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Jedi Academy is definitely going to be a big game out there, but there is another Star Wars game that could make a rift in the community. Knights of the Old Republic is practically the same game relating to the gameplay of a jedi plus tons more. The RPG has probably developed ten-fold as compared to Jedi Academy just by observation of screenshots. I might speaking in a relative generalization, but the fact is that both are scheduled for release in Fall 2003. Will people be split over both games? Right now it looks like KOTOR has it all.


Someone tell me why people would still go to Jedi Academy for entertainment with KOTOR around. I am confused. :compcry:

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KOTOR is an RPG, Jedi Academy is not, JA may have a couple of RPG like qualities but it will still be an action game, also KOTOR has a different combat system, where you pull down a menu and select an action (as far as I know), and JA's combat system will..... pretty much be the same as JO, so they're still two totally different beasts, except they're both set in the SW universe

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Precisely. KOTOR is going to be for the RPG minded. The action will not be nearly as break neck, seat of the pants fighting like JA. JA will have fewer jedi tricks persay, but whole butt load of fast-paced tactics, sabers being put away for a massive rocket launcher, etc. Plus, with the upcoming combined force powers, some really neat stuff can happen. Of course, that's all depending on whether Raven doesn't accidentally create some combined powers that once again lead to everyone using the same set up. Here's hoping.


KOTOR will be more slow-paced, immersive fun. I think you control more than one person as well, so you have a more party like atmosphere. Defeinitely a different beast.

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As others have already stated, they are pretty different games. To put it simply, Knights Of The Old Republic is probably closer to the gameplay of Neverwinter Nights (the last game by Bioware), and will allow you to control a party of up to 3 characters. We're talking a proper RPG with full stats, character skills and feats, where you fight enemies by clicking on them and selecting an attack - and whether you hit or not is determined by the underlying rules system. It promises to be an epic quest, with lots of little side quests and mini games, talking to lots of NPCs, and it's a totally different style of play.


JA is going to be more fast-paced action where you are in direct control of your single player character, with no real stats to speak of. The only real RPG elements are being able to customise your character and lightsaber, and the option to pick Dark or Light side of the Force dependent on the Force powers you choose.


Personally, I'll be getting both games. :)

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I'm going to buy both, I'll play JA SP first, abter beating SP (hopefully it wont take more than a week, JO took me 2 days) on Jedi Knight difficulty(?) assuming(?) there's the same choices, then I'm going to play KOTOR cause I like RPG and weekends play online JA on a FFA server, when people left the server, play KOTOR again, I'm gonna abuse playing my only 1 1/2 free day (friday late and whole saturday) both lates JA MP saturday after lunch time (what I call morning) KOTOR.

I'm saving for both games from now.

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i hate kotor so much because it uses real time like final fantasy


Why oh why do truly great games fall heir to scorn and deceit.


I'm getting both. I'm getting JA because I like fast-paced action and cool Jedi moves.

I love RPGs so I'm getting KOTOR.(Also, it promises open-ended gameplay like Morrowind:) ) I've been waiting for KOTOR since it's announcement in earlier 2002.

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Originally posted by JDKnite188

Knights of the Old Republic is practically the same game relating to the gameplay [/i]


Ha ha, lol. This is funny considering in KOTOR you dont actually fight anyone.


Yes, that is not a typo, you DO NOT FIGHT PEOPLE. In jediknight I click my mouse to engage my saber, I'am in control of my actions more or less.


In KOTOR, you click different buttons which queue different attacks and WATCH the action taken place. THATS RIGHT! WATCH!!! KOTOR if not a RPG is more of a strategy style game, semi-turn takin even! It is COMPLETELY different then JEDI ACADEMY regarding the only similarity being they are both star wars licenses. And even then, KOTOR is in a different time frame, so there are pretty much 0 similarities. Oh ya! Both games have a blaster! COMMUNITIES SHALL NOW DIVIDE! RUN!



Sorry stormhammer, but I just needed to reemphasize a bit more bluntly.

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I think we should be happy that they will both be out around the same time.....it really will be a fun fall around here when you throw Galaxies in the mix - this place will be busy! If you like Star Wars games.....the time is now! :D


They are both going to be incredible games, that much to be sure. I'm going to be getting both of them......there's no question about that! :D

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Which also means the ja community will be much tighter as they can actually play with eachother instead of talking how you personally solved a situation.


IMO actually doing the fighting and such yourself is much more entertaining then clicking an action with your mouse....i mean ffs.


(and i like fallout a lot, fallout is not comparable to kotor)

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KOTOR is going to be my first RPG game ever. I am aware that the combat consists of clicking on an enemy and choosing an attack then your character does it. I also know that RPG's consist of lots of conversation w/ NPC's. I've seen movies and screenshots of KOTOR, and its looks fantastic. But will someone please sell me on how this can be fun? I'm not knocking it at all, I've just never played an RPG. I am going to buy KOTOR regarless, but I've never really heard a good explanation of the fun of RPG combat. To be clear, I love epic storylines, and lots of different places to travel to, and also some sort of NPC interaction. My only understanding, is walk your party here, then walk your party there, talk to NPCs, then walk, Uh oh, combat time, click attack, then wait for them to beat on you, then you get another click. -I remember that from my friend playing Dragon Warrior on the NES. Is it still like this, or is it more fun now. Anyway, someone make this sound fun for me ok?



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The fun of this type of combat comes in strategy. Instead of using skill and ability, you will use your mind and knowledge of battle moreso then in an ordinary game.


Neverwinter nights is a great example. I did not like the semi- turn based aspect of it, but spell casting was fun since you had to decide when and what spell to use. Your taking many factors into consideration and then carrying a decision out.


Decision making, and problem solving are the fundamental foundations of RPG combat. BTW when I saw, RPG I do not mean TURN BASED. THAT COMBAT is in a league of its own, and in my opinion is really **** since it lacks any excitement at all. Allowing you to think for as long as you want.

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Might I suggest that you visit the Knights Of The Old Republic Forums here at LF, to have a good discussion with everyone else waiting for this game?


You can also visit StarWarsKnights.com to get the latest news, and see the latest screenshots from the game. It looks simply awesome.


Imagine...you set foot on the first stages of an epic quest, journeying from system to system and planet to planet to unravel a great mystery and push headlong toward your ultimate destiny. Starting as a Scoundrel, Bounty Hunter or Soldier, you gradually learn the ways of the Force, and must make the decision to fight for the Light, or journey into the Dark side. As you progress, you choose the skills and abilities of those under your control, and use those choices to ensure your characters survive.


Er...does that spice it up a bit? :D

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I can't wait for either KOTOR or JA. I loved Baldur's Gate II, and having this sort of game in the Star Wars universe should be great. Also, an improved JO should be fantastic as well. I'll be getting both games, since there is almost no overlap in content or gameplay.

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Originally posted by taekwondo joe

i will get both, they both look great, but if it comes down to it, i might depending on mymoney at the time, imight just by JA first play it, thenlater on down the road play KOTOR

That's why being out in the working word and making the phat cash is sweet! I'm sure my fiance won't get too upset if I buy both games :)
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Originally posted by taekwondo joe

its called being 15, i cant get a job any were around here till i be 16, but any thing i can find i get, such as yard work and stuff, but after the summer, my money is gonna be depleted, lots of stuff hapening in da summer!!!

Ha, I remember those days all to well. :)
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