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Any good Animés out there?


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Originally posted by Jubatus

What LeXX said, but I'll add Urotsukidouji: Legend of the Overfiend - my favourite.


Note: It's the first in a series of 3 movies, but you'll only wanna watch the first; the second is watchable but you wanna avoid the 3rd outright, no messing.


Can I say... p0rn mixed with extreme violence? http://www.moviesforguys.com/sci-fi/reviews/overfiend.shtml



How old are u?! :eek:

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old enough to be you grandddaddies brothers best friends wifes grand daughters former roommate :D :D :D


im not but what some people dont realise is that THEIR NOT REAL they are drawings not real porn my dad even laughs when he sees the ratings for the anime thats on tv

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How about A Kite. it's a bit hard but absolutly wicked. then there is also Vision of Escaflown and Golden Boy(that is really perverted, but appart from that it's quite fun to watch). I haven't seen Inuyasha yet but it looks pritty cool, so you could take a sneak in that one too.


those are the pritty much the best I've seen. At the moment I'm busy creating a Manga but If I find some more goodone I'll tell ya.



P.S.: Ever heard about Zoe (or Zone of the Enders)? It's a wicked game(though only for PS2) witch anime characters and a great story!

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That's D&R is just a mind-numbing crunch-up of the entire series into a few hours. Major head owchie.


EoE was one of the kewlest things I've ever seen. It's got the best ending ever too! The world turns into a gigantic vat of beer and Supreme Overlord Pen-Pen rules over all!

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

That's D&R is just a mind-numbing crunch-up of the entire series into a few hours. Major head owchie.


EoE was one of the kewlest things I've ever seen. It's got the best ending ever too! The world turns into a gigantic vat of beer and Supreme Overlord Pen-Pen rules over all!


Poor Pen Pen... bloody Asuka and Shinji! DON'T FIGHT IN FRONT OF THE PENGUIN! AH!!

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  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by Arreat

I'll name some of the "best" ones.



Ultimate Muscle


Monster Ranchers

Sailor Moon





ok i you wherent just joking there then you NEED to be drug out into the street and shot in the knees


but if you where just joking then you can live FOR NOW :D :D :D

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Originally posted by Arreat

I'll name some of the "best" ones.



Ultimate Muscle


Monster Ranchers

Sailor Moon





ok i you wherent just joking there then you NEED to be drug out into the street and shot in the knees


but if you where just joking then you can live FOR NOW

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Originally posted by legameboy

I love Rouroni Kenshin, it's my absalute favorite! :D


if you have only seen it in engligh then you should see it in japanese with engligh subtitles couse thats how I saw it the first time and now I cant watchit on tv because I ****in hate the way that they sound plus they only say Battousai in english but in japanese they say the hitokiri battousai which also bugs me

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I'll name some of the "best" ones.



Ultimate Muscle


Monster Ranchers

Sailor Moon



but Digimon, Monster Ranchers, Sailor Moon, and Yu-Gi-oh are for little kids. wouldn't you be a little more interested in somthing more your age group?


I have to say I just cant stand Anmine. They are too moody, and imature. They cry for practically no reason, then go to this cute pout, then scream their heads off. Why? Because someone didn't eat the red one last.

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I'm not trying to piss anyone off but maybe he's a ten year old and is into that stuff:rolleyes: ME I like Beterman, Gundam stuff, and so many I can remenber. Everytime i get asked this i remember something diff lol. I like em all:D Yu Yu hakushow was cool too.

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I'm just curiouse but why do some poeple like anmine so much? If it isn't cuz they're just queer pervs.


When a normal person sees some girl shriek at the sight of a rat with her pig tails shooting up into the air majorly overly exagerated and she then starts balling her eyeballs out and slumps on her neeks in a puddle of tears. Then some guy pats her on the shoulder and she suddely stops crying and pouts. Then he says somthing and she flares red and yells in his face so that his hair is being blown back. Then she stops turns around pouts, complains a bit, and then starts bauling again, they think, LIKE HOLY **** MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I would burst into laphter at the thought of some fat chinese perv enjoying it and taking it seriously.


While my mom would go "oh yeah right!" and make a big pft. and leave the room shaking her head in disblalief. thinking to herself that it's a silly kids show. not knowing of corse that this is watched by grown men over in japan.


I just can't imagine a sane person liking this ****.

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Originally posted by Bickus_Dickus

I'm just curiouse but why do some poeple like anmine so much? If it isn't cuz they're just queer pervs.


When a normal person sees some girl shriek at the sight of a rat with her pig tails shooting up into the air majorly overly exagerated and she then starts balling her eyeballs out and slumps on her neeks in a puddle of tears. Then some guy pats her on the shoulder and she suddely stops crying and pouts. Then he says somthing and she flares red and yells in his face so that his hair is being blown back. Then she stops turns around pouts, complains a bit, and then starts bauling again, they think, LIKE HOLY **** MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I would burst into laphter at the thought of some fat chinese perv enjoying it and taking it seriously.


While my mom would go "oh yeah right!" and make a big pft. and leave the room shaking her head in disblalief. thinking to herself that it's a silly kids show. not knowing of corse that this is watched by grown men over in japan.


I just can't imagine a sane person liking this ****.



You must have only seen salor moon............


seriously go watch cowboy beebop or Gundam Wing or Outlaw Star, cause aparantly you are missing al the action. your watching the "soaps" of the anime world.


soaps meaning soap operas (spelled that wrong:D)

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I've seen Sailor Moon, Digamon, Pokemon, DBZ, Gundam, metabots and a few others, and they're all the same old crap.


Japanese people all draw the same, and they can only draw three facial expressiosn, angry, crying, pouting.


There are a few good ones out there though. I have rarely seen realistic seriouse anmine but I have seen it. I can think of two occasions. One my avatar which is from a comic miniserese called "Eden Trails" and another comic serese called "The clan of the spider ninjas" (or somthing very similar.)


But the last time I saw salor moon was when I was 10. That was eight years ago. But I still remember the horor.

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Originally posted by Mandalorian54

I'm just curiouse but why do some poeple like anmine so much? If it isn't cuz they're just queer pervs.


When a normal person sees some girl shriek at the sight of a rat with her pig tails shooting up into the air majorly overly exagerated and she then starts balling her eyeballs out and slumps on her neeks in a puddle of tears. Then some guy pats her on the shoulder and she suddely stops crying and pouts. Then he says somthing and she flares red and yells in his face so that his hair is being blown back. Then she stops turns around pouts, complains a bit, and then starts bauling again, they think, LIKE HOLY **** MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I would burst into laphter at the thought of some fat chinese perv enjoying it and taking it seriously.


While my mom would go "oh yeah right!" and make a big pft. and leave the room shaking her head in disblalief. thinking to herself that it's a silly kids show. not knowing of corse that this is watched by grown men over in japan.


I just can't imagine a sane person liking this ****.


Well sure it isn't that what you described, why I love personally animé so much.... for me it's fantasy....sometimes sadness...the longing for a better world or for something undescribeable that's in your heart.

Also the mystic things that take generally place in animés are things some guys like me want to see...

seigh...I think this and a few things more make animés so great:)

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