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So who's getting Harry Potter?


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Just thought I'd ask around.

Our local Books a'Million is having a Harry Potter party at a special midnight sale. My Mom has been hopping up and down in anticipation of going out there at 12:00. I'm thinking about taking my camera along to get some pictures of these nuts. I mean you'd think they'd pick something better...you know like wait outside of a theater for 2 months to be the first inside to see Episode III.:rolleyes:;)

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Personally, I hated the books, the movies were ok but the second one put me to sleep. I prefer Tom Clancy though. Reading Rainbow Six and The Bear and the Dragon<-----This one is a summer reading choice for my school including Star Wars: Rogue Planet>. The craze of Harry Potter is too much...not saying that staying outside for three months just to watch The Phantom Menance isn't bad enough...

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Dang...I really should have brought my camera.

There were nearly 300 people packed into Books a'Million...I couldn't believe it! We had to park 3 parking lots over! It was crazy...


Accidentally picked up the book and started reading it last night...stayed up till 4:00 reading it...got about 5 or 6 chapters in. It's deffinatly losing the childish themes I can tell you that...it's getting much darker and you can just feel Teenage vibes coming off Harry.

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I was at a friend's house when I saw it. The kid's mom went down to Books a' Million and bought it for him. We couldn't get him off it once he started. Eventually he got off though. I'm going to get it soon, but it costs $30.00! I also heard this guy on eBay got a very early copy and sold it for 45,000! Those things go for real high prices!

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Originally posted by Natopo

I was at a friend's house when I saw it. The kid's mom went down to Books a' Million and bought it for him. We couldn't get him off it once he started. Eventually he got off though. I'm going to get it soon, but it costs $30.00! I also heard this guy on eBay got a very early copy and sold it for 45,000! Those things go for real high prices!


If price is the problem, Barnesandnoble.com is selling it for 18 bucks. For a limited time, I'm sure - so hurry!

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I have a copy and I think it costed roughly 18 bucks w/ tax. I haven't gotten very far in it (new baby demanding attention and all) I brought it to work to read on my break. But I barely have gotten to peak at the forum w/ all the chaos going around. I like the book so far...just a little slower than the others and really I could do without at least 100 of the pages i read. I loved the other books, I just hope JK hasn't fallen into some sort of thing where she's trying quantity over quality, which is the feeling I'm getting in this book. Then again Steven King always takes forever and fills your head with a bunch of crap that doesn't make sence until the very last chapter, when it all falls into place and you slap your head like a moron. So maybe there is hope!

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I have not read any of the books for seen any of the movies. Just not my bag. In fact, I did not know that there was a new one coming out. :confused: Oh well.


My girlfriend is not a fan either, but she was read all the books so far and saw both movies (I think there are only two of them). I am sure she will end up reading this one too sometime. :D

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It's also proof your a damn fast reader...I've spent hours and hours on it and I'm a little over half way. I'm a slowish reader when it comes to the really good books, but that doesn't matter because I will remember it so well. I remember quite a bit of the Thrawn Trilogy even though they were the first 3 books I read of Star Wars and have not reread them since. I read the first of them when I was 5 or 6. (probably should go back and reread them though...probably missed several insites aimed for adult readers)


Anyway, what I've read so far is great...alot of it is so twisted you just want to jump up and down because of the injustice done...it's that absorbing.



More than 8 million may not be enough. J.K. Rowling's fifth book in the Harry Potter series is being snapped up at stores across the country and has the possibility of, poof!, making publishing records disappear.


"We expected to sell 1 million copies in the first week and we sold that many within the first 48 hours," Barnes & Noble CEO Steve Riggio said Sunday as "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" set records around the world in its first weekend.


Some retailers had worried that even an enormous first printing - 8.5 million just in the United States - wouldn't last long enough to keep up with demand. A lot of latecomers found themselves settling for a mere pre-order in place of a book.


Riggio said many Barnes & Noble stores had run out of copies, but that more would arrive "over the next few days." The Book House in Albany, N.Y., sold out its 1,050 copies of the book, even though it limited purchases to two per person.


"The book has now broken all our sales records and there is no doubt that this will be the best selling book we have ever stocked," said Tesco book buyer Caroline Ridding.


Rowling's first four Potter books have sold an estimated 192 million copies worldwide and have been published in at least 55 languages and distributed in more than 200 countries. Movies were made of the first two books and a third will be released next year.


All the hype for Harry didn't stop critics from enjoying "Order of the Phoenix." The New York Times, in a rare front page review, praised the author's "bravura storytelling skills and tirelessly inventive imagination." USA Today cited Rowling's "wonderful, textured writing." The Associated Press said: "It was worth the wait. And then some."


Lights burned all through the weekend as Potter fans didn't let anything as silly as sleep keep them from working through the 870-page book.


Eleven-year-old Geronimo "G" Gisleson, of New Orleans, received his copy Saturday and was up to page 650 by midday Sunday.


When his mother, Susan, went into his room Sunday morning, she realized he'd been reading all night, using the light from a bathroom across the hall that had been left on as a night light for his younger brother.


"He was sprawled on the floor with the book next to him," she said.

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I'm a relatively fast reader (faster or as fast as all my classmates, not sure how I'd compare to an adult, though), I'd reckon that I finished it in about 6 or 7 hours. A really great book, it really picks up during the second half-- I had an extremely hard time pulling myself away from it. :D I just hope the next book doesn't take three years to write... :)


EDIT: A single sitting, Clefo?!!! That's pretty darn impressive! :cool:


BTW, my book id only 766 pages... :confused:

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Ha! To all of you! I got my Potter topday, the day I went looking for it, and you'll never guess where...


That's right KROGER. Who'd ever think to look for Potter at Kroger eh? ;)


Anyway I'm off to stay up all night with the Pottery goodness so I can theorize with my friends on what will happen in the last two books. :)

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Originally posted by Praetorian

I need a refresher...is Kroger a grocery store or what?


We don't have them in Florida, and it's been a while since I've seen one.


Yep, your right. Its a grocery store. I did not know they sold novels at grocery stores. Interesting. Maybe it was like a Kroger Plus, or a Super Kroger?

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It might as wqell be called Super Kroger, cause they are almost exactly like the Neighborhood Walmart which is right down the street. Lots of food, but also other things.


And yes they have a small book section, which got abot 50 of the Potter Books! :p


The display overwhelmed their little book section. :D


Anyway 1/3 the way through and I can already feel the angst in Harry. :D

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