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Is this strange?


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My parents asked me what I wanted for my birthday, and I said nothing. They then proceeded to ask me once more. I said, "take all the money you wish to spend on me, and give it to charity." Their reply was that it's my birthday, and they give enough.


Am I stupid or something? No, seriously, I don't think I deserve anything when someone else can use it more than me.

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My parents asked me what I wanted for my birthday, and I said nothing. They then proceeded to ask me once more. I said, "take all the money you wish to spend on me, and give it to charity." Their reply was that it's my birthday, and they give enough.


Am I stupid or something? No, seriously, I don't think I deserve anything when someone else can use it more than me.

lol, I started feeling that way about two years ago. I thought I was sick, not asking for anything for my birthday. But that's probably because I'm pretty content with what I have. Beatles, computer, Gamecube, it's all good.

Strange, but I've felt exactly the same way lately. I don't want to speak up about it, because I'm afraid it might sound ungrateful, but I'm tired of birthdays, and I actually, strange as it may sound, feel bad about getting so much new stuff in one day. Don't get me started on celebrating christmas (my family's christian protestant).


Well, that's me. I'm so not materialistic that it almost scares me. As I said, I don't wanna sound cold or ungrateful, but I like to think that you can celebrate without giving presents, right? Besides, I already have too much.


Oh, and I wonder if being materialistic is genetical. My brother is the most materialistic person I know:confused:. Does someone know?


And HA, my American friend, no, it's not weird. And as you can tell, you're not alone.

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Originally posted by Heavyarms

My parents asked me what I wanted for my birthday, and I said nothing. They then proceeded to ask me once more. I said, "take all the money you wish to spend on me, and give it to charity." Their reply was that it's my birthday, and they give enough.


Am I stupid or something? No, seriously, I don't think I deserve anything when someone else can use it more than me.

no man your not strange nothings wrong, just say i want money and then you give it to charitys....youll feel better. anyways, i think your a cool guy for giving up your birthday stuff, your either very good person or very rich

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Giving gifts is often more about making the givers feel good with the act of giving somebody you care about something they want or like.


In other words: Your parents want to see you get something you would really want, but most likely wouldn't get otherwise, to witness the pleasure it gives you to make themselves feel good.


Giving money to charity in your name doesn't quite have the same immediate effect, so that's probably why they're a bit reluctant.

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Originally posted by Heavyarms

No, seriously, I don't think I deserve anything when someone else can use it more than me.


Power to ya! :thumbsup: Materialism is over-rated anyway. The more we get, the more we want...it's a vicious circle that's pretty pointless. I used to collect books and videos and stuff, until one day I looked at the wall groaning under the weight of all this...this...stuff...and I thought - what the hell am I doing? I've wasted all that time and money for nothing.


So yeah, I can see exactly where you're coming from. While it's nice to give presents to people if it makes them happy, it's also far more rewarding to help your fellow man (or woman).


Touching other people's lives and making a difference is priceless...

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IMO it is rather balanced if u are an average person in the Western world. Average people do not have that kind of income to buy everything they want. But average people are encouraged by companies to buy things, so therefore it balances out.


If u are poor then u are at the worng end of the scale unfortunately.

However, if u are really rich then lots of money WILL (usually) bring u happiness.


I myself am materialistic. I worry that if I ever fall into the situation above (no presents), then later I will learn of something that was around then that could be really good to have now but that I didn't get then or is unavailable then. Then u look back and think "if only I had been more selfish"

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