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Shmi Flaw?

Boba Rhett

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What was stopping Padme & Co from doing something to free Shmi? Padme is Queen of an entire planet. A planet whose races all owe their freedom to a kid whose mom is being held as a slave.


Why didn't Lucas create some (cheap) plot device to keep Shmi from being freed?

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Can anyone say... Cop out? :D;)


They wouldn't make it an interplanetary matter. Anakin just asks her to help, she sends some people to, "deal" with Watto, Shmi goes free, end of story. Who on Tatooine would possibly care?


I'm thinking after Anakin beats the Trade Federation, the Jedi Order didn't want him to be re-attached to his mother and sway his attention away from his new found Jedi training with his master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Keep in mind, he is a Jedi Padawan now, and Padme has better things to do than worry about a momma's boy's momma. (uh...ya...:eyeraise: )

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Wassup, that's one point toward leaving her. And the last they knew, she was doing alright under the 'care' of Watto. He wasn't abusing her, just owned her. They can't keep track of every single person in the galaxy. Even if they did watch her, she was set free by Kleig, why would she need rescuing then? I'd say she was doing pretty good for living on that butt-scar of a planet, Tatoonie.

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yeah, i think it would. plus it could tick the Hutts off enough to take some action because if they found out who it was they might think the jedi would come and free more of the slaves and that wouldn't settle to well with the hutts. and the jedi probably wouldn't want to because it would destract ani.

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Remember, the Jedi are keepers of the peace, not liberators or soldiers. The republic didn't control Tatooine, so why send in Jedi to try and free someone.


After all, if you look at what the Jedi order do - they remove children from their families, and teach them a loners way of life, similar to that of a priest....


Also, it wouldn't give Anakin the anger to become a Sith....

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Well, the Trade Federation had taken over Naboo now, so I guess the Queen had lost much of her real authority. And anyway, she might have given away her position if she used her authority, and they did not want to be found by the TF.


The real question is: Why didn't Qui-Gon use the money he got for the pod racer to free Shmi?

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The money from the Pod was given to Shmi. Anakin was going off to a better life, she had nobody relying on her, she was provided all of the necessities of life and she had a little extra spending money to live a little more comfortably than your average slave.


Where would she go if she had bought her freedom? Tatooine is in a perpetual Great Depression, and I doubt that there would be enough from the sale of the Pod to free herself and get off that dustball of a world. Luke sold his suped-up Speeder and only got 2000 credits, a fraction of the 10,000 that Han Solo was asking.


When you're making a living in a situation like that on Tatooine, then you're not going to give it up on some farshot chance.

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