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Will a P3 850Mhz run SWG?


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I have read the system requirements, I just want to make absolutely sure that I cannot run SWG on my P3 850Mhz.


Will the game literally NOT run at all when it reads that I have an 850Mhz chip? Or will it run and just be slow as hell?


Any comments would be appreciated :)



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I am also running a PIII 850 Mhz. I have 256 MB ram, and a GF4 mx 420 graphics card. I would assume this will be enough to get by, possibly even with decent resolution.

Does anyone know how much the developers take your system specs into account when they review beta test applicants? Because of my slightly lower processor I am hoping my chances won't be lessened. I have asked this on the official question forums and haven't had a clear response.

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