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Best ways to get sick so you don't have to go to school.


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I have in school suspension for calling people names (because they called me names) and saying (jokingly) that I argued with my parents about killing annoying people. So I need a bunch of ways to get real sick so that I don't have to go to school on Monday and Tuesday (those are the only days they can send me to ISS because the others are half days). If any of you users out there know a way to get sick for two days, please tell me! By the way, I'm not going to do drugs to get sick;) .

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Well what you culd do is fake it. Just put on a real convincing act, say you're dizzy and naucious, don't walk in a straight line, if they think you have a fever and decide to take your tempature, just put the thermometer on top of your tounge.

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I'm not going to have my classes taught by an idiot without a degree. It's not like you do anything there, and I'd rather be sick and miss it than have it put on my permanent record. Nate: Previous records of jokingly talking about weapons and calling people names. He appears very dangerous.

Come on! There are people with tons more problems than me. I'm not going to let them send me to in school suspension! By the way, Ed, our school system in Fairfax County is very strict. What kind of dumb schooling system sends you to in school suspension (which is sitting there having your classes taught by an under educated person in a windowless room. I'm not joking, that's what it is) for calling people idiots or jerks?! I've got to move away.

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I'm not going to have my classes taught by an idiot without a degree.
Whats makes you be able to say that, i dont think your any smarter if you talk about weapons (openly, or brag not sure what you do) and call people names(Man rejects, ridicules, and retaliates but God embraces, accepts, and forgives - Duane Alan Hahn, show your better).


It's not like you do anything there, and I'd rather be sick and miss it than have it put on my permanent record
actually, you do, do something there, learn, you still learn, because they made it in school so that they could still teach you. Oh and weather you show up or not it goes on your permanent record, they most likely already have it on there.


Come on! There are people with tons more problems than me. I'm not going to let them send me to in school suspension!
There might be more perople with more problems then you but then can only go one person at a time and they gotta fix the little "problems" you have now.


What kind of dumb schooling system sends you to in school suspension (which is sitting there having your classes taught by an under educated person in a windowless room. I'm not joking, that's what it is) for calling people idiots or jerks?!
Tons of "stupid" schooling systems do that because then your really getting punished, your not going home and playing video games while you miss out on importent lessons, your sitting at school away from other kids untill you can handle your self and still get taught while your at it, its not a stupid school system at all actually its genius, plus no matter where you go they all have in-school suspensions.
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Mamba is right. It's going on your record anyway, you deserve it cause you put the saying "Eye for an eye" in action instead of shrugging it off (Just saying, don't get pissed), and the in school suspension is a good action that some schools would have never considered.

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I'm not going to have my classes taught by an idiot without a degree.


Degree or no degree, he surely knows more than you, and the point is to allow him to impart some of that to you. Afterall, you got yourself into it.


Come on! There are people with tons more problems than me. I'm not going to let them send me to in school suspension!

That's exactly what every other "problemed" kid says. They can't have them all give the same excuse.


I hope you change your ways, Nate :indif:

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