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Those of us who play with Macs


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Considering that Jedi Outcast was never announced for being on Mac, but eventually got ported across by Aspyr (I think), I would imagine you could probably expect something similar down the line for JA. However, it's unlikely to be a priority, unfortunately, so I guess you'll have to wait and see. :(

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I thought I had posted a while ago about this ...


JKII/Mac took about 6 months after JKII/PC, and only 3 months from the announce date. Even on games like Elite Force II it is a struggle to co-release. This is because the development cycle has the 'port' team - at best - waiting for the origin dev team. Plus the dev team tends to use every last second before 'going gold' to tweak for bugs and performance (certainly Raven seems to do that), so that makes it harder.


If we assume an October release, that could mean January 2004 on the Mac. Sounds good to me.


BTW - to the anti-Mac people, my best Yavin Swamp experience was on my powerbook G4 TiBook ... better than my 2.53 GHz P4 Dell.



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I have found that LucasArts has a way of saying "screw you" to their Mac fans. Full Throttle, Sam and Max, and Dark Forces/JK2 were all available on Mac, but their sequels are not going to be. So, if you have a Mac like me, LucasArts would like to say SCREW YOU!


However, I see some hope for Jedi Academy coming to Mac, especially since, last I heard, it was going to use the same JK2 engine, and it shouldn't be too hard to port, since the engine's already been ported...


Keep your fingers crossed.



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Keeping in mind I'm typing this on my 12" Powerbook G4 ...


I agree with LEC not porting JK1/MotS for the Mac. Remember, that was back in 1997, when the Mac was flailing at best. Not that I wouldn't (even now) eat up a JK port for the Mac ... I still like playing Dark Forces on the Mac!


Things are very different today for a couple of reasons. JKII was done using the Q3TA engine, which is already portable. JK1 had a proprietary engine. The Mac community is very much alive these days, and buying games in good numbers. And I believe that JKII was (and still is) an excellent Mac seller, just as it was a hot seller for the PC.


So ... I think we will see it 3-4 months after the PC version. I am ~90% certain I will buy both ... as I'm ~90% certain it will not just be every bit as excellent a game as JKII ... it will be even better.



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by Koala3K

I have found that LucasArts has a way of saying "screw you" to their Mac fans. Full Throttle, Sam and Max, and Dark Forces/JK2 were all available on Mac, but their sequels are not going to be. So, if you have a Mac like me, LucasArts would like to say SCREW YOU!


Kind of like Gorge Bush and the U.N. :p



P.S. I'm posting this from a six year old Blue & White G3 whith a 21" CRT monitor and the thing runs Jaguar like a dream!


P.P.S. anyone know how much a Gforce 4 MX costs?I want to use Quartz Extreme!



P.P.P.S. if your a windows user go here and here

then drool over apple's new Über-Browser Safari. :D:cool::D:cool::D:cool::D:cool:

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yeah, geforce4mx's are about the same power as a geforce2, so they're not worth it...


and niether are macs, unless you do video editing or image editing- thats all they're designed for...if you can get a good game out of a brand new powerbook, good on ya, but i still think that macs arent the best platform for it, they're trying to change this but its going very slowly...


OSX helped, but thats only because Apple didnt make most of it, its based on Unix, big security, good resource management, clunky interface still remains tho- thats a big problem for me.


I'll keep my windows XP thankyou

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One - this isnt going to be we hate macs, use a Windows PC thread, there are people on here who do both PC and Mac, me being one of them, and there is nothing like a good LAN game of Jedi Outcast to get the ol' brain jucies awake first thing in the morning.


Plus if you own a 17" Powerbook, I could just say HAHAHAHAHA they rule //strokes the screen.....


Its mine mine I tell you, mwahahahahaha



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mac processors may be powerful (ive yet to be convinced of this though), but MacOS sucks, i really really hate using it, its the stupidest unintuative thing ive ever seen. Windows may baby you a little with the user friendly stuff, but i'll take it if MacOS is the alternative

Plus there are few games for Mac (Blizzard are the only developers that make all their games for Mac as well as PC, warcraft3 actually use the same CD for PC and Mac)

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Originally posted by Matariel

mac processors may be powerful (ive yet to be convinced of this though), but MacOS sucks, i really really hate using it, its the stupidest unintuative thing ive ever seen. Windows may baby you a little with the user friendly stuff, but i'll take it if MacOS is the alternative

Plus there are few games for Mac (Blizzard are the only developers that make all their games for Mac as well as PC, warcraft3 actually use the same CD for PC and Mac)



Ahh from the voice of the Un-educated, and Windows loving people, trust me there are a lot more games for Mac than people belive, my collection of Mac Games is quiet extensive.


The Mac OS doesnt 'suck' it just that you have never used it and and are too used the WindowsOS, I would on ther other hand never touch Windows XP with a 12 foot barge pole, and will quiet happily stay with Win2k for the forseable future.


On the Mac Processers, a Dual 1.4Ghz G4 is equivlent to Dual 2.86 P4 HT. And my Mac still renders 2-3 hours faster than my PC when I do all my 3D stuff.


Now leave it there- this is sposed to be about the eventual release of the game on the Mac, and to show there is intrest for it. If you wish to go on about it, go to Yoda's swamp and pull up the old 'Mac v's PC' thread.



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... Anakin - save your breath ... anyone who posts stuff like Matariel has no real clue what he's talking about with regards to various OS's, and since he posts like an authority it implies a certain arrogance, so he won't be likely to listen and learn, so why bother.


OK, I'll bother ... Matariel - as I've said, I use machines of various OS's all of the time, and have been using PC's since I had my data on 8" floppies and cassette tapes. I regularly use WinXP, Win2k, WinNT4, and MacOS X. If all you ever knew and learned was Windows, then sure it seems more intuitive. But I guage ease-of-use by my wife, not my kids (they're like me and pick up everything related to computers very easily). My wife didn't ever really click with MacOS 'Classic' versions since she started using a Win2k laptop I got her. But OS X ... she immediately connects to that and loves it ... I have her on iPhoto, Mail, and so on ... and she loves it. Windows was constantly 'helping her' by doing things she didn't want, Mac OS X does what she wants and nothing more.


On the gaming front - there are more PC games than Mac games and they come out sooner. All true. But, as I said, JKII plays better on my Powerbook 1GHz than my 2GHz Dell Inspiron ... and the Yavin Swamp plays better than my Dell Dimension 8200 (2.53GHz).


I like both Macs and PCs, and with WinXP MS has come up with a nice, stable OS. I prefer OS X. You prefer Windows. Good for you ... don't feel the need to masquerade your uninformed prejudice as knowledge.



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Well Said. :)


I like both Macs and PCs, and with WinXP MS has come up with a nice, stable OS. I prefer OS X. You prefer Windows. Good for you ... don't feel the need to masquerade your uninformed prejudice as knowledge.



WinXP a 'nice' system :p as if, im just waiting till every one meets longhorn, hello, Im going to raid your pc and see what files you have downloaded, and whats this, a Cracked version of Photoshop, oh well Im going to have to tell Mr Adobe on you now and his nice Layers. Thank you for purchasing a Microsoft Product.

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For those who played JKII on the Mac & PC, what was your favorite thing on the Mac and what would you like to see different.


For me - and it isn't really Aspyr or Raven's fault, I was unable to have my Intellimouse Explorer custom map settings for both the game and the demo ... and I'm not sure on the Mac how to just use the Demo map with the regular game.


The performance was very good for me - some places the FPS were not as high as my PC, others were higher, but the Yavin Swamp was the real standout for Mac excellence.



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Originally posted by Anakin

How about we make sure that any Right Click commands in the game menus can be done on the Mac eg


Right Clicking to deselect force powers in MP


Funny ... since I use the Intellimouse Explorer (5 buttons!) I don't ever think about that ... I didn't realize it.


How do you do alt-attacks?



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macintoshes may be good at what they do, but userfriendlyness they loose out

and dont say "you dont know what you're talking about", ive used every popular OS out there, and macOS just grates on me...i like the idea of a task bar


and one more thing, one button mice that are perfectly round? wtf?!?!


theres a q3 port for mac, which was actually released first as i remember, but i dont think raven will make a mac port too quickly, so dont hold your breath

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Originally posted by Matariel



theres a q3 port for mac, which was actually released first as i remember, but i dont think raven will make a mac port too quickly, so dont hold your breath


Try to keep yourself on subject ... at least you showed a glimmer in this post ...


Raven doesn't do the ports to Mac. Westlake typically does them for MacPlay or Aspyr. Aspyr has released Raven games Elite Force and Jedi Knight II, and other Q3-based games like MoHAA and RtCW. MacPlay released Raven's Soldier of Fortune II.


The ports of Raven-made JKII and SoFII happened with ~4-6 months of the PC releases. I am highly confident that Aspyr will see the business case to make the port, and I see LEC/Activision wanting it (the $$) as well.


I have stated data to back my thoughts. On what do you base your opinions?



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Originally posted by txa1265

Funny ... since I use the Intellimouse Explorer (5 buttons!) I don't ever think about that ... I didn't realize it.


How do you do alt-attacks?




I use a two button mouse, but I use the Apple Key if I dont have it with me.


macintoshes may be good at what they do, but userfriendlyness they loose out

and dont say "you dont know what you're talking about", ive used every popular OS out there, and macOS just grates on me...i like the idea of a task bar


and one more thing, one button mice that are perfectly round? wtf?!?!


theres a q3 port for mac, which was actually released first as i remember, but i dont think raven will make a mac port too quickly, so dont hold your breath


Look I know it will happen they will port it over, at the end of the day you are content using your Windows OS, we on the other hand are profesionials who use Mac's for what they can do for us, and on the One button mouse, why do you need 2,3,4,5,6 ?? Yes well, Task bars excist If you know what you are doing OSX has a task bar, and so does OS9, I would give up and go talk to some one else, and leave this thread alone.



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