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Who thinks Obiwan was Lucky t Defeat Maul...


Was Obiwan Lucky to Defeat Maul?  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. Was Obiwan Lucky to Defeat Maul?

    • Yes he was
    • No it was a highly skillful move
    • I don't know

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No, I think he got lucky. It was a very disapointing end to a great duel. Maul wouldn't of just stood there like an idiot doing nothing and watch Obi jump over his head. Did Maul suddenly suffer with paralysis or something? :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by leXX

No, I think he got lucky. It was a very disapointing end to a great duel. Maul wouldn't of just stood there like an idiot doing nothing and watch Obi jump over his head. Did Maul suddenly suffer with paralysis or something? :rolleyes:


I compltely agree.

Another odd thing is that Maul's saber is "off" when obi kills him; but before the jump, it was "on"... strange...

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He was lucky that Maul was overconfident, yes. It was, however, a skillful move. Take your pick.


Oh btw Darth54, I recall the saber is on before the jump, yes....is it on when obi kills him? I don't remember/can't tell. I do KNOW that the saber is "ON" then turns "OFF" as Maul is falling off the platform.

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Originally posted by Purple_Tentacle

in my experience there is no such thing as "luck" - obi-wan


i had forgotten about that line... well maybe he's right, but he might not admit he beat maul out of luck (if he did), anyways no one saw him so he could have told everone he owned him if wanted to :D

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I think it was luck how he killed Maul. Maul was definitely the superior fighter and it took an incredible move on the part of Obi-Wan to defeat him.


Had that scenario not happened and the fight was continued on, I think that Maul would have won.....not easily, but he would have.

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I'd have to go with skill. Of course, a truly skilled warrior knows exactly when to take full advantage of luck, which is what Obi Wan did. Maul found an opening with Qui Gon and fully exploited that opening to kill him. Obi Wan did the exact same thing with Maul. It was skill, because Maul left an opening by not anticipating that move and Obi Wan used that moment.

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If y'all will check out Star Wars Insider #62 (which has a great Aayla cover) it has a cool article on the 7 forms of light saber combat. After that article is another about the different types of moves. One of which is sai tok, or cut body in half.


Jedi consider the bisection of a living opponent's body a form of butchery, a desecration to be avoided if possible. The savage extreme of sai tok is thus normally used only against battle droids. We see Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi deliver sai tok to many battle droids in Episodes I and II. Sai tok represents a potentially Sith-like desire to destroy one's enemy, whereas the Jedi goal even in combat is an inner focus on defeating the danger of opponents rather than hating them and wishing utter destruction upon them.


Theres a picture of Maul falling down the shaft and the text on the pictures reads:


Obi-Wan Kenobi resorted to sai tok to kill Darth Maul, a brutal move that arose partly from Obi-Wan's rage at Maul's murder of Qui-Gon Jinn.


Now the question arrises, where did the other "part" of the rage come from?


The true question we should be asking isn't if Obi-Wan was lucky or not, but how closley was he walking with the dark side? Prehaps Maul could feel Obi-Wan struggling with his rage and was distracted with thoughts of turning him?

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Original Quote: "Obi-Wan Kenobi resorted to sai tok to kill Darth Maul, a brutal move that arose partly from Obi-Wan's rage at Maul's murder of Qui-Gon Jinn."


Quote from Random: "Now the question arrises, where did the other "part" of the rage come from?"


I don't agree with your interpretation here. To me, there is no other "part" to his rage. It seems to mean that Obi-wan had various reasons for using sai tok, one of which was his anger. I think one of those other reasons would sheer desperation: he did not have a lot of time to select a killing move.

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Ras1310, I guess I could have worded it a little different than I did. I was thinking of how it was a similar situation that Luke faced in ROTJ vs Vader. They both briefly gave into their rage, battled back and won the fight, but at the cost of taking a step closer to the dark side.


In both cases, our heros were unable to defeat evil without being lured toward its power and tainted by its use.


An interesting comparison making I was.




MasterReptile, I don't know of a place online that has the article. Its copyrighted material, so I don't want to post the whole thing here. You could, if you have an extra 6 bucks buy the back issue from http://www.paizopublishing.com/swinsider.shtml (look in the Purchase Back Issues link). Its issue 62. Go head and get the subscription, its a great magazine. They have lots of information on the movies, EU, games, and behind the scenes, EP3 updates, and a great Answers to Your Star Wars Questions section. Such as "Why did Jango hire Zam to kill Padme? Why didn't he do it himself?"

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I think it was skill even iff maul did block that attack i think he still would have lost

think about it obi could beat darth vader the only reason he lost was to let luke run away

and vader can kill dooku

and dooku is better then maul

but then again he was not as skillful back then so maybe it was luck

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Originally posted by boinga1

He was lucky that Maul was overconfident, yes. It was, however, a skillful move. Take your pick.



yep, i agree! though i do wonder why mual just stood there.:confused: ?

if you watch it frame by frame on the dvd, he just casually watches obi jump over him. he knows its coming, so why doesn't he do anything about it.?

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