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MY personal concerns about the game

Kai Daru

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First of all, let me say a big hi to everyone in the forums, i found this site yesterday when i was looking for SWG info. This is my second post here, My first one was about a possible European based PA on the recruitment forum, go check it out if you are interested.


Firstly, before i start slagging off let me just say that i honestly believe that SWG will be the place to be for a long while and i cant wait to get started, hope to see you all there!


Ok now to the reason im posting this one. I'm not really one to post for no reason, and im sorry if im going over subjects that have been discussed months ago, but i really just want to air some concerns i have about SWG.


I have been playing MMORPG's for a long time now, my first was UO, then i went on to EQ, now i've quit EQ for SWG (i'm a bit of a heavy gamer and i just dont have time to play two of these games!).


However, looking at the info on some elements of the game, i've become quite concerned about some of the restrictions. Namely the 1 character per server and Jedi Perma-Death restrictrictions.


I can hear most of you moaning and groaning already about the fact that this was probably all discussed months ago, but i couldnt find it on the search and what the hay, at least its a change from all the "how to be a Jedi" nonsense.


Ok lets start with the 1 character per server thing.


I understand the reasons behind this is in a way. It cuts down on system resources for one, and also encourages a more stable economy and society (where not everyone has a merchant character or whatever so that player merchants can actually charge decent prices for their stuff, as well as other benefits).


But I'm sure im not the only person who likes to have one Adventuring character (lets face it guys, that's where all the fun is... nobody is buying SWG thinking "oooo i cant wait to build the first public toilet on Tatooine!") and one crafting type character, to help build on the in game community and add something to the game and my PA that i might be in.



Imagine my dismay when i found out this wasn't possible? I am a bit of a hardcore player (Roleplayer though, not Power Gamer/Looter) I admit... but what is wrong with me wanting to see what the whole game has to offer by having 2 or 3 characters rather than 1?


I understand that you can just go on to a different server to have another character, but no one would want to do that once they have been established within the community of their first server and have made friends. So I find this all very restrictive, and worry that it may end up being a detrement to the game. The simple fact is that when someone pays good money for a game every month... you naturally want to get everything out of the game that you can (this surely means Crafting AND Adventuring?!).


My other worry is about Jedi Perma-Death, don't worry im not an "I want to be a Jedi, I want to be a Jedi, I want to be a Jedi!" player. but the simple fact is that i dont think perma-death on a MMORPG is a viable option for restriction. I have a powerful computer AND a very good connection, but even then there were times during play in EQ where i died from LAG and D/C death's.


And to say that they have countered this by allowing them to die a few times before death becomes perminant i feel is pretty lame, I myself have had Lag and D/C deaths through no fault of my own 3 times in a DAY before.


I honestly feel that this is very unfair on the players who have worked tirelessly to get a force sensitive character and slowly build it up through months of work. Not to mention the tides of morons that there will undoubtedly be that will jump on a Jedi just because he can die perminantly and they cannot, and they'll get a kick out of that (If you doubt this fact just count the number of Jedi killing threads...). Once again i only feel that this is promoting hostility and/or a PvP envirnoment, and that is NOT good for the game community.


Well i guess that is the end of my gripe... im sorry if it was just a rehash of something said earlier. and im not just whining im trying to point out some genuine concerns as an experienced MMORPG gamer.


Thanks again, I'm glad i'm here, and hope to see you in game soon!



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Originally posted by Kai Daru

First of all, let me say a big hi to everyone in the forums, i found this site yesterday when i was looking for SWG info. This is my second post here, My first one was about a possible European based PA on the recruitment forum, go check it out if you are interested.


Firstly, before i start slagging off let me just say that i honestly believe that SWG will be the place to be for a long while and i cant wait to get started, hope to see you all there!


Ok now to the reason im posting this one. I'm not really one to post for no reason, and im sorry if im going over subjects that have been discussed months ago, but i really just want to air some concerns i have about SWG.


I have been playing MMORPG's for a long time now, my first was UO, then i went on to EQ, now i've quit EQ for SWG (i'm a bit of a heavy gamer and i just dont have time to play two of these games!).


However, looking at the info on some elements of the game, i've become quite concerned about some of the restrictions. Namely the 1 character per server and Jedi Perma-Death restrictrictions.


I can hear most of you moaning and groaning already about the fact that this was probably all discussed months ago, but i couldnt find it on the search and what the hay, at least its a change from all the "how to be a Jedi" nonsense.


Ok lets start with the 1 character per server thing.


I understand the reasons behind this is in a way. It cuts down on system resources for one, and also encourages a more stable economy and society (where not everyone has a merchant character or whatever so that player merchants can actually charge decent prices for their stuff, as well as other benefits).


But I'm sure im not the only person who likes to have one Adventuring character (lets face it guys, that's where all the fun is... nobody is buying SWG thinking "oooo i cant wait to build the first public toilet on Tatooine!") and one crafting type character, to help build on the in game community and add something to the game and my PA that i might be in.



Imagine my dismay when i found out this wasn't possible? I am a bit of a hardcore player (Roleplayer though, not Power Gamer/Looter) I admit... but what is wrong with me wanting to see what the whole game has to offer by having 2 or 3 characters rather than 1?


I understand that you can just go on to a different server to have another character, but no one would want to do that once they have been established within the community of their first server and have made friends. So I find this all very restrictive, and worry that it may end up being a detrement to the game. The simple fact is that when someone pays good money for a game every month... you naturally want to get everything out of the game that you can (this surely means Crafting AND Adventuring?!).


My other worry is about Jedi Perma-Death, don't worry im not an "I want to be a Jedi, I want to be a Jedi, I want to be a Jedi!" player. but the simple fact is that i dont think perma-death on a MMORPG is a viable option for restriction. I have a powerful computer AND a very good connection, but even then there were times during play in EQ where i died from LAG and D/C death's.


And to say that they have countered this by allowing them to die a few times before death becomes perminant i feel is pretty lame, I myself have had Lag and D/C deaths through no fault of my own 3 times in a DAY before.


I honestly feel that this is very unfair on the players who have worked tirelessly to get a force sensitive character and slowly build it up through months of work. Not to mention the tides of morons that there will undoubtedly be that will jump on a Jedi just because he can die perminantly and they cannot, and they'll get a kick out of that (If you doubt this fact just count the number of Jedi killing threads...). Once again i only feel that this is promoting hostility and/or a PvP envirnoment, and that is NOT good for the game community.


Well i guess that is the end of my gripe... im sorry if it was just a rehash of something said earlier. and im not just whining im trying to point out some genuine concerns as an experienced MMORPG gamer.


Thanks again, I'm glad i'm here, and hope to see you in game soon!





If it was about Jedis, it would be could Jedi galaxies. Basically i don't care if it's unfair on the Jedis. It is how it is in the star wars universe, and they are following the movies etc. :)


And we all don't mind paying for the game, as it will go towards something. The game is not very restricted at all, it's just following the universe of starwars. You get 10 character slots on a server, isn't that good enopugh. :D


For other servers just buy another account, im not going into this fully. It has been answered before, i would wait for a more optitic opinion then my down one. :rolleyes:;)

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Did you really have to quote his entire post :disaprove?


But I'm sure im not the only person who likes to have one Adventuring character (lets face it guys, that's where all the fun is... nobody is buying SWG thinking "oooo i cant wait to build the first public toilet on Tatooine!")


Not for the first toilet, of course, but a lot of people are buying this game just for the crafting system. The devs are making this game for two reasons. 1) So you can participate in the GCW, and 2) So you can live in the Star Wars Universe. Live. They're not making this game so people have more variety when they kill mobs. They want people to be able to own their own businesses, farm crops, build droids, etc. And a lot of people are content with just that. I'm thinking of making a character on another server who is a Farmer. Did you know that Farmer is an elite profession?! I think that's awesome!


I understand that you can just go on to a different server to have another character, but no one would want to do that once they have been established within the community of their first server and have made friends.


I agree with you, but only a little bit. Sure, it would be cool to be able to hang out with your friends, but instead why not meet new friends? If you want the old ones, go back to your main character ;).


I don't have anything to say about Jedi Perma-death. It doesn't really bother me, and I think it's a good idea.


And to tell you the truth, in my entire 3 years of playing EQ on my 56k modem, I can remember all the times I died from lag, because they were so few. Stop running on cliff faces :p!



Oh, and welcome to the LucasForums. Enjoy your stay.

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Firstly, a big welcome to these forums. Have a seat! Have a gnort! Have a good time!



Well... there is an easy way to have an adventurer and a craftman on the same server. Simply use your force sensitive slot (which you are due to get if you are a "hardcore gamer" as you say) as the craftman, since crafting is pruh-tty safe business, and have the other slot for your adventurer.


Anyhow, personally, I think both of those issues you take up have their advantages, and disadvantages. Firstly, I was really upset with the one char/server thingy, but now I've come to accept it. I don't think it changes the game for better or worse, it simply make it different. And in the current world with new MMORPGs coming up each quarter, being different is good.


And yes, I think the jedi permadeath is a magnificient idea, after a while you see its greatness. My hat's off to the devs for daring to use it; it sure took guts to make that decision. Being jedi should never be easy. Otherwise, there would be no challange.

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As Set all ready said, WELCOME!!! :D I've only been here 2 days and I think the people here are great! On topic - I can relate about the whole one character slot issue because I want the crafter and an adventurer as well. But then there will be the characters that only sign in their crafting characters just so they can make items and get some cash for their other character, know what I mean? So to solve the problem they made it so you can only have on character so if you are a crafter you are a damn crafter and if you don't like well then that's your fault and you have to scrap your character and build another one. It's kind of a way to solve the whole tweaking issue, and I'm sure you know what that is seeing how you played EQ. And as for Jedi permadeath, I think its a good idea because it makes them R-A-R-E so Jedi aren't flying around chopping shtuff down with their lightsabers.

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Another advantage is that you get enough points to learn a little from each part. So you can be both a good marksman and a good artisan, so merchants etc are not completely doomed to a life without knowing the right end of a blaster, as they are in so many other games out there.

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The game itself is not restrictive at all. Why you could have one character who has skills in every starting profession. One day you just want to craft things, the next day you are soloing Fambaas or kadus on Naboo. I think one character per server is great, and they've made up for it because you can do all these things with just one character.


I'm in beta, and my main character is a scout and one day i decided i wanted to try some crafting, so i got trained as a novice artisian but than found out I didn't like it and sold back my skills. It's as easy as that. And that is why the game isn't restrictive.

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Being from EQ as well, I'd have to agree with one character per server just not seeming right. I gave up my high level warrior for a beastlord, but was still nice to be able to use the warrior to help on raids. But, to the same extent, playing DAOC now, it's really nothing different to have characters on multiple servers, seeing as how you can not have toons of different realms on the same account and on the same server. DAOC does this b/c a big part of the game is PVP, (or RvR as we call it :D ), and being able to have toons in different realms would allow one to "spy" on the enemy. In SWG: it is basically realm verus realm like DAOC, you can start as neut and pick sides later, and, I think (did I read it right?), you can later leave your group in game,(meaning leave the Empire/Rebellion). For that reason I can see having only one toon per server.


I can also see the point with trade skills. They are really trying to make the game to where the casual player can acomplish a lot as well as the power gamer. Heck, if I still had the time to be a power gamer, (unemployment did have a few perks :D ). I would definitely have a solid adventure toon and a solid merchant toon and try and beat out everyone else's prices with that merchant. Again, being hardcore, I could easily beat out the casual peeps.


The only way I'd really root for perma death to be removed is if it was just for me. :p Without just dang nasty penalties, the grand majority of toons in SWG would be Jedis. To me, that would just absolutely ruin the mystique of the Jedi to me. They are always supposed to be really rare.


I admit there will definitely be "Jedi hunting" parties out there, and people just wanting to be jerks, but if you think about it, at least for the Empire, killing jedis would be roleplaying.....

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but what is wrong with me wanting to see what the whole game has to offer by having 2 or 3 characters rather than 1?

Nothing, if it was a singleplayer game.

But you are sharing the game with literally thousands of other people who prolly have the same wishes (including me). So, logically and honestly, sacrifieses must be made for the overall player base.



However, this won't be as big of a problem as you might think. The game is set up so you can, if you take your time, be able to go thru every single profession the game comes with at release, pluss those that will be added later, with one character alone.



About the Jedi, I feel they have found a perfect way to limit Jedi in-game.

Personally, I don't really understand why they even put the possibility to become a Jedi in there. :D (well, not entirelly true, I do understand it ;) )

I honestly feel that this is very unfair on the players who have worked tirelessly to get a force sensitive character and slowly build it up through months of work.

It's not unfair.


They know perfectly well what time period this game takes place in when they start their Jedi character.

They should feel gratitude that Jedihood is even a possibility.


The day I see thousands of Jedi in-game and nothing is done about it, is the day I quit the game.

It's no longer the Galactic Civil War anymore then. Just another Clone War.


And I love Jedi. I truly do.

But they just don't fit into the period we are supposed to play in.

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Oh, and:


[align=center]Welcome to the

SWGalaxies.Net Forums!!![/align] :)


I'm Jan Gaarni, XO of the Official Welcomming Committee and Moderator of this place.

The 2 other Moderators here are Wraith 8 and Darth_Sidious.


Be sure to check out the Read This First thread at the top of this forum, as it contains some guidelines on how to behave, if you haven't all ready. :)


Most here are friendly and the aggression level is far from what you will find in the Official SWG Boards, so I'm sure you will like it here.


Please feel free to stay as long as you want. :)


And have some chocolate covered gnorts. :D Complementary Juztyn, the Admin of these boards and SWGalaxies.Net. :p

!ATTENTION! These are chocolate gnorts, not real gnorts! :D


Also be sure to check out the SWGalaxies.Net site which is connected to these forums. :)


We hope you enjoy your stay here on the SWGalaxies.Net Forums. :)

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

Nothing, if it was a singleplayer game.

But you are sharing the game with literally thousands of other people who prolly have the same wishes (including me). So, logically and honestly, sacrifieses must be made for the overall player base.


Agreed, they have to keep the server to a limit of one character. Otherwise it would use up mega database space, and probally make people playing the game really slow. :)


Imagine 56kers. :p The server will only just be able to handle 56kers imagine if everyone had 2-4 characters, each on a server. :mad: It would be extremly slow the server, might even cause crashes. :eek:

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Thanks for all the posts guys this really is a great place for discussion i can see! It's good to get some info from people who know a lot more about the game than myself and can answer and put aside some of my queries about it.


its also good to know that you all seem to be quite sensible people in here (how unusual is that?!).


A little feedback from me on what you've all said, then.


Well you dont know how glad i am to learn that you can go through all professions with just the one character, this allays a lot of my fears concerning that, as that was my main concern about it.


something else came to mind though yesterday while i was reading your reply's...


What happens when an expansion comes out along with a new species that you'd love to play? What do you do then...? the only option would be to delete your current one (very unsavoury) or change server (from my personal point of view i would not want this either, i'm a social roleplayer mostly and i would miss my old wookies!) thats something you can all think on ;)


as far as the jedi situation goes... perhaps i should be more clear on this... I am unsure whether jedi should actually be there in the first place... and i think that perma-death would be the best way to balance the whole thing if it wasn't for the fact that lag deaths and D/C deaths can be quite common.


in direct response to Jackrabbit = i understand what you were saying about falling off cliff faces and so on (i can remeber some VERY nasty zones... im sure you can ;)) but i was more talking about disconnections during mass fights. I'm not sure where you are from, but im from the UK, and the connection going across the atlantic was never really very stable, we were always complaining about it to the poor GM's (even when the European servers came along there were still some instances of it).


Now whilst i agree with everyone that Jedi must be controlled and have a lot of risk attached to them... surely you can agree with me that the prospect of losing everything because of a server lag or the server disconnected you, is totally unfair, no matter how tough you think life for Jedi should be... put it this way... nobody in the star wars universe died from a lag monster. i think it would be a tragedy, and beleive me its going to happen more than you think... once the servers become fully populated.


What do you guys think about this? to clarify again... its not the fact that jedis can die im really worried about... its the fact they can die (and will die) from totally unfair circumstances, that are more to do with unstable networks and weather conditions than anything to do with Star Wars... Surely not right?



Oh, and thanks for the great welcome. I read the introductory post yesterday Jan. By the way for anyone interested... im looking into a possible European based PA. please respond to my thread in the recruitment forums if you are, not here. I'll probably be on the eclipse server guys, thats the unofficial european server apparently! See you there!


Thanks again. Kai

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Originally posted by Kai Daru

What happens when an expansion comes out along with a new species that you'd love to play? What do you do then...? the only option would be to delete your current one (very unsavoury) or change server (from my personal point of view i would not want this either, i'm a social roleplayer mostly and i would miss my old wookies!) thats something you can all think on ;)


It's like 10 character slots, you can create a new character. But you can only use one at a time or something. To be honest im comfused myself on that matter. :(



Oh, and thanks for the great welcome. I read the introductory post yesterday Jan. By the way for anyone interested... im looking into a possible European based PA. please respond to my thread in the recruitment forums if you are, not here. I'll probably be on the eclipse server guys, thats the unofficial european server apparently! See you there!


Thanks again. Kai



Hey, new posters are always welcomed on this board. Unlike the official one, good to have some fresh blood. Why don't you consider joining the associates, we will be playing on starsider. :)

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i read on the FAQ that its just 1 slot per server, thats when i freaked... check it out its on the site some place... as far as the PA goes... i dont want to discuss that here as this is off topic, but i need a European PA so people on it will be playing when i am...


if you want to discuss it further please catch me on MSN, my email is up, thanks :)

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Originally posted by Kai Daru

i read on the FAQ that its just 1 slot per server, thats when i freaked... check it out its on the site some place... as far as the PA goes... i dont want to discuss that here as this is off topic, but i need a European PA so people on it will be playing when i am...


if you want to discuss it further please catch me on MSN, my email is up, thanks :)


It isn't off topic, as it is related to the subjext. So no worrys. :) Also the associates is a european PA, check us out. ;)

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As far as one character per server I think that is a great idea. I noticed with Everquest people would use there alts to get equipment and pass it on to other characters. Since equipment CAN NOT be dropped in SWG except in houses or merchant building then the stacking of alts will subside.


As far as being a Jedi you should have to work hard to get it and you should have to be extremely careful to keep it. Why would a Jedi be able to show his powers in front of everyone when there are bounties on Jedi? Just doeesn't make since, therefore Jedi's who abuse this should have consequences.


Just my opinion.

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Originally posted by Damarius

As far as being a Jedi you should have to work hard to get it and you should have to be extremely careful to keep it. Why would a Jedi be able to show his powers in front of everyone when there are bounties on Jedi? Just doeesn't make since, therefore Jedi's who abuse this should have consequences.


Just my opinion.


That is exactally how the Jedi game system has been made. :)

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I agree that it should be difficult, as difficult as you say... and the perma death thing in theory i have no problem with, but in practise i do....


MMORPG's are not like other online games, they lag more and you get disconnected quite a bit on some days... and its not unknown to reconnect after being disconnected, or catch up with a lag and find yourself lying dead on the ground...


its this im concerned about...



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i come from ao so im no stranger to lag death and yes i do think perma death from the evil lag monster would suck, and be a unfair but its the price we pay to have jedis in swg.


and just to clarify i mean dieing to lag nothing else :)

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At last someone understands what im on about LOL (Thanks R0bb!) !


well other people may think lag permadeath is livable... but i dont... its not very starwars like is it? and thats what matters about SWG, but besides that... it is completely and utterly unfair!



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Cloning of ordinary people so they can live on isn't very Star Warsy either. And it's in there. :)


Besides, any player-Jedi in the game wouldn't be very Star Warsy. But it's in there.


People just demand Jedi in a none Jedi era. So, it's added, at a cost. And a very high cost too, I agree.

But what's more Star Warsy?

Jedi running around in a none-Jedi era?

Or few to none Jedi running around in a none-Jedi era?

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

Cloning of ordinary people so they can live on isn't very Star Warsy either. And it's in there. :)


Besides, any player-Jedi in the game wouldn't be very Star Warsy. But it's in there.


People just demand Jedi in a none Jedi era. So, it's added, at a cost. And a very high cost too, I agree.

But what's more Star Warsy?

Jedi running around in a none-Jedi era?

Or few to none Jedi running around in a none-Jedi era?


Very good point Jan. :)

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Hello again Jan.


well i think i've pretty much put my stance forward on this issue so i wont go on about it...


I'll just say that its not good for the game to have network errors being able to have such massive consequences for some of its players...


I'm worried that the ones who may end up being Jedi masters, wont be there because they were the best and most deserved, but just because they were lucky with lag and so on...


on a side note Jan, someone told me that associates was EU based PA, so im currently considering joining... it all depends whether i would fit in there or not :)



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