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New Movie? Maybe? Perhaps?

Jedi Apprentice

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Well, I was searching some game sites at school and found this SWG movie on Ign.com and thought I would throw it you guys way just in case you haven't seen it before. (I didn't see it on the main page)


Jarren Needs A Blaster


It is a pretty good little video. Please don't eat me if this is old news. Even if it is, it can help the noobs. :)

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Everyone here is a noob no matter how much they think they know. They only non-noobs are the beta testers. So the noob calling can't start till we've actually played the damn game.


Jeeze guys...

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I see it like this. we are all noob's at one time, and when you were a noob you hated when people called you that. so why in the world would you put other people thru the same stuff you were once put thru. So the moral of this story is that if you got somthin to say say it on the battle field with your actions. or fall victum to my light sabre. Have a nice day...:saberr:

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I don't see why people take offense to it. Just learn to not let stuff like that bother you. Too many people have crappy days in their life because they let little dumb things, like being called a n00b, ruin their day. Just roll with the punches and let it go- in the long run you'll find yourself a much happier person. This is what I do, and it works.


I still love you Punisher ...not in a Homosexual kind of way...more a Jackrabbit kind of way. Don't worry, it's good.
Riiiiiiiiight ;)
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Go up to the top of the forum and click on User CP, this is how you change your preferences. Then click on your options tab, scroll down to the bottom, and it has a place there where you can change your avatar, that is, the picture underneath your name.

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Kaiser Isaac the reason we call ppl newbs even though we know how much it hurt us when we were once newbs is all because of seniority.........veterans have earned the right (in my opinion) to call all those snot nosed little brats newbs whenever they feel like it. and ontop of meeting you on the battle field.........i say want some get some.....i am calling you out BOY!!!!

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Originally posted by Jackrabbit

::stomach growls:: Oh :(


I call people n00b out of love. They shouldn't get angry...unless they're being called n00b by somebody "younger" then them.


Me too :) Don't get offended or anything ;) It just mean's someone new it's a fancy word like Rheet's *Yoink* :) Dont take it to heart :rolleyes::p

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