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Cheap Bastered Beta rip


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Ok, im just curious and not in anyway supporting the illegal passing out of beta disks. but im really interested on how Lucas Arts makes sure this isnt going on. i mean sure, you sign a contract but you do that every time you turn on windows. Other than the threats of death, torture, and dimemberment, what can they do since playing the game that has been passed out illagly isnt illegal, only the distrobution is forbidon. :(:confused::mad:

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Hmm, well i guess it doesn't matter as long as you can sleep at night right?


Maybe, if they log on and then see that you use the same key coded disc later at a different IP then they'll say, "Yo foo wazzz up wit dat." And then they'll be on your ass like a pack of dogs on a three legged cat. :D

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I would love to be one of the cops/cia/fbi going to "his" house at 3:00 in the morn and pulling out of bed and yelling

"Wassup foo, George Lucas is going to personaly freeze your @$$ into some carbonite and sell you to the highest bidder, so kiss your mama bye bye punk!"

Ok, maybe not quite like that but busting someone would be fun. especially for stealing a game! Nothing like going to prison for 5-8 yrs for inpatiance. :p

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I would imagine that they could catch you the way UnfrozenCaveman said, by monitoring your IP.


However, I do believe that the beta cd keys are consumable, that is, once you activate your beta account, that cd key is "eaten up" and is no longer usable, so if you did rip the cd and give it to someone else, they would have to sit and try to guess up a cd key that hasn't been consumed yet.. which, in my opinion, might take a while.

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Only one IP can be logged in with the same beta key at the same time. Just as only one IP can be logged in with the same key once the game goes retail. So, if you spread your key, then it is a big chance that you can't log in because someone is using your key! That is a rather big reason not to give away your key, isn't it? :)

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Well if your cheap like me... :p:D You and maybe a couple of your friends could split the monthly charge and the cd/key and set up a schedule for what times you play during the week. This way I get away with paying only 3 dollars a month and still get equal game time. Seeing I dont sit on the machine all day.

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What we are refering too is the beta, ya know, the game before it gets released publicly to select few who test it out. I hope your not splitting that!! Or big brother will have a few unplesant words, and legal actions :p

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I do not know what it could be used for, but in D2 I could log into my account twice at the same time and just Hell rush all my new characters for free. No point in SWG, since I do not believe there is much you could do by logging in twice. (Oh, and by the way Sunshine. You cannot log in twice with the same account. And if you did: Only one character.)


But then riddle me this, my alternate self: What if I unlocked the FS slot and could protect myself with a stronger character while I trained my Jedi at the same time? Huh? What of that? Yeah? Yeah?


(I know it cannot be done. Thank the gods.:D :D :D )

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it's very possible. for example with the warcraft 3 beta people with the resources set up their own servers for people to play the beta on...servers that obviously would then require no cd key. it takes time and the right crowd to get to that point but it is very possible.


I remember waiting up all night and at about 6-8 am the first working server ip was released :p most of the time was spent cracking/reprograming the beta for all this to actually work.


the absolute worst blizzard was able to do was....nothing. oh well :p they could try and legally bring down the servers but by then the actual game would be released and it wouldn't matter.

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Well since your IP is logged by the servers, and GM's are monitoring the logs... Do you not think that two identical IP addresses at the same time on the same server would put up at least a brightly colored red beacon of investigation and the sueing of your hind maintenance?


(In other words: Two IP's on the same server at the same time equals one bad day for you.)

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Originally posted by Evad

However, I do believe that the beta cd keys are consumable, that is, once you activate your beta account, that cd key is "eaten up" and is no longer usable, so if you did rip the cd and give it to someone else, they would have to sit and try to guess up a cd key that hasn't been consumed yet.. which, in my opinion, might take a while.

There are lots of high end programs with hacks already Windows XP for example. Almost every popular game has a hack so when a person burns the game they have to have a CD key just the same. The Hacks I'm referring to are CD Key hacks. A small program that figures out possible CD Keys at random.


If someone was inventive enough they could get the code and make a hack for it that would pop out random working CD Keys for SWG assuming they don't moniter the keys some way. The CD Key could be used until someone actuly was issued that CD key. Than they would call complain and be given a new one and yours would be canceled.

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And Cosmos Jack, MMORPG's do have a total control of their CD Keys. After all, you use it every time you log in, not just only when you install the product, as in the case of Windows. So no, your cracking skillz will help you about nil when it comes to SWG. And the CD Keys in the packages are not activated until they are linked to a credit card number, making it even harder.


But yeah, if you are clever(?) and have the proper hack, you can pay exactly the same amount of money per month to play with a CD key that isn't sold yet (remember, a cd key won't let you play, only a cd key connected with a credit card number. So you still have to pay). Until someone buy the box, and you get a big lawsuit from SOE on your ass. And you can forget about ever playing SWG again. Now, why anyone would do this instead of buying the game, I don't know. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Sunshine Badass

It adds a certain element of challenge to the game.;)


Plus, if you are lonely, you can expect some nice men and women to politely push your door down and be your mystical, magical friends. :D :D :D



Damm well they ain't comming in my house not that they'll be able to fit with all my pizza box's everywhere from me playing SWG 24/7 :D

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Originally posted by waffleman

Ok, im just curious and not in anyway supporting the illegal passing out of beta disks. but im really interested on how Lucas Arts makes sure this isnt going on. i mean sure, you sign a contract but you do that every time you turn on windows. Other than the threats of death, torture, and dimemberment, what can they do since playing the game that has been passed out illagly isnt illegal, only the distrobution is forbidon. :(:confused::mad:



cd keys probably has a big part in keeping the redistribution of beta disc down and they most likely have a list of all the beta testers and the accounts that they will be using..........(this is just all speculation and what i believe is common sense:))






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Originally posted by Kaiser Spaso

cd keys probably has a big part in keeping the redistribution of beta disc down and they most likely have a list of all the beta testers and the accounts that they will be using..........(this is just all speculation and what i believe is common sense:))







Like i said they will keep record's of all cd key's out log all account's by pc records:) Probally get staff to check recrod's all the time duplicate key code's being used etc :D


That's why im keeping my Galxie's box in my safe ;)

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