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A different kind of 'post your pic' thread


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Hmmm...let's look at your two theories, then I'll suggest a third.


Theory A: "Yaweh" is Mek. Unlikely. Read my posts, then read Mek's--you'll quickly see that one poster is much smarter than the other, and spells more or less correctly. ;)


Theory B: "Yaweh" is a stupid noob. Perhaps. :D That remains to be seen now, doesn't it?


My theory: "Yaweh" is a product of the emergent mass consciousness of the Lucasforums members and the internet medium in which they interact, and is a disembodied intelligence loose in the system somewhere, dangerously self-aware and prepared to cause unit confusion at the human level. Being the proponent of this theory, I am not qualified to comment on it.


So. :) It's one of those, or perhaps none at all. Truth is in the eye of the beholder, after all. Thanks. Love you.

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Originally posted by NiKo

.......HEY! wait a minute..i never said that thing about Neil!!!




It was Kjos booty i wanted to spank with a hairbrush!


what, so i'm not good enough fo- wait! i'm not getting sucked into this!


and Yaweh, it seems to me that you're a metaphysical being created by our negative thoughts and tensions. Of course that would involve Narrativium, and that doesn't exist in our universe, so i'm going to go with stupid noob.


in which case have a welcome basket. :D

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I know who Yaweh is.


I'm confident it's Tim Schafer.


COME ON! It makes sense! He's investigating the Lucasforums adventure game community to see what makes us players tick! So he can add those ticking elements into his excellent new game Psychonauts! that, and Yaweh writes like Tim Schafer


My theory: "Yaweh" is a product of the emergent mass consciousness of the Lucasforums members and the internet medium in which they interact, and is a disembodied intelligence loose in the system somewhere, dangerously self-aware and prepared to cause unit confusion at the human level. Being the proponent of this theory, I am not qualified to comment on it.


Tim Schafer claimed to be a super intelligent computer taking over the world on his official website.


As further evidence I bring to your attention his name, "Yaweh" which is another name for God. Tim Schafer has recently become Self Proclaimed King of Norway, as we are all aware. Perhaps his power turned to madness, which in turn spiralled dangerously out of control so he now believes he is a god, and takes the form of a nude statue in the same stance as Michelangelos David?


....To the Crapmobile! We GOTTA save Tim!

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As much fun as I'm having with the 'Yaweh' puppet, I can't watch it drive poor Deadmeat X crazy any longer...


*Ahem* My first visit to this forum was under less than ideal circumstances. I was just here to provide cover fire for a few of my squadron mates who were opening up a can of worms despite their own better judgement. Sorry about the sword thing, Yufster. ;) I like the forum, though, so I thought I'd stick around and introduce myself through a puppet rather than start out as an XWA/RSN sword heavy.


So. Deadmeat X, are you listening? :D I AM NOT MEKSILON!!! He isn't here, he truly is gone, and you can relax.


Thanks for the welcome basket! Of course 'Yaweh' gets two...come to think of it, He should be due a substantial cut of the Vatican's treasury. $Cha-CHING$


Am I Tim Schaefer? No, but I could be one of the following. Which do you think?


1. Robin Williams


2. George Lucas


3. A self-aware AI program


4. Tina Turner


5. Some anonymous cook named Jim


6. Osama Bin Laden


7. Bill Gates


Sorry Yufster, but if it's number 7 then you should know that I'm saving myself for Martha Stewart. ;)

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Just to prove this to Deadmeat X (really, I don't want him to go crazy)...


I am Zoom Rabbit. Zoom Rabbit is me. There is no part of me that isn't Zoom Rabbit, and vice-versa.


*(Disappears in a puff of logic, being a finite representation of an infinite reality to begin with.)*

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Al gets another welcome basket (although I don't actually remember giving you the first one, as I remember correctly, I registered after you. but never mind)


And Zoom, I knew it couldn'ts have been a newbie, it had to be an oldie, and it had to be from aren because with teh exception of ufster and natty, any people as loony and crazy as Yaweh ahd to come from arsen. And newbies don't generaklly post like that considering they know that first impressions are evrything and not even yufster was that crazy to begin with (although it only took her about three days to become this crazy around us, but that's besides the point.)


and finally, you're not the first two or the final two so it's between a self aware AI program, Tina Turner and an annonymous cook named Jim.


Now I'm a reasonable man and look at things laterally and logically. so using basic logic and the process of elimination, you'd have to be...



...Tina Turner, it's the only logical answer.

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anonymous cook named Jim? You can't be anonymous, AND named Jim.


Well I'm still convinced you're Tim Schafer. But if you had to be one of the people on that list, I'd say Bill Gates, because you were drawn here for my lust after you. Please download my adoring love song. And then marry me.

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lol @ neil, that was kinda the idea ;)



Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

No, but I could be one of the following. Which do you think?


1. Robin Williams


2. George Lucas


3. A self-aware AI program


4. Tina Turner


5. Some anonymous cook named Jim


6. Osama Bin Laden


7. Bill Gates


even though the number 3 over there meant to be a joke (what, the other ones too?) that is the actual answer, wether you know it or not. See?

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Egads! Zoomie appears to have busted out of his cage again and spreading chaos along the far-flung reaches of the Lucasforums cyber-county!


Sorry 'bout this folks... we'll drag him back to his cage and give him his lettuce, his stuffed human doll, and several strong doses of sedatives and attempt to get things back to normal in no time.


See, Zoom is a genetically engineered rabbit from the good folks over at XWA labs. We have bred him to be able to talk, prepare light meals, and use a computer. The delusions of grandure as well as the god-complex thing is actually an unfortunate side effect from the process. I knew we shouldn't have forced him into that comparitive religion class at that stage of his development, but no one would listen to me!


Sorry again. Just let us know if he gives you any more trouble.



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Murta, what was that little thing we were fighting about?! I say we put the past behind us! What-what?


Oh yeah and by the way, Tim Schafer is around here somewhere. SOMEWHERE. *Points to Crookedline5 and waves frantically


Oh, whoops, look at the time. Ta ta everybody, I'm off to sit my English J. Cert Exam!!! :)


Wish me luck


Pray for me, if you will

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Hmmm alright then I was wrong...



It just seemed so obvious...just to add up:

-He registered one day after Mek got banned

-He called himself god

-His posts were confusing

-He was being a smart-ass...



Anyway glad its sorted out.








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*(Wonders to self, now how did Edlib trace me to this pirate-infested little island...?)*


No harm, done, Deadmeat X...although you did end my fun with 'Yaweh' a *bit* prematurely. :D It was a coincidence that drove you insane (don't they always?) in the first place. Random events--no deeper meanings, no life lessons, nothing implied in the course of events. Coincidence, nothing personal. :dozey: It's happened to me (sorta):


Many moons ago, when I was still *fresh* at the XWA forum, I lit a match in a gas-filled room by making a religious statement in a thread. One of my main opponents in that debate was Ike, an admin. ENTIRELY by coincidence, there was a foul-up in the IP banning account and my number was blocked out of the forum. Enraged at Ike (the *obvious* culprit) I broke into the feedback forum with a puppet and said what I had to say.


Then found out that the ban was accidental. :eek: D'oh! Ike was so straightfaced about it, and I was very embarrassed. Egg on face, with bacon.


It could happen to any one of us. ;)


Yufster: Unless you're Martha Stewart, it ain't happening. *(Suddenly squeals with manic joy.)* You are, aren't you? YOU'RE MARTHA STEWART!!! It all makes sense now...the sports model boob job, the Rodeo Drive hair, and also this explains why you weren't at that hearing today--you're holed up in Ireland with a computer. Martha, my precious, wait until you see the cheese log I garnished for you. Let us roll in epicurian interior design hog heaven and *baste the turkey* on high thread-count lavender print sheets. :D


Big Al: Here's the kicker--if I were a computer program, would I be aware of it? I might be stuck in a holodeck program right now and never even know it.


Neil: Yes, I am Tina Turner. *(Sings 'Rolling on the River' and screws it up horribly.)* Hmm, too white? Okay, I'm not Tina Turner at all.


Interesting to see that Aresen's reputation goes ahead of it! ;) It wasn't me who taught those kids how to spam like big fat dogs in the sun, nooooooooooooo...

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Originally posted by Yufster

Murta, what was that little thing we were fighting about?! I say we put the past behind us! What-what?


Oh yeah and by the way, Tim Schafer is around here somewhere. SOMEWHERE. *Points to Crookedline5 and waves frantically


Oh, whoops, look at the time. Ta ta everybody, I'm off to sit my English J. Cert Exam!!! :)


Wish me luck


Pray for me, if you will


To quote Old School "you're crazy, i like you man, but you're crazy" and if you think you get my support for your whole NiKo vs You thing, you're wrong :)

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

*(Wonders to self, now how did Edlib trace me to this pirate-infested little island...?)*

Don't tell him I told you, but Nine hired me to keep a close tail on you. But wait! *Looks down* I see you already have one! :D


Actually, I just happened to click on your profile where it told me what your last post was. Curious to see that you were wandering outside the safe environs of the space-game neigborhood into uncharted waters, I had to see for myself what kind of confusion you were spreading abroad.


Another succesful attack and invasion,.. uh, excuse me... diplomatic foray, to a new land ripe for potential exploitation... full of new friends!



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