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Full Throttle 2: The Legend of Curly's Gold


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Was mafia overlooked? I agree that graphics aren't the most important priorities in a game, but they do build up an expectation and hype. For months before you can actually play a game, all you have to whet your appetite is screenshots. The graphics sell the game, and the plot / gameplay make the game good or bad. For example, I just got Zelda: The Wind Waker on my Gamecube (interestingly early, I pre-ordered it and it arrived yesterday, despite the May 3rd release date) and the graphics are stunning. I know Zelda has its own reputation, so the game was gonna sell loads anyway, but I'll say this: as it is at the moment, TWW is one of my favourite games of all time, and a lot of that is down to the graphics. It looks like a Disney movie, and the effects and range of the scenery is immense. Basically, you can walk from the top of a mountain on one island all the way to the shore, get in your boat and sail across an entire ocean to another island (encountering many other things on the way, such as submarines and attolls) and then get out of the boat there and walk around. All this happens without any pause while the new area loads or anything, its totally fluent. If the game looked terrible, it wouldn't be anywhere near as much fun to do that journey, or many other parts of the game.

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To be honest i think the most important aspect of lucasart adventures to dat, that have generated so many fans is the atmosphere that is generated by the characters and their locations. Its like the monkey island series were amazing, my favorite being:


1: mi2





i dont hold a grude against the fourth installment apart from a few story related problems, but i find that they seemed to be able to portray so much more with the 2d backdrops. Its like lookin at a painting and taking in all the detail. If they want to win my vote with this new release of full throttle then they are gonna have to scrap this idea of going through levels nd add some detail to it ( wont happen ).


ahh well theres my weekly moan, hope you guys reply

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Yep, story is the most important part of a game. The graphic fetish people is the reason why gems like Mafia gets overlooked.


Um, I don't think so! Super Mario World didn't have much of a story but I still think its one of the best games ever made. Same goes for the Street Fighter series or Doom or Quake or Galaga or Asteroids or even Jedi Outcast (not much of a story really, I played it because it was fun!) or a million other games.


The most important aspect of any game is gameplay.


The question here is whether FT2 is going to appeal to those who like gameplay based around puzzles or those who like gameplay based around fast action.


The graphics are a whole other issue.


I think the main reason people don't like 3D is just like the man said: 2D artwork is often much more detailed and impressive. Obviously things are getting better but even games like Max Payne leave a lot to be desired when it comes to details... try to read a poster on the wall and it's 'blur-o-vision'. Also, for example, it's very hard to create an outside 3D enviroment that looks half as good as a 2D painting.


I think that's what people are complaining about here. Full Throttle (at least at the moment) almost looks like an N64 game! When you consider that FT1 came out in 1997 and looks BETTER and that there are plenty of 2D games out there that look a helluva lot better, it's frustrating that companies have gone '3D mad'.


I can't wait for the technology to catch up with the artwork, but until then I hope the detail level is at least half as good as a 2D game. I mean just look at Jedi Outcast. The graphics actually added alot to the atmosphere and the gameplay was great too.


Obviously graphics aren't as important as gameplay, but with FT2 if LA wants me to PAY $50 for their game then it better at least look as good as the original!


~ John


PS - Here's a screen shot from Mafia... I don't know what you're talking about it looks a million times better than FT2!!!


http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B00004U8K2.01.PT03.LZZZZZZZ.jpg http://www.lucasarts.com/products/hellonwheels/images/screens/4.jpg

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I didn't say Mafia had bad graphics, although it may have sounded like that. What I meant was that the industry today is totally obsessed with graphic. It seems to me that certain games just sell because of their looks, when they in reality are crap on the inside. I think that's sad because games like Mafia, which look beautiful and actually have a great story and gameplay, gets the same routine as every other game when it's reviewed. It's like: "And the graphics, they're like wow! There's also a story there, but back to the graphics. Did I mention they were astounding!" Reviewers are petty. When many gaming magazines and gaming sites summarized the year 2002, very few of them actually mentioned Mafia. What the hell is that about?! The best games of 2002 were sequels to crappy console games who only had good graphics to boast with! It's sad and pathetic. I know I'm getting sidetracked now, so I'll end my post with a FT2 comment. When it's released, I will be looking at the story and gameplay. If they've managed a good combination of both, then I'm happy.

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Originally posted by ThunderPeel2001

Um, I don't think so! Super Mario World didn't have much of a story but I still think its one of the best games ever made. Same goes for the Street Fighter series or Doom or Quake or Galaga or Asteroids or even Jedi Outcast (not much of a story really, I played it because it was fun!) or a million other games.


The most important aspect of any game is gameplay.


i think what oystein was trying to say that the most important part of an adventure game is the story. remember, we don't want ft2 to be a game where we just going around solving mindless puzzels and beating the snot out of everyone we come across. Full Throttle was a game with a brilliant storyline and we're hoping to see the same kind of thing with it

s sequel.


also, i hear what you say about the graphics an how they look bad at the moment, but remember what i said before, they havn't added the shading yet, what we see in the screenshots is not what we're going to see on screen. the final stages of putting the game together will be adding god lighting, shaders, coulours (layers of colours i mean) and textures, you can't expect them to have done that all by now.

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Mafia was, in my opinion, one of the best games last year. It's a 3rd person action game where you start as an errand boy for the mob and then work your way up the ladder. The story is very good and the graphics are awesome. It also has a fun gameplay with lots of action and driving. You can read more about it on the official site

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Don't be too sure that it'll work on most computers, if people could design good quality games to work generically, they would be doing so. I'm guessing that they want to create a good game and so will take full advantage of the newer systems out there in order to produce a game of this calabre. This doesn't of course mean that in order to play this game we'll need to all go out and buy another computer, or even upgrade, but most computers older than two or three years may not be able to play them without the right hardware and software. Then again, I may be wrong.



the new screenshots look a lot better with lighting and shading now. see, it won't be that bad.

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