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Matrix Reloaded: Reviewed (err... kinda)

Boba Rhett

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Doh! Nice catch. :D



The whole RotK trailer thing was just a rumor. We won't be seeing a RotK trailer for quite a while. :(


I was hoping to see a ROTK trailer. Me and my friends were like please let it be. I just want to know when we are going to be able to see it.


I also know what you mean ET. I am going to try to get Enter The Matrix as soon as I can cause I want to more about the documents and how they were obtained and I also want to get the Animatrix DVD. I think it might also help me get more of the movie that I may have not gotten or that would just make something better.



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Originally posted by Eldritch

It seems to me that going from having trouble defeating one agent (Smith) to kicking 100 Smith's butts qualifies as growth, even if he is still using martial arts.


He did kinda kick their butts, but in the end he just flew away. Rather anti-climactic, don’t ya think?


I still liked this movie. The action was great and it progressed the plot through the Archeitect, yet it is pale in comparison to the Original.

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i had back row seats and all if u wanna no about it heres a spoiler


There is soooo many cool fight he like beats the crap out of about 100 agent andersons and he gets this big pole and he smacks then like 50 feet through the air, Anget smith is not a agent of the matrix anymore he is a free man. the twins arnt in it for long . and its only half a movie so there will be a 3rd one oooo i cant wait. also when neo is fighting the agent smiths they all jump on him then he jumps up and they all go flying through the air then neo flys away and all the agent smiths are like , uh ....ok and they are just standing around looking at each other then they just start to walk off like nothing ever happened and there is a bit of humor in it....i wont say any more for now intill you all see it



EDIT: sorry i just noticed there waz another topic about this but i waz to dam excited i just had to shear it ....with out checking first..sorry

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Remember what the Oracle said, Neo doesn't totally understand it all, so it is his comprehension of the Matrix, or lack thereof that is holding him back....


Expect Revolutions to be where Neo becomes a lot more like we expect him.......

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That is the guy that is in fact one of the Agents, who somehow was in the body of this guy. That lends itself to a Matrix inside a Matrix inside a........ No other way to explain how an Agent makes it supposedly into the real world.




I'll have to see that little gift that people have said exists after the credits, I left before they finished.....

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it could have been


near the start when one of the agent smith's went through the phone into the real world



And i wonder if



the twins will return becouse they did there water trick thingy when they were getting blown up



And if neo flew away the movie would suck cas that was really one of the best parts

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Originally posted by Chewbacco

Why is Smith trying to kill neo but he can't. Neo is invincibe in the Matrix. besides in the bunch-o-Smiths fight scene, Neo stays and fights. Why doesn't he just fly away. I don't understand that.:confused:


Neo isn't actually invincible in the Matrix. He can still be killed, it's just....really really really hard to kill him.


I think he fought the Smiths because you've seen he needs to crouch down and cause the ripple effect in the ground before he takes off, and the only opportunity he had to do that without getting kicked in the face was right after he knocked all the Smiths off of him. Otherwise he didn't have room.

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Originally posted by ckcsaber

He did kinda kick their butts, but in the end he just flew away. Rather anti-climactic, don’t ya think?


Not really, after that much action and fighting, he had to know there was no way he could beat that many smiths.....i mean, for every one that he knocked 5,000 feet away with a pole, 20 more came running in and as soon as one of them hit him they were all on top of him.........flying away seemed the only logical course of action for him to take.......



I also wouldn't say he KINDA kicked their butts......he DESTROYED them, especially given the odds against him.

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Ah, thanks. I had a much different impression from previous posts, heh :)... I just wonder how explicit the sex scenes are (I know posters have said "not very, but drawn out", but in more detail).


But one more question, if you don't mind... What's this about a Chocolate cake... just out of sheer curiousity ;)?

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The sex scenes show alot of kissing and movement and it goes on for a while. I guess Neo's a stallion.


*polishes his official stallion merrit badge* :D


About the cake. Heh, well there's this guy (he's a program) called Merovingian and they go to see him. They are sitting in this restaurant and he looks over at this woman who's eating and he says that he's sent her a special dessert. A piece of cake that he, "programmed" himself. Then you see her at the table and she's wide eyed and it goes into matrix code and you see an explosion in her code. :D



Here's a picture to give you an idea of what the big zion crowd looks like.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

You don't see any danglies or frontol protrusions in the sex scenes. At the end though you do get a brief glimpse of Neo's hip... [/QUOTe]


Don't ya see Trinity Naked though? And I haven't seen it yet but my friend says you see "ERRRR something happen" in slow motion.

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