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Proof that god hates me


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Student council election results were announced today. I was running for treasurer, and I didn't lose.. Nooo, I TIED! I would have taken it better if I had lost, but now I have to wait another day for a run-off election.. Oy vay..


Well, its not the end of the world eh?

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Originally posted by Clefo

Well actually.. After they announced there was a tie a friend of mine said to me "Dude, I forgot to vote, I would've voted for you man!"


Now THATS painful


If you don't win tomorrow, kill him :evanpiel::D


Hey, atleast you tied. You're still in this :)

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

*world emplodes*


*Grammer Police come to take Rhett away*


Excuse me, sir. I believe it is spelled "Implode." If you could come with us...


*More Grammer Police show up.*


Excuse me...you, Grammer Policemen will have to come with us...it's spelled "Grammar!"


*More Grammer Police Show up*


Excuse us, but....

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Originally posted by JediMasterEd

Hmmm...Grammer Police...hey, congratz. I Nevr got 2 ne form ov comitty. I tried 2 but I got only got sevn votez out ov...50 I think...opps...*runs*


*Every member of the Grammer Police drops dead of a heart attack*


Wow...that's impressive...

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oh good! That means my idea can still come true! So make sure to watch the rooftops...who knows when a vengeful oppostion member might take a shot at you.


BTW, Congrats. I ran for an office once I think...signed up because nobody else was going to...then on the day before the last day...3 other people much more popular than I signed...I lost by a healthy marigine...I feel sorry for the people who win officers fro the class this year tho...That means they have to organize the 10 year class reunion...thing is...we probably won't have one...4 of 5 on our officers list have a nice chance of ending up in jail sometime after getting out of HS. Good Times...:)

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