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Lamer alert, worst lamer experience yet


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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ

True, i'm sick of being considerate and not attacking people who have sabers down...

Jeez, if you limit your targets to just those with their lightsabers on, it must be a very boring game... :)
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Another reason why "sabre off = peace" is BS is because sabre off is a fighting tactic for many of us. Turning your sabre off can be used to give you the element of suprise since the sabre is so noisy. Someone with the sabre off can be as dangerous as someone with it swinging over head.


And if I had a dollar for everytime I have left someone alone because their chat box was up, only to get it in the back when I pass by. I would have 10 or 20 dollars by now.

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I just went to that cybergames.it server, went around and started killing people like I normally do (well, actually not quite like I normally do, as I was generally not attacking people with their sabers off), and sure enough someone started a vote to kick me and several people called me a lamer. laugh.gif

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Originally posted by Xenon812

I never have played MP, just stuck to SP all the time, so it was great to see some of the MP Maps...

Sadly, those demos are a good example of what games are like on the majority of MP servers...
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Welcome back Break_dF

hehehe there must be one left you can get on!

what makes me laugh is unless you bow down and suck them, and let them win no matter how you play... by the rules or not ya going to get kicked.


and then they wonder why more and more "Lamers" come to there servers.

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Originally posted by Break_dF

I would enjoy the demo-making fun with you guys but I think I'm banned from every ffa server in jko... bastards.


Hey fool you still have any old ownage demos?


iron/imp and I have been compiling stuff for a movie and we could use some stuff if you have any old clips from the SF days.

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For some reason, once the Mon-Mothma dude hits you with their saber after the message to not attack "unarmed" people , it goes back to the main menu and says:





S_StartSound: handle

-1082222463 out of range



Can someone help? I had EAX on, but that didn't do me any good. The parts that I CAN view are really cool!


I like to see lamerz getting owned!


I also like when lamers insult me. I bind messages to a key and keep repeating it to aggrevate them and make them leave! :p

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I was at this one server teaching this noob all the special moves when a guy named padawan joined the game. He started pulling and kicking like crazy. It was pretty funny to see the noob I was teaching get killed a hundred times but thats not the point. when I tried to duel him he just pulled and kicked again and again. After awhile he finally pulled his head out of his ass enough to duel me. it was a pretty slow duel because he would slash twice then roll. eventually I got him down to 10ish hp and he started kicking me until he knocked me down then kept doing red dfa. I had full health by the way and he knew it. After that he wouldn't duel again.

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Originally posted by $am

I was at this one server teaching this noob all the special moves when a guy named padawan joined the game. He started pulling and kicking like crazy. It was pretty funny to see the noob I was teaching get killed a hundred times but thats not the point. when I tried to duel him he just pulled and kicked again and again. After awhile he finally pulled his head out of his ass enough to duel me. it was a pretty slow duel because he would slash twice then roll. eventually I got him down to 10ish hp and he started kicking me until he knocked me down then kept doing red dfa. I had full health by the way and he knew it. After that he wouldn't duel again.


Well at lest the Noob got to see you in action :) and maybe the best way to learn, is to meet the "Lamers" as not every one play's fair, but they play to win.


I was on a CtF game last night wished I recorded it as it was very funny. There was one player on the opp team and he was very good, I found it hard to get away with the Flag, but every time he would go for are flag we would get the Flag and score, but right from the begging he was preaching how good he was (and yep he was good) when I cap are first Flag, he called us lucky LOL the Second time I cap a Flag, I could not resist on saying "dam I am lucky again" and by the third cap, he was getting quite upset, saying when he was on the Flag we could not get it!! now if that's the case why leave the flag!! then he started on about all you noobs just pull and push.. and he was a real skilled player as he stood next to the flag and blew us up. well if that's the way he works well good for him. I was on the better team over all, we played as a team and won 3 - 0 he kept on about he was the best player.... so what CtF is on about Team work. I won games because the other side was not good, and these games are fun but nothing to get the blood pumping. but them games where for the whole match its stayed 0 - 0 and time run out and its a death match wow them games ROCK, if I lose who cares after a game like that I have enjoyed my self to much to care about losing. so back to the heading Lamers... Lamers to me after looking at these demos are the players that complain about some thing because they cant do it or don't like to lose.. yes I complained about stuff, and found the best way to stop it, was to learn it my self. (apart from binding keys as in my opinion that makes you a worse player and not better) I mean games you have joined and been owned might be annoying because your not good enough to get him back, but think of them real lamers like the ones in CtF that join your game just to team kill you... or grab the flag and not score... they are real lamers. Lame because he did not follow your ASC that's B/S. as if you look on the demos these guys tried to gang up and kill Det, but still could not kill him at his own game, that's because he is a better player and not because he is lame.

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ive been kicked from so many servers in my time playing on JO for being a lamer but most of the time its not actually me


but the best thing to do is when someone becomes all powerful

hunt them down relentlessly and any admin on the servers it really pisses them off switch to strong style put your sabre away then sneak up behing them and bring your sabre down you can do this and sometimes get 1 hit KO's but if you dont kill them straight away run and hide because when i do this usually everyone turns on me and trys to hack me to bits.

this is great on FFA bespin because you can do this to all the people watching duels on the landing pad.


have fun:p

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I would buy that.

I played Talron a few times and after each loss I was privileged to hear things like:


"I'm going to trace your ip and come to your house and kick your ass"


"I have your ip; I'm going to hack you"


"The only reason you won was your ping is 45 and mine is 53"


I also liked the way when you rushed him he would put up a chat box, then if you even nicked him "That's the only way you can beat me is by type killing"



I really thought the guy was just messing around and no one could be that much of a tool but Talron really is that annoying, it's not an act.

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Yeah haha, About 3 or 4 weeks ago I couldnt find Kynes or Supersonic so I asked crow if he wanted to 2v2 Siph and Kynes with me, so we did. The day before Hoodwinker and I had fought on Talrons "T1 that is better then OC192" server and lost by 10. A


After about 20 kills they were saying stuff like "omg owned", and "were going to post this all over the net you noobs". It was no team damage and 0 force regen, I was pinging close to 200. I sitll managed to pull off 38 kills, Hood got 1 but it was his first saber tffa and he helped me with assists. It took two self proclaimed "elites" a hour to get 50 kills. This is against a guy with a 200 ping (me) and a gunner (HooDWinker) in settings that were messed with.


Well, it comes time for them to fight shock ~ crow and I in a NORMAL FF Sabers TFFA. Im pinging 35, crow is 50, Siph is 70, and Talron is 120. We start off, 5 miniutes later we are winning 20 to -2. They cry about lag and say that default settings are cheap, then they leave.


They're just the kind of ppl who would do that to a guy who just bought the game.

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lag can be an issue, that's why I quit playing on Infinite (that and the Germans always vote me off) but 120 ping against 40-60 is nothing to cry about.


Look at shock ~ swift. He's in England and pings average of 120 against us over here but he's still faster than most people with a 30 ping.


What was their "real" clan before these aliases?

FF, FU, FE or something right? They still around?

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