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What if the game is delayed again?

Cloned DarkLord

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I am hearing from a lot of people that they are loosing or have lost interest in SWG casue the game is delayed every time the Release Date draws near. :rolleyes: I am trying to stick in there and be patient but even MY resistance and patience is growing thin. If this gets delayed again does this mean there are too many problems for this game to work? I know exactly what everyone will say, "It will be worth the wait!" That is what I have been telling people for a long time and I am still waiting. :( What do you think?

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I don't want it to come out for the sake of coming out. I want a perfect game, and they're trying to accomplish that. People have waited 3 years, they can wait another month or 2. Besides, I'll bet you a couple hundred bucks that when the game does come out, people will run back to the game.

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So far, they've announced it once to my recollection.

The other times it has only been estimates. ;)


And we all know what usually happens with estimates. :D


Beta 1 and 2 are the heavy bug reporting and fixing time. Those are now complete, and they have gone over to the final beta test before release: How the servers and game will handle pressure.


They will also test, among other things, how the economy will work out.

Basically they will twink around alittle and adjust things so that we get the best experience possible. :)

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Yup, Gaarni is right, though there has been many estimated dates (and people laughed at me when I doubted an August release back in 2002!:D), there has only been one release date. And frankly, I don't care that much, I have such a busy life, that I'm actually worrying about the game being release, how the "#%¤ am I supposed to get time for playing?! ;)

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This just in (well a couple of hours ago anyway :p ):


Posted By BoShek on the Official Forums:


Well, it’s been a while since I last posted. Some people probably don’t know who I am. I am the Executive Producer of SWG. I thought I would give you guys an update on where we are in development.


Our system designers have been working on final implementation of the professions in the game. We are going through each profession and enhancing, polishing, and balancing them. This will be finished by the end of the month, and this work will be rolled out to Beta in early May. Of course, work on balancing professions and adding new things to them is never finished, but we think we’re close to where we need to be for launch. These designers are also working on polishing AI, combat, as well as making more dynamic Points of Interests (POIs).


Our content team and world builders have been very busy filling our 10 planets with content. This is a huge job since our worlds are so large. What are they doing?


1. Providing more NPCs to give out missions instead of just having players going to a mission terminals for missions

2. Providing more variety of missions

3. Providing an unique feel to each city

4. Providing more static Points of Interests that are interesting and entertaining

5. Providing more places like Imperial Strongholds (our equivelant of the “dungeons” found in other MMOs) in the world that allow players to fight through many different levels of creatures and NPCs.


For the rest of the post, click here!

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kind of the same thing that i went through but i dont want it to come out too soon because i need to get my self a new computer that can handle this game well all i really need is a new 3d card but i want so much more then that so yes ill have to buy a new computer im hoping it comes out in june not may sorry if i dissapoint anyone but i dont think i can personally get it till july

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I forgot about it myself and have just gained intrest in it again :) And seriously if i can gain intrest again anyone else can ;) Im glad that they are actually keeping us informed they are posting lot's of update's aren't they and other game's dont do that so let's just be glad that they are dedicated to the community :D

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im guessing that they are getting pretty damn close to finsisheing because of all the updates they are giving us but yes i agree with reaper im pretty impressed that they are so commited to the community ive never seen this sort of sommitment for any game ........ then again ive nervber seen this sort of community for any game either

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Well ive seen the community for grand theft auto which sucked gangsters 2 is dead and jedi knight 2 is preety much dieing due to all the oldie's aren't playing anymore :(


And splinter cell well don't getme started on that,but im glad you agreed with me as they are deffintley trying they are keeping us updated each day and adding new stuff alot.


But there not adding alot as they want most of the game to be a surprise so wemay be seeing ewoks and DARTH VADER :D

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Well, I started playing Everquest after the delay was officially announced. I hate to say it but I've canceled my pre-order for SWQ and purchased all of the expansions for EQ. It's a great game, and I'm afraid that I have neither the time nor the money to pay Sony monthly fees for both EQ and SWG. I'll very likely try SWG in the future, but personally, I'm tired of waiting.



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