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practice arena


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I was wondering if there would be a "practice arena" on Yavin 4 to learn on between missions? The ns_streets level in JO seemed kind of abrupt - giving us a new weapon and not really getting a chance to learn how to use it effectively. I'd like to have an arena to fight some robots or practice drones - maybe even a kind of ladder - before being thrown to the wolves without learning some nice moves to put on the enemy. JO had a couple of these on the Yavin level, but you never got to use them. Of course I'm assuming you're going to be returning to Yavin between most of the missions.


Just a thought.

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I don't see why there couldn't be one.....it is Jedi Acadamy after all, you are being trained in the ways of the force. Anything is possible....but I do think it would be a nice feature to add. :)

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I would say that if it's going to delay the game I'd rather have the game. One could figure out the mechanics as one played. I found it pretty intuitive once I got going. I'd hate to have a delay because someone wanted to put in a tutorial.

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Originally posted by TheBlueFlamingo

I sure hope they dont just plop the academy from JO into JA to save time. I thought the academy in JO was verry undetailed, just big rooms with no real charachter, no feeling of a great place where jedi had been in the past and where jedi would emerge in the future.


But remember ... this *IS* just an abandoned temple that the rebels turned into a base (you did you into that room, didn't you?). I thought it was fine ... I remember from the 'Jedi Academy' books descriptions from up on the roof of a temple, I would like to see that - but I'm not sweating it ...



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Originally posted by StormHammer

Yeah, I like the idea of a practice arena as well. Somewhere to try out new weapons, new moves, new Force powers etc., against some 'dummy' targets.


That's a really cool thought ... !


I had just been thinking about an initial training tutorial thing ... but it would be cool to have a character be able to use a firing range, and also do saber / Force practice between missions.



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I'm all for it. Maybe at the start, before your first mission, you would have to duel....someone. As a sign of the completion of your in-house training.


Unfortunately, I don't get the feeling This'll be in JA, but you never know.

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Originally posted by Reprehence

I would say that if it's going to delay the game I'd rather have the game. One could figure out the mechanics as one played. I found it pretty intuitive once I got going. I'd hate to have a delay because someone wanted to put in a tutorial.

I wouldn't worry about that. If it wasn't planned for the game from the beginning, then it won't be put in at this late stage. That's just not how games are made :)


Originally posted by txa1265

[but remember ... this *IS* just an abandoned temple that the rebels turned into a base (you did you into that room, didn't you?)./B]

I did. And if you check out the big situation display, it still looks like the Death Star will be in firing range in 5 minutes...
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Originally posted by Prime

I did. And if you check out the big situation display, it still looks like the Death Star will be in firing range in 5 minutes...


... just in case you didn't recognize it ... I was looking at it for a bit the other day while playing through again, and while it is nice to see that 'war room' again, it seems silly to have it stuck there. A nicer touch would have been to have a switch that would have put that into play. Oh well, no biggie :)



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Originally posted by Prime:


I did. And if you check out the big situation display, it still looks like the Death Star will be in firing range in 5 minutes...

'ommage. ;)


Originally posted by TheBlueFlamingo:


I sure hope they dont just plop the academy from JO into JA to save time. I thought the academy in JO was verry undetailed, just big rooms with no real charachter, no feeling of a great place where jedi had been in the past and where jedi would emerge in the future.

I loved their vision of the Academy. I wish they'd made it more sprawling, more to explore. But it was very nice. Peaceful. It gave me an urge to meditate. :D
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  • 4 weeks later...

I'd love to have a tutorial in the game. Maybe even you could choose your master, Luke, Kyle...


As for the temple, I did find it kind of bland, just repeated textures with big rooms and stuff. The thing is it looks and fits the discription of it. So I hope they just modify or add to the existing JO temple.

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Well, seeing it is an academy, I would like to see some form of training or learning involved in the academy!!!


And that would be a great and fun way to do it, learning some new moves and maybe takin on some snot ball students once in a blue moon :p

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Yeah it would be great, you would be able to go and practice between any mission, testing your new skills. New training areas could be unlocked when you unlock new forcepowers.


And yes the academy was pretty boring, but had a nice overall peacefull atmosphere...

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Remember the opening cutscene from MotS, with Kyle and Mara sparring? I would love to have 'training duels' like that.


I think anything they could do to allow you to waste time ... err ... explore between missions, would only increase the enjoyment. ANything would be better than just a cutscene of getting new missions, choosing one, getting anothet cutscene and being done ...



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