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A different kind of 'post your pic' thread


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oh c'mon..that's so unfair!

you'll get rich and famous and reach the number one spot on TRL with your number one single, while i'll be haunted by the press for the rest of my life and be invited to tea parties!

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also, you didn't specifically say it had to be of me, so I link to some other crazy pictures. (they're big so I won't actually insert them)







feel free to hax0r the urls. there's nothing paritcularly interesting anywhere.

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Originally posted by Deadmeat_X

Sigh...you ppl wouldnt know a good pic if you were hit in the arse with one


That's true ya know, I was once hit in the arse with a good picture, took me three days to figure out what the hell it was and how it managed to hit me in the arse.

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I've been...well...at home mostly...until I returned 3 weeks ago...and DS bleede to death, noone seemed to really care...





But OK, it's now time to shock once more...here are my exclusive pics...



This is....ME!!!



Right, sorry about that :) Anyway, here is me really. Shot with the all-famous NOSE-CAM



Again with the NOSE-CAM...



And this is well...me trying to act shocked...I suck...btw the nice red-effect is done by putting your thumb on the flashlight :D





That's all for now...


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Originally posted by Yufster


I was first trying to do the mad guitar picture and I yawned by accident. It looks like I'm deep throating the guitar.


good god, tahts a guitar!! for a minute there i though you were... erm... nevermind



Originally posted by NiKo

Grrr...here you go yufster!

I even shaved my legs for you...


erm... i didnt need to see that.



btw, last night we were in a party and i friend of mine got high and took his pants of. reminded me of you.


hum... in a party full of hot chicks, i remembered of a guy... OH MY GOD, IM...

*left-clicks on me. Check's "properties"*

no im not. again, nevermind



wow, this was the longest + useless post ive ever... well, posted.

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AL your thread was closed so I'll have to get u here... sorry for spamming.... I edited my post because it seemed a little rude and I sort of feel guilty over Mek. Everybody needs their enemy. I miss Mek.




LOL. read http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=101038 . He then made a list of people he hated.... Me, Natty and Carl Shutt. Then he made ANOTHER "resurrected" list when that one was closed. So he was banned, as far as I know.


It was funny, he just snapped. Went over the edge. You know when you pull a piece of string and it gets tauter and tauter until it just SNAPS? it was like that. Only funny.


To be fair, I think I pushed him a little too far and probably should have been banned too. I mean, I tell Mek I hate him the wholeeee time. And I doubt Carl or Natty would have been offended. They would have taken my attitude, and laughed at him falling into the depths of insanity, or the claws of satan, if you will.


My ribs hurt. They hurt soooo bad.


Personally I would like him to be unbanned. It's like an empty feeling not having him here. Like that episode of the Simpsons when.... SOMEBODIES enemy went away... or was that the simpsons? What show was that? And they couldn't live without their enemy? Yeah it WAS the simpsons. Bart and Principal Skinner. Hey, did anybody see Hank Azaria in Friends? He's so funny!

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Originally posted by Al-back from the BigWhoop


erm... i didnt need to see that.




you're just jealous cause i can fit in a tight dress and you cant!



erm...on a more serius note, i like girls

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Niko, that's not what that flirting thread I posted a while back would have us believe.


Originally posted by NiKo

Neil, you naughty boy you! Come here so mommy can spank your botty with this hairbrush! I like boys




On another note, stick around for my extended version of the Bill Gates song, being compressed as we speak.

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Originally posted by Yufster

Niko, that's not what that flirting thread I posted a while back would have us believe.


i just said that to make you jealous so you'd confess your true love to me and make wild passionate love to me...:rolleyes:





.......HEY! wait a minute..i never said that thing about Neil!!!




It was Kjos booty i wanted to spank with a hairbrush!

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