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I never had such problems with Force jumping in JK, I liked it just fine, and also, like it's been stated plenty of times, much like the lightsaber, to an untrained person it can be just as dangerous to himself as it might be to his opponent. So I liked the fact that that was somewhat stressed in JK o.o In JKII the Force is pretty much foolproof.

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Yeah well you don't see Yoda or obi wan jumping into the ceiling killing themselves in the movies now do you?


They are creating more of the feel of your a jedi so they arent gonna put the jk force jumping back to the way it was.

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Originally posted by Mero Vilul

I would like to have the JK1 jumping back... when you hold the jump button and charge up the height of the jump... it was much better... now it feels like I'm flying... Don't like it...


I agree, i liked the way you would shoot up if you tapped it but remember JUMP AND FORCE JUMP WERE SEPERATE BUTTONS,

so if the seperate button was reintroduced then we would have the ability to just jump like on a crate rather than mantling (like stormy suggested) and also it requires more skill to time this way ( charging it up and figuring it out by sheer experience)


Yeah well you don't see Yoda or obi wan jumping into the ceiling killing themselves in the movies now do you?



But you don't see them force jumping anyway (except in EP 1 - but look how high the ceiling is - You can't see it!)

Yoda's sort of ordinary jumping just because he's small when he fights Dooku though.


They are creating more of the feel of your a jedi so they arent gonna put the jk force jumping back to the way it was.


Well in JK it felt more fun - it is a game based on a movie. I actually felt more liek a jedi in MP anyway than i do in JK2 (apart from duelling with fair players)

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Originally posted by MattJedi

Yeah well you don't see Yoda or obi wan jumping into the ceiling killing themselves in the movies now do you?

But then again, you don't see them constantly picking up health packs or shields either :)
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Or shooting that stupid flechette or imperial heavy repeater :rolleyes:


But back on topic: pleaaaase don't make seperate keys for jump and force jump again!! It's s annoying... I agree charging jump would be great, but it could be done with the same button...

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Has anyone else noticed that the Force Jump in JK is like Luke's jump from the carbon freezing pit in ESB, while the Force Jump in JO is like Obi-Wan's jump during Duel of the Fates in TPM? I guess in both cases they were trying to make it like the movies.


Anyway, I like JO's Force Jump much, much better than JK's.

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If they change anything, it will most likely be speed and altitude.


In old JK games, I remember people who couldn't jump worth crap because of the horrible Force Jump system. I once read a bit from a clan's recruiting message, it was something like "If you can get a few kills without Force Jumping into the cieling and braking your neck, you're in."


In JO, on the other hand, is much easier. Now I often see people jumping from place to place with little problem at all. The level of precision is much higher.

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Another thing I like about JO's Force Jump is the falling damage. Although not directly a part of the Force power, you can take larger falls in JO than JK. JK's four star Force Jump meant pain or death when landing. Pain if on a flat surface, but if you jumped down you were probably dead.

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Random things I liked about JK1/MotS:


1. You could hurt yourself if you used it wrong - it being Force Jump, not unlike shooting a rocket launcher into the wall at close range.


2. You could hurt yourself if you jumped too high. Although it would have been nice to have a power to negate this, such as Force Fall.


3. You could just tap the Force Jump button and make a full-powered jump, which freed you to more easily take pot-shots with your concussion rifle as you were propelled upwards.


Random things I liked about JO:


1. Had a little bit more granular control over it - it being Force Jump, but it took much more of your attention, making opportunity fire more difficult.


2. Weapons models were rendered well, especially the E-11, Thernal Detonator, and the Bowcaster.


3. Chain Lightning looked good.


Random things I didn't like about JO:


1. Matrix-style wall-walking. It would be neat for a Matrix game, but was totally wrong for a Jedi game.


2. The arcadey bat-saber. I just can't emphasize how uncool and silly that was.


3. Very few blaster weapons; most weapons reminded me of UT-style weapons.


4. Boring selection of MP skins.


5. Couldn't use both dark and light powers in a MP character at the same time.

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Originally posted by Vagabond

2. You could hurt yourself if you jumped too high. Although it would have been nice to have a power to negate this, such as Force Fall.

That would make things a bit more complicated than they need to be, wouldn't it? Why not just assume that that is what is "really happening"? Having to Force powers to manage your jumps just makes things more complicated than they need to be.


Originally posted by Vagabond

1. Matrix-style wall-walking. It would be neat for a Matrix game, but was totally wrong for a Jedi game.

I don't mind it, but I see what your saying. I think it was just added for the "kewl" factor. I could take it or leave it.


Originally posted by Vagabond

2. The arcadey bat-saber. I just can't emphasize how uncool and silly that was.

I'm not really sure what you mean by this. Are you refering to the animations of the saber, or the controls?


Originally posted by Vagabond

3. Very few blaster weapons; most weapons reminded me of UT-style weapons.

I agree. I think you could get the same variety of weapons using only blaster styles and thermal detonator-like explosives. Altering the damage, rate of fire, ammo, and so on should give you enough parameters to make a wide variety of blaster weapons.


Originally posted by Vagabond

4. Boring selection of MP skins.

Absolutely. They mean to tell me that having Mon Mothma and Reelo is better than maybe putting in Vader or Kenobi?


Originally posted by Vagabond

5. Couldn't use both dark and light powers in a MP character at the same time.

I kind of like that you could only use one or the other. I like differences between light and dark Jedi. I do wish that there was more options for regular soldier type players.
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What I meant by the bat-saber, is the effect that you'd see when striking someone with your lightsaber - usually during the killing blow - the vanquished would be thrown backwards several feet, looking very similar to how stuntmen look when pulled backwards by a cable.


If you think about it, a lightsaber cuts through matter, not act as some sort of super-powered club. I can sort of see LucasArts desire to keep blood and guts to a minimum in their games - however, the kinetic effect from the lightsaber was just ridiculous, in my opinion.

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Hey guys just wondering what you guys thought of one part in the trailer, when the rodian jedi(yellow saber) is fighting that beast of some sort in the cave it looks as if he does an overhead swing like Anikan uses in AOTC when fighting dooku, the horizontal overhead type stance(not saying this is a new stance just looks like part of the swing), anyway what do you guys think?

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