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Whos up to a fight against...


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Originally posted by Cadam11

I have too seen a lot of people that want ot be a bounty hunter, but I dont think many people will have that much dedication to being one. For one thing they have to be master in both Marksman and Scouting. So you probably wont see that many, since it will be kinda hard to attain. Second of all I dont think too many will be going after Jedi's, Unless you are on a bounty from the IMperials to hunt one, or you are some person that just wants to ruin the game for another person trying for Jedi Master. Those are people that are not true role players and are just here to ruin the experience for others in SWG


My aim is to train up all my skills, then try to be a bounty hunter. I got it all planned, i will fight for the rebels for a few months. Then go to bounty hunting. :D

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from Damorith


I wanna know who here is really gonna jump a jedi if he pulls a lightsaber out and kills a dude in town for telling him he's a loser..


I mean I here all these people on swg's website saying there going to jump a jedi on sight but seriously who is really gonna try and kill one?


Why not make a friend of them and call them up when you need help or asking for there wisdom...


I don't think I will want to seek the wisdom of someone who pulls out a lightsabre and kills someone in town!


I will jump in for several reasons.


1. I don't think Jedi should be in the game at all, during the timeframe of this game there were only 4 Jedi alive and they are all unplayable characters. Luke, Vader, Yoda and the Emperor. So with that in mind I will help keep the population low. Not that there could be a very small few Jedi that slip through the cracks but it is a very minimal percentage.


2. I have decided to RP my character in a way where he dislikes and doesn't trust Jedi. In other posts I have talked more about this, and given reasons why. If I stumble across a Jedi Master, will I attack him solo? Hell, no that would be suicide, but if I feel that the Jedi is a weaker, (Padawan type) then I will take him out. I have nothing to lose (ie I will respawn) while he does (perma-death).


3. Part of this game is reputation, if my char drops a Jedi and someone witnesses it, my rep will improve greatly. Being aligned with the Empire, I am sure it will improve my status with PC's and also possibly NPC's.


All that being said, I could befriend a Jedi. For example, I plan on RPing my character with a "life debt" code. If someone bails me out of trouble, I will then go out of my way to help that person in any way I can. I will spend time repaying the debt, and if I like them, will befriend them. In a situation like that, I could become friendly with a Jedi, and would help keep their secret. But that is the only scenario where that would happen. In my chars mind, that particular Jedi would be unique, the one that is good and could be trusted, otherwise all others would be my enemy.


EDIT also if I make another character, he most likely will be very different and I could RP him as a Rebellion sympathizer, who believes in the Jedi of old, but right now I only plan on one char.

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The Emperor and Vader is not Jedi.


Vader is questionable if you want to call him a Jedi, but Palpatine is not, and has never been, a Jedi.


He is the exact opposite: a Sith. :)


So really, just 2 Jedi: Yoda and Luke. ;)


There were a few others, but they are either in hiding, or lost their powers. And none of them can be found on any of the planets used for the game. That actually includes Yoda. :)


So I guess it's only 1 Jedi: Luke. :p


But then again, he is just a starter, more like a padawan.

So to sum it up, there should be no Jedi in-game at all really. :D


Wow, short list. :D

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I am just saying those people that are trying to ruin the experience of others and have no point in RP in the game. I know there will be people out there going after jedi's and I know they are meant to be hunted but like the people that will gang up on them just to do it and no other reason. I am trying to explain my reasoning for my reply earlier but I cant get it all together

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cadam: my point is that hunting jedi is not necessarily 'ruining someone elses experience', since a part of the jedi experience SHOULD be about hiding, keeping a low profile, and playing smart. There's no excuse for stupid jedi players.

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From TheMaestro

I just hope not a whole slew of people become BH's...I can see the appeal, but I will be tired if I start seeing like ..."Zama Fett," or "Jangu Fett," hopefully we can find and target those people first.


Still watch out for Tango Phett, the most feared and dangerous Dancer/Bounty Hunter in the galaxy. He was actually cloned by an obscure guild of dancers, whos leotard wearing army is feared by all dance recital participants in 15 systems. Run when you hear their warcry "I AM THE LORD OF THE DANCE".



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Bad images:( I won't be able to sleep knowing Thong-o Phett is around.

think the people that say they are going to "jump a jedi" are the same people that think Jawa's and Ewoks should be a playable race Either that or they are the people that are already in JEDI ONLY PA's.

That was well said, took the words from my mouth Caveman.

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Damorith: I wanna know who here is really gonna jump a jedi if he pulls a lightsaber out and kills a dude in town for telling him he's a loser..


First of all, I wouldn't reveal my jedi identity to strangers and I try not to draw my lightsaber out whenever I'm in town unless I'm really pressed.

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I still don't see a problem with wanting to kill a Jedi. I can understand that there are some bloodthirsty people who will wish to kill any chance that they get, but I am a little insulted that because of the way I chose to RP my character, I get thrown in the same category. I wish to play a "jumpy" Rodian who also distrust other Rodians. His clan was betrayed by a Dark Jedi to a competing clan of Rodians and holds a distrust for them.


I just wanted to go that route initially, seemed fun to me. I enjoy PVP but I also want to make my name as a Creature Handler. i will definately spend a lot more time doing that.


I wholeheartedly wish the best for those who get and use their FS slot, but if they act like an idiot a pull a lightsabre out in town, I (in character) will take a shot if it looks like I would win. It isn't bloodthirsty just good RPing IMHO.

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Ok they say it takes about a group of 10 well equipped players to maybe take down a jedi master. Well i've got it all planned out on how to take one down solo (well kinda...). First off im going to become a master creature handler and master marksman. Then (for however long it will take) I am going to tame 3 Krayt dragons and raise them until they are fully grown. Then whoever I want to kill I will be able to kill.:D I know this might take a while... but they say a well eqwuipped group of about 6 is what it would probably take to bring down a Krayt dragon. I dont think even a jedi master could take on 3 Krayt dragons as well as blaster fire from a distant hill all at the same time.

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Ok they say it takes about a group of 10 well equipped players to maybe take down a jedi master.

Really I heard it was 40-50 to take down a master. Oh well wait until the NDA is lifted to see. I just can't wait. Well anyway why would people attack a Jedi, I would say, "So have you ever heard of The Associates...":rolleyes:

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