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Desktop: The Movie

Bob Gnarly

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He is Jedi Master Quinlan Vos. He appears in many many Dark Horse comics with his padawan Aayla Secura. Her name is Khaleen and she first appears in Star Wars Republic #49. I made the wallpaper from the cover art for the upcoming Republic #54. The artwork is by Jan Duursema who is an excellent artist.


If you want to know more about them, read the sticky Aayla Secura thread in the Star Wars forum. ;)

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Originally posted by kstar__2



i'll post mine up ASAP:D


You gotta problem wit Seti@Home punk? Well, do ya? ;)


Name me a better way to look for little green men whilst using otherwise wasted CPU cycles... can't do it, can ya? :joy:


Actually, I've been doing it so long I'm doing it almost out of habit at this point. I figure if I'm going to run a screensaver anyway, I might as well have one that's really doing something instead of just putting pretty images up on the screen.


Current results.

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