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First force pic!!! yea


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Hmmm...seen those screens before. But as you mention it...with the first one and the Force power, I've been trying to figure out which Force power it is that's being used. I don't recall a blue glowing ball effect in JO anywhere... It could be a new Force power, or an enhanced older one...

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its the first time i see those new ones...double saber looks pretty kewl :)


its a little odd to be blocking like she is, with the sabers crossed wouldnt it be harder to react?


and as for that force power ya got me. theres a half circle over the saber that i have no idea what it is

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It looks like a blue destruction bolt to me :). The little blue circle looks like an explosion, and the distorted semi circles on either side of the edges look like heat waves... And JKII seemed to have taken a much blue-er approach this game... with the saber and force power colors and all, so I wouldn't be surprised if they made destruction turn blue :).

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Lightning is blue... Kyle is blue in a way too... (omg I should write lyrics ;))...


It's all one big conspiracy :) It could be a new force power, yes, because it's very strange for a force push animation, right? But the 'heat wave' isn't a heat wave I think. Maybe it's the shield (like when you're hit) ??

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The little blue circle looks like an explosion, and the distorted semi circles on either side of the edges look like heat waves...


I agree for me it looks like some kind of circular distortion effect, much like this produced by geonosian weapons in AotC (didn't know Q3 engine can do that). But I have no idea what kind of force power is this... may be force push as well. Character animation seems intact :confused:.

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Originally posted by eastcoast2895

the position of the player seems a little like force push, but the blue circle and distortion looks like it may be entirely new


i agree it does cause his arm is extended. The blue cicrle i think is a new effect like on obi wan.

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I'm now wondering if this is how we'll see Absorb in SP? Remember the scene in ESB when Vader holds his hand out to deflect the blaster bolts? Or Yoda absorbing lightning in Episode II? It could be that kind of effect. The Rodian is definitely looking off to the side...like there is someone/something on the other side of the chasm...

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If that's absorb, then is great that means that you can only absorb while standing still and not while DFAing(?), seems me re balenced grip doesnt allows you to slash while using it, but you can run everywhere absorbing on JO (I'm lightsider but I think absorb is a little exagerated in JO. makes you almost invincible(?))

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It looks from my point of view as being a touched up version of Force Push, and the blue ball effect around the hand is just the result of the disturbance in the air, since some Force powers have a blue glow, like lightning. Because I know in the interview for Gamestar it was mentioned that Raven went over some of the old force powers and kind of touched them up a little, as well as new Force powers, and also the ability to combine Force Powers to unleash a deadly Force Combo, like gripping someone and then throwing your lightsaber, which would kill the target instantly. That kind of thing.

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Personally I would like to see Raven leave out any un-necessary effects from the force powers. I am refering to powers like push, pull and grip. There are no effects for these powers in the movies and I think it should remain that way. I didn't really like the little smoke clouds in JO either. It's supposed to be telekinesis, not a magic spell. As far as lightning, absorb, destruction go, beef'em up, make'em look great. As far as the picture goes, that would be cool if they added some sort of Yoda EpII - like absorb. I hope that it does not become the new form of laser bolt blocking towards the end of the game. I really hope that they beef up the saber blocking animations. -At least regarding blaster blocking. I hated that you just stood there in JO and you held your saber in one of two positions while you blocked. I know that some times Kyle would move his saber around a bit, but it didn't look very good, I thought. I hope they add some cool blocking animations like when Mace does that back swing in EPII or when Obi Wan does this sort of base ball swing to block back a bolt. Make it look like the character is concentrating on a specific action, not just going into "block mode"

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Originally posted by Deadeye

Personally I would like to see Raven leave out any un-necessary effects from the force powers. I am refering to powers like push, pull and grip. There are no effects for these powers in the movies and I think it should remain that way.


Hmm...yeah, you're right. Use of the Force doesn't really have many visual effects in the movies. I don't see the need for them for things like Push or Pull...but with some others it might be appropriate to give you a visual cue in game as to what Force power you have enabled (Lightning etc., should obviouly have a visual effect). For the most part, where they do have to use a visual effect, I think they should be muted effects. It's not a console title with magic powers, after all, and too many brightly coloured effects would make it feel less like Star Wars...

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You guys obviously didn't do a lot of multiplayer ff play... the effects (as created in the jk2 engine) were a necessary evil. They are meant more for timing purpose delays, etc. There needs to be some visual effect or sound; however, several people play without a reliance on sound; therefore, a visual key is the only indication of a movement in mp play. This is not very, if at all, necessary in sp but, in multiplayer, it's a must. If you'll notice, push has a longer recovery time than pull and, when kicking, it's actually more effective to use pull in a push-use scenario. Without a visual indication, it would be very easy for a player like myself or any other experienced player to completely dominate an opponent with simple, effective fake move/attack sequences. In jk3 this could be entirely different but, in jko, the visual animation was a must.

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