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co-op MP in JA


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in the recently released features by Kenn Hoekstra, it says that the new scripting system will allow for scripted events in MP. basically, that means it should be easy to create co-op maps/levels, because co-op is basically MP against scripted/AI enemies. hope people who know how to do this crank out some good co-op maps. those are my favorite kinds of MP, and i'm not talking about team MP.




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Originally posted by Irimi-Ai

in the recently released features by Kenn Hoekstra, it says that the new scripting system will allow for scripted events in MP. basically, that means it should be easy to create co-op maps/levels, because co-op is basically MP against scripted/AI enemies. hope people who know how to do this crank out some good co-op maps. those are my favorite kinds of MP, and i'm not talking about team MP.





Are you sure you're not reading too much into it? A scripted event doesn't necessarily mean an enemy encounter, does it? If co-op was that easy to put in there...they'd put it in there themselves. And I'm not sure they'll be doing that... I'm not saying I don't want to see it...it would be great...but I'm just dubious...

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what do they mean by scripted event?? the only thing i can see is when in half-life, you came up on the guys shooting at the alians, with out your partisipation, or in JO when you came up on jedi fighting reborn towards the end. but for mp, how would this take place :eyeraise: could yall help a brother out?

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Originally posted by taekwondo joe

what do they mean by scripted event?? the only thing i can see is when in half-life, you came up on the guys shooting at the alians, with out your partisipation, or in JO when you came up on jedi fighting reborn towards the end. but for mp, how would this take place :eyeraise: could yall help a brother out?


A scripted event could be anything. It could be a bridge collapsing. It could be someone being dragged into an air-vent. It's something that happens at a given time...or is triggered by a player's action. I can see where this sort of thing can add atmosphere to MP... but as for the specifics...


[melody]Well, we have no specifics...

we have no specifics today... [/melody]


Sorry, couldn't resist. :D

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Originally posted by imyourfather

If there would be, it would be much more fun then just slashing each other.

It might be for some, but remember, FFA deathmatch is the most popular gametype out there. So others might not agree. :)
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i was taking scripted to mean what others have said in this thread. namely, events that happen without direct input from the player (e.g., bridge falling, etc.). however, storm troopers on patrol can be scripted and the AI file attached to the script, and so on. there could be lower lag, too, as the script can be triggered when the player crosses a certain boundry (e.g., enemies don't spawn until a player crosses a boundry). this will decrease the amount of entities that have to be tracked, as they are only spawned when needed. i did some scripting in MP for JK2 (in my animation mod), and that was the first thing i thought of when i read that, since co-op is my favorite style of MP. i also did some co-op stuff for the original JK. i could be wrong, but i hope i'm not.



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Originally posted by StormHammer

Are you sure you're not reading too much into it? A scripted event doesn't necessarily mean an enemy encounter, does it? If co-op was that easy to put in there...they'd put it in there themselves. And I'm not sure they'll be doing that... I'm not saying I don't want to see it...it would be great...but I'm just dubious...


i think he is, but still it would be nice.

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I hope we'll get something like Seven Co-Op,but instead of the aliens and assasins,we'll get unusual enemies,like Gammoreans and Dark Jedi to prevent us from scoring our goals and at the same time try to score theirs.However,we'll have to put a cap so there won't be mindless play for a long time(although allowed if host wants)

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You're all talking about co-op where everyone is on the same team, fighting NPC's.


I think it would be beter without NPC's, where the goal is something like one team trying to press on a button, and the other team is trying to prevent it.


When you die, you do not respwan, until the end of the round.


Just like the games I was talking about before.

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Originally posted by imyourfather

You're all talking about co-op where everyone is on the same team, fighting NPC's.


I think it would be beter without NPC's, where the goal is something like one team trying to press on a button, and the other team is trying to prevent it.


When you die, you do not respwan, until the end of the round.


Just like the games I was talking about before.


Yes, but in a way that's basically just like CTF, if you just have two opposing teams. You can have a better context...just look at some of UT's and UT2K3's game modes, like Domination and Assault, which are both fun to play. And although I've not played RTCW's MP, it is more objective-based, with players assuming different roles as part of the team. There's nothing wrong with any of that, I agree.


However, a straightforward co-op where you are fighting computer-controlled NPCs can be very fun as well, and it would be nice to have that kind of experience in MP. UT2K3 has recently introduced the 'Invasion' mode, where you basically have to keep hordes of enemies at bay with your team-mates - and it's a good blast.


If they introduced something like the first MotS SP level into MP, with you and your team-mates playing the part of the Rebels defending the base against an Imperial (npc) invasion, I think it would be a lot of fun. :) There is also a little more potential for developing this in the context of a storyline, possibly spanning a few missions. And in that kind of context, I think you should definitely be given the option to respawn, to rejoin the battle - or the choice to go into spectator mode, if you wish.

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Originally posted by imyourfather

I think it would be beter without NPC's, where the goal is something like one team trying to press on a button, and the other team is trying to prevent it.

You mean Capture the Flag? :)


Originally posted by imyourfather

When you die, you do not respwan, until the end of the round.

I don't think this would ever work. What happens when there are a lot of people playing, and thus a long time until the game is over? What happens if you are killed after 2 minutes of a 20 minute match? I'll tell you what happens:




By the end of the game, there will be no one to play another game, because they all didn't want to wait forever for the game to finish.


And what happens if you allow people to join a game in progress (which you pretty much have to do)? Then anyone who gets killed will just disconnect and then reconnect to the game anyway.


So you might as well just let them respawn and keep playing, because people will find a way to do that anyway.

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The LMS (Last Man Standing) gametype is well established and a lot of popular mods are based around it. So it obviously works...


You don't allow rounds to last as long as 20 mins! I agree, if they were that long, you would be disconnecting...


And you don't allow players to jump straight in the round when they connect, they observe until the start of the next...

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i think he's referring to the "Sven co-op" for HL (not "Seven co-op"). just do a google and it'll pop up.


anyway, i could be reading more into the game description than actually exists. though, like i said in my earlier post (and based on my experience with scripting in JO and doing some co-op work on the original JK) i do think co-op MP in JA sounds like a possibility...or at least much more possible than with JO. i could do anything in terms of animation, ai, entity tracking, path finding, and events in the SP game in JO with scripting. if it were possible to do these things in MP, co-op games would be possible. however, those couldn't be done because the scripting engine wasn't even loaded in the MP executable. that was the whole problem...as long as the ICARUS scripting engine is loaded in the MP executable, co-op should be relatively easy to implement. i took Kenn Hoekstra's post to mean that (at least some form of) the ICARUS scripting engine will be loaded with the MP executable, thus meaning that co-op MP will be possible.



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If you remember the team who tried to make co-op for jk2.... you'll remember that raven were helping them and they failed... only because of the texture capacity in mp compared to SP. Raven were trying to help but they couldn't figure away and the project was cancelled... so unless they have figured away, it's very unlikely.


Just the facts :(

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