a Cyrix or something...


Well, the company of choice changes in a week... The only reason AMD sucks now is because they gave up... they moved on to other markets.

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