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Originally posted by Lord_Vessen

Alright. You can go ahead and "defend" yourself. I will not interject again.:rolleyes:



Mods, you might as well close this thread. Its just going to turn into a roast.


Why don't you shut up, it isn't going to turn into a roast. You want to confront me do it now come on then , i don't care.


Im fed up of people doubting me all the time, you want to push me you will regret it. :mad:

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Alright. You can go ahead and "defend" yourself. I will not interject again.


Mods, you might as well close this thread. Its just going to turn into a roast.


Like I said in the spoiler, this is going to turn into a roast...


I Can Tell The Future!


Why don't you shut up, it isn't going to turn into a roast. You want to confront me do it now come on then you f**ker, i don't give a s**t.


If I wanted to be cussed by 12 year olds wannabes, I would go and play Delta Force right now. Also, I would quit while your ahead Reaper. Ranting and Raving isn't the way to get onto everyone's buddy list.

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Originally posted by Lord_Vessen

Like I said in the spoiler, this is going to turn into a roast...


I Can Tell The Future!




If I wanted to be cussed by 12 year olds wannabes, I would go and play Delta Force right now. Also, I would quit while your ahead Reaper. Ranting and Raving isn't the way to get onto everyone's buddy list.


I know it is going off topic, im defending myself from stupid hypocrites. Stop posting spoliers and post it full, im 13 actually not 12. I'm not a wannabe, you are really going to regret this now you ass.

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Reaper ain't no troll. He is an admin at another forum and he is one of the only people to keep that place alive and free of spammish posts from its members.


This, I know is off topic, but I'll be the one to end it. I may not be a mod at these forums, but I do my best to keep the rules. Warning others is OK off topic so the spam stops. So stop it, both of you. I suggest taking each other on in an MSN convo or something...

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Hey guys, I've been reding this thread and it makes me a bit mad about somethings. I know you guys don't know me and I hope it'll stay this way because I've got the feeling that there's a lot of lack of respect for each others opinion. We may express our opinion as long as we don't hurt other people, and you guys fall all about Reaper and tell him to back off and you guys keep hitting on him.

Try not to be so touchy when it comes to other peoples opinions or if people say something you don't like. I've been attacked so often because I don't always agree with some one but be honoust, do you always 'beat' a person up because he doesn't agree with you?

So behave like normal people and forget all your differences, we are all humans and we should make these forums a nice place to come to and we're here for the pleasure right?

So let's keep it nice and pleasent, and don't attack me because of this, I'm an outstander to everything that happened before this, just came up to this thread and it really bugged me.

Hope you guys will understand it, and we can pass as people who respect each other!!!

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just going to say this for everybody...


If you have a problem with a member you are NOT to take it onto the main boards where everybody can rain their fire down upon the subject. We don't like flame wars at all. No matter who it is you are trashing, we still don't want that junk on our forums.


You have a Private Message system at your disposal. Try to use it and don't try ruining threads with flame wars.

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