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why not ready?


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look i understand that the game isnt finished yet so it cant be released...but what the hell is wrong with the marketing department? it seems like they should have been ready to go like a year ago and with all this extra time they cant even get game cards? thats ridiculous. i mean, i could understand not having them a year ago at that "launch"...but by now? "throw me a frickin bone here."

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i understand that they need more time for development, but they keep making cuts! with all this extra time...youd think they could give us SOMETHING extra...id forgive them in exchange for game cards...otherwise ill have to wait even LONGER to play.

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Setsuko, Setsuko, Setsuko...


How very unlike you to be so narrow-minded. There is a very large problem with credit cards. Many people can not afford credit cards, and have trouble paying them. Many people's parents will not pay the monthly fee for their children. Many adults reject videogames, and do not want their friends/children to participate is such a waste of time. (They do not realize, however) Many people will often forget about these small payments on their credit cards and could end up giving out over 100 dollars at least per year. Many people are afraid of paying because of giving out information over the internet or electronically.

The point is, there are a TON of reasons for people not wanting to use credit cards for games like this or just in general. If game cards come out, many people will prefer them over credit cards, and more people would be likely to get the game. Unless the monthly fee is too high...



Just a few subliminal messages...

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Hm. 'Can't afford a credit card'. I guess that's the point I don't understand, since in Sweden, you can have a Visa card and just use it as a bank card. That is, it doesn't cost you anything, you just use it as a regular ATM card, only thing is that you can pay with it at any place that they accept credit cards.


Hm. I guess you're right. I might be a bit narrowminded in this. I think it's because credit cards are not such a big deal over here, basically anyone above 15 has a bank card, cash isn't that common really. And neither is the 'satan will eat your children if they play videogames' fanaticism. Call it a clash of cultures. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you manage to find a way, though.


If you were here, and were 15, you could get a bank card yourselves. :/

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If you were here, and were 15, you could get a bank card yourselves. :/

Same here. :)


But Set, I think what they mean by credit card is an actual credit card.

In other words, it's more like a loaning card. You buy stuff without actually having the money to spend. A debtor pays for what you buy, and then in the end of the month or something you can pay them back, instead of right away to the store or wherever you bought the thing.


I beleive you and I can do that to if we choose to have that option, but if we have the cash in the bank, the money will be deducted from our bankaccount.

Credit cards in it's truest form doesn't do that. It doesn't even have to have any connection with your bankaccount as far as I understand. :)

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That's correct Jan. Basically if you have either lets say a Mastercard or a Visa, usually it is associated with a bank. This does not have to be a bank where you hold an account, but it is the bank that actually pays the company from where you made your purchase. Mastercard and Visa are the protection, they are kind of like an insurance, to guarantee that if the company you made a purchase from tries to stiff you, that you either get your money back, or whatever.


So the bank pays, for example, Chase Mahattan Bank, and then in essence you have a small loan from them. At the end of the month your statement comes. If you pay it all off you owe no interest at all. If you make just a payment below the total amount however, they will apply interest to the amount you "borrowed" sometimes as high as 15%. This is how the bank makes money off of the "loans" and of course to have the Mastercard protection they pay Mastercard a fee, and everybody is happy.


Debit cards work a little differently in that this is an account that you actually have at the bank who financed your card. Instead of loaning you the amount and charging you interest, they just deduct it directly from your account. You still however have the Mastercard and Visa protection in case something bad happens.

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I have a MasterCard.

It's also a debit card. :)

So my purchase is deducted directly from my bankaccount first, until it's dry. Like I said earlier, I beleive I have the option to spend more than I have on my bankaccount, but at the moment it's not turned on. I also have put a limit of around 5000Kr withdrawal each week in an ATM. That is just in the ATM, it does not include withdrawals from stores.

And as it is a MasterCard, I can also us it almost anywhere in the world.


And the same goes for Set, I presume. ;)


I also have 2 credit cards, but they are store spesific, meaning I can only use them in the store I got it from and all it's related stores (sister stores).

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i know i know, i could get a debit card. but my brother did that with the underlying reason that if he couldnt pay for something, my parents would have to. so if i did it, it just looks like im being a jerk and that im gonna do the same thing, which i would probably in fact be tempted to do...


in any case, my point is that game cards would subdue all this hassle because it would just be something i could buy whenever i got the extra cash lying around, without having to deal with all my parents bs. and with what essentially amounts to a year long delay and no extra game features (actually with fewer features), i figure at least they should have been able to come up with a little something extra such as this to relieve those unfortunate souls with narrowminded parents.

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