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hey What kind of names would be good


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I was just thinking i never played a starwars like this and most of the time on games like this one the name is kinda needed if you want to look good or fit and the game like make yourself seem to belong and the starwars world you need a good name. cuse i am used to like everquest fantise names


So what type of names or going to be consider good names other then takeing names from movies



:disaprove (Kull) as a name is it good or not



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Well, I suppose it is sorta fantasy like so it might work! Me, im going for Waffalar since it sounds like my handle in every other game I play (waffleman) but since im going to be a wookie it works because you can scramble any number of letters together and it comes out to sounding like and alien name! Also, if youve got your heart set on Kull you better be one of the first to get it because I think it might go FAST. :tie::x-wing:

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Well, I don't know. I think Kull might be restricted, since its a character from the Conan comics. But then again, I don't really know how strict they will be about it outside Star Wars. :)


I definatly know atleast the combination Luke Skywalker is out, and so is just the last name, Skywalker. If the first name, Luke, will be restricted I don't know for sure. :)

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Most names in starwars have some sort of meaning behind them, I think. George Lucas is a smart cat... many of the characters have names that are either metaphoric, or sound like a word that might describe them. For instance:


Han Solo: a loner, self-motivated and always looks out for number 1. That's about as literal as "solo" can get.


Luke Skywalker: Skywalker just sort of sounds like a good name for someone who can use the force to destroy the most powerful evil jedi in the universe, doesn't it? Not to mention the skywalker's underlying theme of Light vs. Dark.


There's also some smaller characters who are named according to their personality or appearance. Greedo is a greedy little rodian... Maul means to deface and destroy (maybe diff spelling tho)... Jet Porkins, the fat x-wing pilot (I always liked that dude)... Mace Windu, another badass jedi (windu, skywalker...)


There's also wierd names like Lando, the man who lives in cloud city (literally never walks on land... ironic?) and chewy, my chewing-tobacco lookin' friend, and don't forget Leia, who I'd love to get laid by, even though she's pretty old by now and no longer looks good in a brass bra.


anyways, randomness sucks. Decide what kind of personality you want your character to have, and come up with something original that means something about him! That's my advice. People will be more receptive to that sort of thing than you think.



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Well, firstly, make the name look like a name. Sounds obvious, but it deserves an extra consideration. I'll never respect someone who's name is "Eveil Budasss", simple as that.


Pairing an initial name with a last name that isn't a proper name works sometimes, though. Rithak Keenclaw could work for a trandoshan, etc.


And... well... Kull is very close to the f-word in swedish. So I would never take a character called that serious, either. But that's a totally different thing. ;)

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I can cuss in four languages, but what's the point of cussing? It just shows everyone around you that your vocabulary is so limited that you have to repeat a certain "colorful metaphor" every other word.


Kull- sounds cool. I have the perfect name lined up for each race, 'cause I still haven't figured that problem out. So when I finally decide which race I'll be able to write a bio up and I'll also have a cool name!

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Oookay, seems like I'm heavily under posting fire here, let's start the replies:


Ivel is a name, its not like "Deathmaster" or anyting, what about the name Dash, Ivel is a starwarsy name [/Quote]


Dash is a verb. And not a very common verb. Ivel is a adjective (much more common in names) pronounced almost the same as *gasp* evil, which is a word used to death (no pun intended) by 1) teenagers, 2) gamers, and 3) sci-fi nerds. It's simply way too cliché with a character who's named evil, unless it's either the first one doing it (like Evil Kneivel) or if it's done in a very, very original kind of way. I have no problem with people posting under these name (at least not that big a deal :p), but when it comes to naming a character this, I think it is.... immature? Out of context? Wrong? What it comes down to: if you have a not very common word that sounds good (Dash, Tilt, Shugga-buns), it can work great for names, and that is when you pair it with a fictional last name (or vice versa). Naming a character things like evil, cool, kickass, owner, killer or names that pronounces the same, isn't as novel. You'll end up with a character that few people over the age 13 would respect. Sad, but true! ;)


Set, are you making a pass at my name?



Eh, well, the day you create a bothan scout called sunshine badass, I do. But I must admit, your name has a flow to it, mainly because of how the stress work, Sunshine Badass. Things like stress flow, syllable cooperation (for instance, your first syllable starts the same as the last nucleus) and pitch can either ruin a name or make it pleasant and memorable. Names are nothing to take lightly upon, a great name will serve you in the way that people will easily remember you. After all, the brain has a much easier time to remember a name or combination of numbers if you link it to a melody. Much, much easier. So, if you make a name that has an inherent melody, it is a "better" name. This is most important for long names (more than three syllables). As always, there are more things to it than you might first acknowledge.



set, you are smart. how many languages can you cuss in?? you rock


Yes, I'm smart. It's because I like education. ;)

On my cussing, I can easily swear in English, Swedish, French, Yugoslavic (mostly Serbian), Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, Norwegian, Danish, Rumanian and Finnish. Actually, Finnish has the best cusswords of them all. Honest. Noone can swear like a Finn. Satana Perkele!


And yes, I'm a rocker. I rock out.

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Sample Names I have used on previous characters (Feel free to steal them as I won't be using them)

Caleb Babcox

Deriun Veshod

Delenger Riley

Meeks Erdorn

Belena Babel

Mak Orenti

Derik Valent


Remember, sometimes just changing the spelling of a name can give it a Star Warsy feel:

Deriun as compared to Darien

Derik as compared to Derrick

Robart as compared to Robert

Samm as compared to Sam

Dillin or Dilan as compared to Dillon


Also, off the wall or made up names often have a very SW feel to them:





Just some ideas for you. Like I said, feel free to plageurize these names, for I already have my favorite selected. Though I guess I can't call it plageurism if I am giving you permission. :D

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I haven't check but wow i got a lot of smart poeple looking at this so thanks


With all of the info throw at me i should come up with something better


Note i don't have no respect for poeple that use words that or not names like Death or worse poeple who join two words that are not the same like join forgotten to something


I know i am nuts hu


What does forgottendeath mean any way right ask if you realy wish to know


hehe just playing if any one get mad at this cuse i am ain't going to make people mad Yet wait untill the game i can't


I realy wish the game was out now even tho i haven't descided what name but i will


O yea Thanks for the info the lot of info


there now you know more and so do i thanks ;)

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"Eh, well, the day you create a bothan scout called sunshine badass, I do. But I must admit, your name has a flow to it, mainly because of how the stress work, Sunshine Badass. "


This is TOO funny... I was joking around with some friends a month or two back about what characters we were to make. I was suggesting that I was going to make a... dun dun DUN... Bothan scout named Sunshine Badass. He would be the domestically frivilous leader of his own PA and people would flock from all over to follow him. He would be very charismatic, and would soon gain everyone's loyalty. He was to be a scout and find out everyone's secret, blackmail everyone in the universe, and make profits up the wazoo taking daily payments for silence.


Now that I think about it... What was I on???


:D :D :D

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