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JA Editing News


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This is from the Raven forums at http://forums.ravensoft.com/ib/ikonboard.pl?;act=ST;f=21;t=20309


Game Engine – Jedi Academy uses a heavily modified version of id Software’s Quake III: Team Arena engine. New features added since Jedi Outcast are:


· Character customization system - allows players to create their own Jedi in both SP and MP (estimating 2160 combinations currently)

· Ghoul II enhancements including the Ghoul infinite Model modification system - Allows for modular model enhancements, custom colorization, and expanded animation support

· New ICARUS II scripting system for Single player and Multiplayer. Now allows for scripted events in multiplayer matches.

· New map creation tools allowing for models to be used as in world objects instead of just textures. Creates richer 3-D environments.

· New non-linear mission progression system.

· Raven’s ARIOCHE terrain system.

· Portal skies

· Rag doll skeletal system

· Enhanced vehicle system. Allows for new ride-able vehicles in addition to previous drive-able ones

· Character and vehicle enhancements designed to enable expanded mod support. Modders will be able to design their own Jedi, character outfits, sabers, etc.












And rag doll physics, that's just plain cool!

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Let's leave the comments until AFTER we receive the SDK with the promised features.


a) the terrain generation system will be part of the engine, it will not be directly moddable

b) GHOUL2 will be changed to support constructing models from parts: right now, all the parts are in a single glm file, I bet they will add support for loading multiple glm files for one model

c) "· Character and vehicle enhancements designed to enable expanded mod support. Modders will be able to design their own Jedi, character outfits, sabers, etc."


We can do it now, we can create skins, hilts and models.

d)"· New ICARUS II scripting system for Single player and Multiplayer. Now allows for scripted events in multiplayer matches.

· New map creation tools allowing for models to be used as in world objects instead of just textures. Creates richer 3-D environments. "


This sounds the most promising, however, it WILL DEPEND on execution. Scripting can be a simple 'trigger event on map start' or 'trigger a complex chain of events that depend on player's actions and on each other'

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Originally posted by lassev

Alas, now we need a comment from Anakin if even this is enough for Attack Of The Clones TC single player...


//replies with obligatory comment



Yes - I Hope so :)



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Originally posted by ASk

Let's leave the comments until AFTER we receive the SDK with the promised features.




This sounds the most promising, however, it WILL DEPEND on execution. Scripting can be a simple 'trigger event on map start' or 'trigger a complex chain of events that depend on player's actions and on each other'




My sentiments exactly. I've seen way too many marketing-generated press releases in my time.... ;)


At any rate, thank you for being among the level-headed about this topic.



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