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What are the chances?


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What are the chances that we will actaully see one another unless of course its planned? Considering how #$^@ing enourmous this all is it would be pretty rare to see each other...am I right? We should create a huge PA that includes everyone from these forums.

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Originally posted by Kiedo

Yeah, we should do that, but I doubt we will. :p

OMG... you just had to say that didnt you :p


yeah we are the Associates.. started about a year ago from these forum people.....


but no we are not into war..... we do however have a large combat devision... under the lead of the almighty Captain Setsuko. She kicks ass :D.

I think they will do lots of fighting for and outside the PA.... so suppose you DO join.. you will get your end of the bargain.... :D


-Wraith 8-

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We are not a combat PA. We are not a crafting PA, a smuggling PA, or a bounty hunter PA.


The PA was made because we enjoyed each others company at these boards, and thought "hey, it would be really sad if we didn't met ingame, because we were on different servers etc.". We thought, "if we have this much fun at a damn board[/b] imagine us ingame!". So basically, =A= is a SWgalaxies.net PA. It was made by members of the board, for members of the board. A loong, long time ago, in a thread far, far away! ;)


We still have to see how we develop ingame, but we will support two aspects of SWG: roleplay a lot, and have fun. Really, that's our goals, nothing like "controlling the galaxy" or something like that.


Oh, and yes, I kick ass. It's a little routine I have, that I like to demonstrate on some members. Not mentioning names. But it is Kiedo. ;)



EDIT: My. God. I had the most entertaining nostalgic trip today. Here are the threads where it all began:



Here Ye Here Ye (sic)



The Associates (including the legendary quote that got me in it: "You need someone with a pragmatic mind in your PA :rolleyes:")


It's really fun to read, it's from my early >100 post days, we have people like Gavor the Pantless, Koffin, Rommel, MikeC and more. And it proves that I have been fighting my war agains MSN and AIM from day 1!:D


It also shows how much less... settled the forums were back then, when there were less people, and we merely had a couple of screenshots to discuss (mind you, few people believed those weren't pre-rendered by then!). The first one is a clear example of flame war, don't try that at home (err.here?) kids! :D


It's a good read, really. Especially if you are in the =A= and wonder how it all began.

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You do that. We are in the process of revamping the PA right now, so us leaders might be a bit busy, but we'll do our best. After all, after one year of accepting new recruits, we have some who haven't been in our PA for months. So, basically, we are about to correct the number of members (right now, it's actually more like 30-35 than 60, I guess). But still, our PA forum has more posts than the development forum, so I guess we're not that inactive. ;)

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I do not much care for Koffin... He twisted words and would not let Gaalgoth out of the "debate" as he called it, and even in posts where he immediately claimed he did not flame, he flames poor Gaalgoth nearly in the same sentence. Sure, Gaalgoth did not have the best approach to it, but he tried to rectify himself and apologized, whereas Koffin flamed EVERYONE who said anything.


How can he come into a board and flame someone, as Koffin claimed, was another "power hungry take over the galaxy, new to the world idiot" (Not his words, but the idea I got from them.) and then later do EXACTLY that. He wanted to start a PA and have whats-his-face worship him as he takes over the galaxy. That very well may have been in jest of his previous comments, though.


Curse you , Set! ;) ;) ;) Why did you bring that... "not-a-moron-Koffin" into my life??? It seems to me like Koffin is between 15-18 years old.


I know you did not make me read those posts, but I wanted to see if you lived up to the legend... Oh, and Gaalgoth. I think you were in the right 87% of that flame fest.


(Sunshine's views may be skewed due to post editing and not being "in the moment."):D I am happy.

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