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How different is a PvP server?


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I've never played an MMOG before. I was wondering how different an unofficial PvP server, like Valcyn, would be from a normal server. Would it be like practicaly everyone being a combat character and there'd be a lack of Entertainers and Artisans?


Also a few people have told me that PvP servers suck compared to normal servers. Is that true?

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Well, PvP servers don't necessarily suck, it's all what kind of gameplay you enjoy. If you love crafting systems and economy, then perhaps a PvP server isn't for you. But wait a second! Some one has to supply all those weapons to all those soldiers. And someone has to heal all those battle wounds of all those warriors.

So, the only difference there'll probably be is this: Everyone will probably have some sort of minor combat skills; seeing as how almost everyone will be involved in PvP.

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there will still be pvp on the rp server right?? i mean if it fits into peoples story and stuff.


for example say a crafter/////unoficial loan shark......loans some money and then the loanee doesn't pay back couldn't there possibly be a duel over this conflict?

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An interesting problem with the PvP servers is the eliquant rhyming verse PvPers will use. It's quite amazing really. Many have even mastered a very interesting usage of prose. Who would have ever guess that the genitals could be so interesting?[/heavy sarcasm]


Seriously though...you'll find alot of people with their minds in the gutter on PvP servers. If you enjoy talking about how long yours is then by all means have fun in PvP land. If you enjoy SOME ounce of civility then I'd think about avoiding the more popular PvP servers.


Anyway, like everyone has said...even on the most dedicated RP servers there will be plenty of PvP combat and vis versa.

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You'll see roleplaying on both RP servers, PvP servers and regular servers.


You'll see player vs player on both RP servers, PvP servers and regular servers.


You'll see non-combatant players on both RP servers, PvP servers and regular servers.


You'll see non-stop combat players on both RP servers, PvP servrs and regular servers.


The only difference is where the emphasis is. All elements of the game will be available on all servers, but the experience will be different. And yes, the sociopathic CS players will mostly play on PvP servers, which serves as one major argument against them. But also, the "I can't roleplay, I don't know any history or linguistics, so I'll just throw a lot of -th around and totally molest the english language, especially the word 'thou' and therefore act as a complete twat on EQ RP servers"-people will be on RP servers, which serves as one major argument against them.


See? Not an easy choise. :p



EDIT: What can I say? I hate those buggers! If you haven't read any medieval english, then don't pretend you know it, because you'll annoy the hell out of those who actually do. For instance, such a simple fact as that in medieval english, the word "you" would be used when referring to persons of higher or equal station, while "thou" would be used to persons who are not worthy of your acknowledge. Peasants, stallboys, harlots etc. You know how many times I've seen paladins bowing and scraping to a lord, and immediately afterwards speak to him as if they spoke to a wench? Come on! Just leave the make-believe language at home, it does more hurt than it helps. You might impress Joe Schmuck, age 12, but anyone who has the slightest knowledge of the history of the english language will find you incredibly annoying.



Yes. This is a pet peeve. And yes, I overreact. But there is never an excuse for having a bad language, when it is volountary to use it. I mean, I have total respect for those who might not be the best writers in english. If your grammar suck, it's ok; you most likely have tons of good sides that compensate, and as long as you do your best, cudos to you; as long as I can figure out what you mean, I'm perfectly fine with your language. But when you venture into a virtual raping of a language, without no real reason, it's a completely different thing! And mind you, this is not my mother language you molest, but still, my love for the language makes me so desperate that I'll crawl over to your house and sever your power lines, with my own health at stake, merely to preserve what little dignity english has left after the fake minstrels of EQ are done with it.


Phew. I guess that's an official rant by now. From my heart, to your dustbin. ;)

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